head 1.5; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.5 date 2006.; author TWikiContributor; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date 2006.; author TWikiContributor; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date 2004.; author PeterThoeny; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date 2003.; author PeterThoeny; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2002.; author PeterThoeny; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @none @ 1.5 log @buildrelease @ text @%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1111929255" format="1.0" version="5"}% %STARTINCLUDE% * You are currently in the %INCLUDINGWEB% web. The color code for this web is this background, so you know where you are. * If you are not familiar with the %WIKITOOLNAME% collaboration platform, please visit %TWIKIWEB%.WelcomeGuest first. %STOPINCLUDE% --- * The description above briefly explains how a background color corresponds to a particular web. It can be included within other topics using the following directive:

=%INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.YouAreHere"}%= * [[%SCRIPTURLPATH{"search"}%/%WEB%?scope=text&regex=on&web=all&search=INCLUDE.*YouAreHere&casesensitive=on&nosummary=on&nototal=on][List]] all topics which include this topic. @ 1.4 log @buildrelease @ text @d1 1 a1 1 %META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1111929255" format="1.0" version="4"}% d3 2 a4 2 * You are currently in the %INCLUDINGWEB% web. The color code for this web is this background, so you know where you are. * If you are not familiar with the %WIKITOOLNAME% collaboration platform, please visit %TWIKIWEB%.WelcomeGuest first. d8 2 a9 2 * The description above briefly explains how a background color corresponds to a particular web. It can be included within other topics using the following directive:

=%INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.YouAreHere"}%= d11 1 a11 1 * [[%SCRIPTURLPATH{"search"}%/%WEB%?scope=text&regex=on&web=all&search=INCLUDE.*YouAreHere&casesensitive=on&nosummary=on&nototal=on][List]] all topics which include this topic. @ 1.3 log @none @ text @d1 1 a1 1 %META:TOPICINFO{author="PeterThoeny" date="1092606530" format="1.0" version="1.3"}% d3 2 a4 2 * You are currently in the %INCLUDINGWEB% web. The color code for this web is this background, so you know where you are. * If you are not familiar with the %WIKITOOLNAME% collaboration platform, please visit %TWIKIWEB%.WelcomeGuest first. d8 1 a8 1 * The description above briefly explains how a background color corresponds to a particular web. It is included within other topics using the following directive:

d11 1 a11 1 * [[%SCRIPTURL%/search%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%?scope=text&regex=on&web=all&search=INCLUDE.*YouAreHere&casesensitive=on&nosummary=on&nototal=on][List]] all topics which include this topic. @ 1.2 log @none @ text @d1 12 a12 11 %META:TOPICINFO{author="PeterThoeny" date="1042965825" format="1.0" version="1.2"}% %STARTINCLUDE% * You are currently in the %INCLUDINGWEB% web. The color code for this web is this background, so you know where you are. * If you are not familiar with the %WIKITOOLNAME% collaboration platform, please visit %TWIKIWEB%.WelcomeGuest first. %STOPINCLUDE% --- * The description above briefly explains how a background color corresponds to a particular web. It is included within other topics using the following directive:

=%INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.YouAreHere"}%= * [[%SCRIPTURL%/search%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%?scope=text&web=all&search=%25INCLUDE%7B%22%25TWIKIWEB%25.YouAreHere%22%7D%25&casesensitive=on&nosummary=on&nototal=on][List]] all topics which include this topic. @ 1.1 log @none @ text @d1 1 a1 1 %META:TOPICINFO{author="PeterThoeny" date="1018763486" format="1.0" version="1.1"}% d3 1 a3 1 * You are currently in the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%INCLUDINGWEB% web. The color code for this web is this background, so you know where you are. @