%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1107727656" format="1.0" version="2"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="TWikiTipsOfTheDay"}% ---+ RSS news feed of topic changes You can use an RSS news reader to find out what is new in a TWiki web. This complements WebChanges that shows recent changes in a web, and WebNotify where people can subscribe to get notified of recent changes by e-mail. For the %MAINWEB% web, point your RSS news reader to: %SCRIPTURL%/view%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%MAINWEB%/WebRss For other TWiki webs, replace =/%MAINWEB%/= with the name of the web: %WEBLIST{ format=" * %SCRIPTURL%/view%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/$name/WebRss " }% __See also:__ * WebRssBase - help on TWiki RSS news feeds * TWiki:Codev/TWikiSyndication - TWiki RSS news feed documentation [[%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiTipsOfTheDay][See More Tips...]] -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 06 Feb 2005