# Plugin for TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform, http://TWiki.org/
# Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Peter Thoeny, peter@thoeny.org
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For
# more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details, published at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
# As per the GPL, removal of this notice is prohibited.
# =========================
# This is part of TWiki's Spreadsheet Plugin.
# The code below is kept out of the main plugin module for
# performance reasons, so it doesn't get compiled until it
# is actually used.
package TWiki::Plugins::SpreadSheetPlugin::Calc;
use strict;
use Time::Local;
# =========================
use vars qw(
$web $topic $debug $dontSpaceRE
$renderingWeb @tableMatrix $cPos $rPos $escToken
%varStore @monArr @wdayArr %mon2num
$escToken = "\0";
%varStore = ();
$dontSpaceRE = "";
@monArr = ( "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" );
@wdayArr = ( "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" );
{ my $count = 0;
%mon2num = map { $_ => $count++ } @monArr;
# =========================
sub init
( $web, $topic, $debug ) = @_;
# initialize variables, once per page view
%varStore = ();
$dontSpaceRE = "";
# Module initialized
TWiki::Func::writeDebug( "- TWiki::Plugins::SpreadSheetPlugin::Calc::init( $web.$topic )" ) if $debug;
return 1;
# =========================
sub CALC
### my ( $text, $topic, $web ) = @_; # do not uncomment, use $_[0], $_[1]... instead
TWiki::Func::writeDebug( "- SpreadSheetPlugin::Calc::CALC( $_[2].$_[1] )" ) if $debug;
@tableMatrix = ();
$cPos = -1;
$rPos = -1;
my @result = ();
my $insidePRE = 0;
my $insideTABLE = 0;
my $line = "";
my $before = "";
my $cell = "";
my @row = ();
$_[0] =~ s/\r//go;
$_[0] =~ s/\\\n//go; # Join lines ending in "\"
foreach( split( /\n/, $_[0] ) ) {
# change state:
|i && ( $insidePRE = 1 );
m||i && ( $insidePRE = 1 );
|i && ( $insidePRE = 0 );
m||i && ( $insidePRE = 0 );
if( ! ( $insidePRE ) ) {
if( /^\s*\|.*\|\s*$/ ) {
# inside | table |
if( ! $insideTABLE ) {
$insideTABLE = 1;
@tableMatrix = (); # reset table matrix
$cPos = -1;
$rPos = -1;
$line = $_;
$line =~ s/^(\s*\|)(.*)\|\s*$/$2/o;
$before = $1;
@row = split( /\|/o, $line, -1 );
push( @tableMatrix, [ @row ] );
$line = "$before";
for( $cPos = 0; $cPos < @row; $cPos++ ) {
$cell = $row[$cPos];
$cell =~ s/%CALC\{(.*?)\}%/&doCalc($1)/geo;
$line .= "$cell|";
} else {
# outside | table |
if( $insideTABLE ) {
$insideTABLE = 0;
push( @result, $_ );
$_[0] = join( "\n", @result );
# =========================
sub doCalc
my( $theAttributes ) = @_;
my $text = &TWiki::Func::extractNameValuePair( $theAttributes );
# Add nesting level to parenthesis,
# e.g. "A(B())" gets "A-esc-1(B-esc-2(-esc-2)-esc-1)"
my $level = 0;
$text =~ s/([\(\)])/addNestingLevel($1, \$level)/geo;
$text = doFunc( "MAIN", $text );
if( ( $rPos >= 0 ) && ( $cPos >= 0 ) ) {
# update cell in table matrix
$tableMatrix[$rPos][$cPos] = $text;
return $text;
# =========================
sub addNestingLevel
my( $theParen, $theLevelRef ) = @_;
my $result = "";
if( $theParen eq "(" ) {
$result = "$escToken$$theLevelRef$theParen";
} else {
$result = "$escToken$$theLevelRef$theParen";
return $result;
# =========================
sub doFunc
my( $theFunc, $theAttr ) = @_;
$theAttr = "" unless( defined $theAttr );
TWiki::Func::writeDebug( "- SpreadSheetPlugin::Calc::doFunc: $theFunc( $theAttr ) start" ) if $debug;
unless( $theFunc =~ /^(IF|LISTIF|LISTMAP|NOEXEC)$/ ) {
# Handle functions recursively
$theAttr =~ s/\$([A-Z]+)$escToken([0-9]+)\((.*?)$escToken\2\)/&doFunc($1,$3)/geo;
# Clean up unbalanced mess
$theAttr =~ s/$escToken\-*[0-9]+([\(\)])/$1/go;
# else: delay the function handler to after parsing the parameters,
# in which case handling functions and cleaning up needs to be done later
my $result = "";
my $i = 0;
if( $theFunc eq "MAIN" ) {
$result = $theAttr;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "EXEC" ) {
# add nesting level escapes
my $level = 0;
$result = $theAttr;
$result =~ s/([\(\)])/addNestingLevel($1, \$level)/geo;
# execute functions in attribute recursively and clean up unbalanced parenthesis
$result =~ s/\$([A-Z]+)$escToken([0-9]+)\((.*?)$escToken\2\)/&doFunc($1,$3)/geo;
$result =~ s/$escToken\-*[0-9]+([\(\)])/$1/go;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "NOEXEC" ) {
$result = $theAttr;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "T" ) {
$result = "";
my @arr = getTableRange( "$theAttr..$theAttr" );
if( @arr ) {
$result = $arr[0];
} elsif( $theFunc eq "TRIM" ) {
$result = $theAttr || "";
$result =~ s/^\s*//o;
$result =~ s/\s*$//o;
$result =~ s/\s+/ /go;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "FORMAT" ) {
# Format FORMAT(TYPE, precision, value) returns formatted value -- JimStraus - 05 Jan 2003
my( $format, $res, $value ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr );
$format =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; #Strip leading and trailing spaces
$res =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
$value =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
if( $format eq "DOLLAR" ) {
my $neg = 1 if $value < 0;
$value = abs($value);
$result = sprintf("%0.${res}f", $value);
my $temp = reverse $result;
$temp =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
$result = "\$" . (scalar reverse $temp);
$result = "(".$result.")" if $neg;
} elsif( $format eq "COMMA" ) {
$result = sprintf("%0.${res}f", $value);
my $temp = reverse $result;
$temp =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
$result = scalar reverse $temp;
} elsif( $format eq "PERCENT" ) {
$result = sprintf("%0.${res}f%%", $value * 100);
} elsif( $format eq "NUMBER" ) {
$result = sprintf("%0.${res}f", $value);
} elsif( $format eq "K" ) {
$result = sprintf("%0.${res}f K", $value / 1024);
} elsif( $format eq "KB" ) {
$result = sprintf("%0.${res}f KB", $value / 1024);
} elsif ($format eq "MB") {
$result = sprintf("%0.${res}f MB", $value / (1024 * 1024));
} elsif( $format =~ /^KBMB/ ) {
$value /= 1024;
my @lbls = ( "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB" );
my $lbl = "KB";
while( $value >= 1024 && @lbls ) {
$value /= 1024;
$lbl = shift @lbls;
$result = sprintf("%0.${res}f", $value) . " $lbl";
} else {
# FORMAT not recognized, just return value
$result = $value;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "EXACT" ) {
$result = 0;
my( $str1, $str2 ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr, 2 );
$str1 = "" unless( $str1 );
$str2 = "" unless( $str2 );
$str1 =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/o; # cut leading and trailing spaces
$str2 =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/o;
$result = 1 if( $str1 eq $str2 );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "RAND" ) {
my $max = _getNumber( $theAttr );
$max = 1 if( $max <= 0 );
$result = rand( $max );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "VALUE" ) {
$result = _getNumber( $theAttr );
} elsif( $theFunc =~ /^(EVAL|INT)$/ ) {
$result = safeEvalPerl( $theAttr );
unless( $result =~ /^ERROR/ ) {
$result = int( _getNumber( $result ) ) if( $theFunc eq "INT" );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "ROUND" ) {
# ROUND(num, digits)
my( $num, $digits ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr, 2 );
$result = safeEvalPerl( $num );
unless( $result =~ /^ERROR/ ) {
$result = _getNumber( $result );
if( ( $digits ) && ( $digits =~ s/^.*?(\-?[0-9]+).*$/$1/o ) && ( $digits ) ) {
my $factor = 10**$digits;
$result *= $factor;
( $result >= 0 ) ? ( $result += 0.5 ) : ( $result -= 0.5 );
$result = int( $result );
$result /= $factor;
} else {
( $result >= 0 ) ? ( $result += 0.5 ) : ( $result -= 0.5 );
$result = int( $result );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "MOD" ) {
$result = 0;
my( $num1, $num2 ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr, 2 );
$num1 = _getNumber( $num1 );
$num2 = _getNumber( $num2 );
if( $num1 && $num2 ) {
$result = $num1 % $num2;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "ODD" ) {
$result = _getNumber( $theAttr ) % 2;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "EVEN" ) {
$result = ( _getNumber( $theAttr ) + 1 ) % 2;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "AND" ) {
$result = 0;
my @arr = getListAsInteger( $theAttr );
foreach $i( @arr ) {
unless( $i ) {
$result = 0;
$result = 1;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "OR" ) {
$result = 0;
my @arr = getListAsInteger( $theAttr );
foreach $i( @arr ) {
if( $i ) {
$result = 1;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "NOT" ) {
$result = 1;
$result = 0 if( _getNumber( $theAttr ) );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "ABS" ) {
$result = abs( _getNumber( $theAttr ) );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "SIGN" ) {
$i = _getNumber( $theAttr );
$result = 0;
$result = 1 if( $i > 0 );
$result = -1 if( $i < 0 );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "IF" ) {
# IF(condition, value if true, value if false)
my( $condition, $str1, $str2 ) = _properSplit( $theAttr, 3 );
# with delay, handle functions in condition recursively and clean up unbalanced parenthesis
$condition =~ s/\$([A-Z]+)$escToken([0-9]+)\((.*?)$escToken\2\)/&doFunc($1,$3)/geo;
$condition =~ s/$escToken\-*[0-9]+([\(\)])/$1/go;
$condition =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/o;
$result = safeEvalPerl( $condition );
unless( $result =~ /^ERROR/ ) {
if( $result ) {
$result = $str1;
} else {
$result = $str2;
$result = "" unless( defined( $result ) );
# with delay, handle functions in result recursively and clean up unbalanced parenthesis
$result =~ s/\$([A-Z]+)$escToken([0-9]+)\((.*?)$escToken\2\)/&doFunc($1,$3)/geo;
$result =~ s/$escToken\-*[0-9]+([\(\)])/$1/go;
} # else return error message
} elsif( $theFunc eq "UPPER" ) {
$result = uc( $theAttr );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LOWER" ) {
$result = lc( $theAttr );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "PROPER" ) {
$result = lc( $theAttr );
$result =~ s/(^|[^a-z])([a-z])/$1 . uc($2)/geo;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "PROPERSPACE" ) {
$result = _properSpace( $theAttr );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "CHAR" ) {
if( $theAttr =~ /([0-9]+)/ ) {
$i = $1;
} else {
$i = 0;
$i = 255 if $i > 255;
$i = 0 if $i < 0;
$result = chr( $i );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "REPEAT" ) {
my( $str, $num ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr, 2 );
$str = "" unless( defined( $str ) );
$num = _getNumber( $num );
$result = "$str" x $num;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "CODE" ) {
$result = ord( $theAttr );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LENGTH" ) {
$result = length( $theAttr );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "ROW" ) {
$i = $theAttr || 0;
$result = $rPos + $i + 1;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "COLUMN" ) {
$i = $theAttr || 0;
$result = $cPos + $i + 1;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LEFT" ) {
$i = $rPos + 1;
$result = "R$i:C0..R$i:C$cPos";
} elsif( $theFunc eq "ABOVE" ) {
$i = $cPos + 1;
$result = "R0:C$i..R$rPos:C$i";
} elsif( $theFunc eq "RIGHT" ) {
$i = $rPos + 1;
$result = "R$i:C$cPos..R$i:C32000";
} elsif( $theFunc eq "DEF" ) {
# Format DEF(list) returns first defined cell
# Added by MF 26/3/2002, fixed by PeterThoeny
my @arr = getList( $theAttr );
foreach my $cell ( @arr ) {
if( $cell ) {
$cell =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/o;
if( $cell ) {
$result = $cell;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "MAX" ) {
my @arr = sort { $a <=> $b }
grep { /./ }
grep { defined $_ }
getListAsFloat( $theAttr );
$result = $arr[$#arr];
} elsif( $theFunc eq "MIN" ) {
my @arr = sort { $a <=> $b }
grep { /./ }
grep { defined $_ }
getListAsFloat( $theAttr );
$result = $arr[0];
} elsif( $theFunc eq "SUM" ) {
$result = 0;
my @arr = getListAsFloat( $theAttr );
foreach $i ( @arr ) {
$result += $i if defined $i;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "SUMPRODUCT" ) {
$result = 0;
my @arr;
my @lol = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr );
my $size = 32000;
for $i (0 .. $#lol ) {
@arr = getListAsFloat( $lol[$i] );
$lol[$i] = [ @arr ]; # store reference to array
$size = @arr if( @arr < $size ); # remember smallest array
if( ( $size > 0 ) && ( $size < 32000 ) ) {
my $y; my $prod; my $val;
for $y (0 .. $size ) {
$prod = 1;
for $i (0 .. $#lol ) {
$val = $lol[$i][$y];
if( defined $val ) {
$prod *= $val;
} else {
$prod = 0; # don't count empty cells
$result += $prod;
} elsif( $theFunc =~ /^(SUMDAYS|DURATION)$/ ) {
# DURATION is undocumented, is for SvenDowideit
# contributed by SvenDowideit - 07 Mar 2003; modified by PTh
$result = 0;
my @arr = getListAsDays( $theAttr );
foreach $i ( @arr ) {
$result += $i if defined $i;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "WORKINGDAYS" ) {
my( $num1, $num2 ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr, 2 );
$result = _workingDays( _getNumber( $num1 ), _getNumber( $num2 ) );
} elsif( $theFunc =~ /^(MULT|PRODUCT)$/ ) { # MULT is deprecated, no not remove
$result = 0;
my @arr = getListAsFloat( $theAttr );
$result = 1;
foreach $i ( @arr ) {
$result *= $i if defined $i;
} elsif( $theFunc =~ /^(AVERAGE|MEAN)$/ ) {
$result = 0;
my $items = 0;
my @arr = getListAsFloat( $theAttr );
foreach $i ( @arr ) {
if( defined $i ) {
$result += $i;
if( $items > 0 ) {
$result = $result / $items;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "MEDIAN" ) {
my @arr = sort { $a <=> $b } grep { defined $_ } getListAsFloat( $theAttr );
$i = @arr;
if( ( $i % 2 ) > 0 ) {
$result = $arr[$i/2];
} elsif( $i ) {
$i /= 2;
$result = ( $arr[$i] + $arr[$i-1] ) / 2;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "PERCENTILE" ) {
my( $percentile, $set ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr, 2 );
my @arr = sort { $a <=> $b } grep { defined $_ } getListAsFloat( $set );
$result = 0;
my $size = scalar( @arr );
if( $size > 0 ) {
$i = $percentile / 100 * ( $size + 1 );
my $iInt = int( $i );
if( $i <= 1 ) {
$result = $arr[0];
} elsif( $i >= $size ) {
$result = $arr[$size-1];
} elsif( $i == $iInt ) {
$result = $arr[$i-1];
} else {
# interpolate beween neighbors # Example: $i = 7.25
my $r1 = $iInt + 1 - $i; # 0.75 = 7 + 1 - 7.25
my $r2 = 1 - $r1; # 0.25 = 1 - 0.75
my $x1 = $arr[$iInt-1];
my $x2 = $arr[$iInt];
$result = ($r1 * $x1) + ($r2 * $x2);
} elsif( $theFunc eq "COUNTSTR" ) {
$result = 0; # count any string
$i = 0; # count string equal second attr
my $list = $theAttr;
my $str = "";
if( $theAttr =~ /^(.*),\s*(.*?)$/ ) { # greedy match for last comma
$list = $1;
$str = $2;
$str =~ s/\s*$//o;
my @arr = getList( $list );
foreach my $cell ( @arr ) {
if( defined $cell ) {
$cell =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/o;
$result++ if( $cell );
$i++ if( $cell eq $str );
$result = $i if( $str );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "COUNTITEMS" ) {
$result = "";
my @arr = getList( $theAttr );
my %items = ();
my $key = "";
foreach $key ( @arr ) {
$key =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/o if( $key );
if( $key ) {
if( exists( $items{ $key } ) ) {
$items{ $key }++;
} else {
$items{ $key } = 1;
foreach $key ( sort keys %items ) {
$result .= "$key: $items{ $key }
$result =~ s|
} elsif( $theFunc =~ /^(FIND|SEARCH)$/ ) {
my( $searchString, $string, $pos ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr, 3 );
$result = 0;
$pos = 0 if( $pos < 0 );
pos( $string ) = $pos if( $pos );
$searchString = quotemeta( $searchString ) if( $theFunc eq "FIND" );
# using zero width lookahead '(?=...)' to keep pos at the beginning of match
if( eval '$string =~ m/(?=$searchString)/g' && $string ) {
$result = pos( $string ) + 1;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "REPLACE" ) {
my( $string, $start, $num, $replace ) = split ( /,\s*/, $theAttr, 4 );
$result = $string;
$start-- unless ($start < 1);
$num = 0 unless( $num );
$replace = "" unless( defined $replace );
if( eval 'substr( $string, $start, $num, $replace )' && $string ) {
$result = $string;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "SUBSTITUTE" ) {
my( $string, $from, $to, $inst, $options ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr );
$result = $string;
$to = "" unless( defined $to );
$from = quotemeta( $from ) unless( $options && $options =~ /r/i);
if( $inst ) {
# replace Nth instance
my $count = 0;
if( eval '$string =~ s/($from)/if( ++$count == $inst ) { $to; } else { $1; }/gex;' && $string ) {
$result = $string;
} else {
# global replace
if( eval '$string =~ s/$from/$to/g' && $string ) {
$result = $string;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "TRANSLATE" ) {
$result = $theAttr;
# greedy match for comma separated parameters (in case first parameter has embedded commas)
if( $theAttr =~ /^(.*)\,\s*(.+)\,\s*(.+)$/ ) {
my $string = $1;
my $from = $2;
my $to = $3;
$from =~ s/\$comma/,/g; $from =~ s/\$sp/ /g; $from = quotemeta( $from );
$to =~ s/\$comma/,/g; $to =~ s/\$sp/ /g; $to = quotemeta( $to );
$from =~ s/([a-zA-Z0-9])\\\-([a-zA-Z0-9])/$1\-$2/g; # fix quotemeta (allow only ranges)
$to =~ s/([a-zA-Z0-9])\\\-([a-zA-Z0-9])/$1\-$2/g;
$result = $string;
if( $string && eval "\$string =~ tr/$from/$to/" ) {
$result = $string;
} elsif ( $theFunc eq "TIME" ) {
$result = $theAttr;
$result =~ s/^\s+//o;
$result =~ s/\s+$//o;
if( $result ) {
$result = _date2serial( $result );
} else {
$result = time();
} elsif ( $theFunc eq "TODAY" ) {
$result = _date2serial( _serial2date( time(), '$year/$month/$day GMT', 1 ) );
} elsif( $theFunc =~ /^(FORMATTIME|FORMATGMTIME)$/ ) {
my( $time, $str ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr, 2 );
if( $time =~ /([0-9]+)/ ) {
$time = $1;
} else {
$time = time();
my $isGmt = 0;
$isGmt = 1 if( ( $str =~ m/ gmt/i ) || ( $theFunc eq "FORMATGMTIME" ) );
$result = _serial2date( $time, $str, $isGmt );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "TIMEADD" ) {
my( $time, $value, $scale ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr, 3 );
$time = 0 unless( $time );
$value = 0 unless( $value );
$scale = "" unless( $scale );
$time =~ s/.*?([0-9]+).*/$1/o || 0;
$value =~ s/.*?(\-?[0-9\.]+).*/$1/o || 0;
$value *= 60 if( $scale =~ /^min/i );
$value *= 3600 if( $scale =~ /^hou/i );
$value *= 3600*24 if( $scale =~ /^day/i );
$value *= 3600*24*7 if( $scale =~ /^week/i );
$value *= 3600*24*30.42 if( $scale =~ /^mon/i ); # FIXME: exact calc
$value *= 3600*24*365 if( $scale =~ /^year/i ); # FIXME: exact calc
$result = int( $time + $value );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "TIMEDIFF" ) {
my( $time1, $time2, $scale ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr, 3 );
$scale ||= '';
$time1 = 0 unless( $time1 );
$time2 = 0 unless( $time2 );
$time1 =~ s/.*?([0-9]+).*/$1/o || 0;
$time2 =~ s/.*?([0-9]+).*/$1/o || 0;
$result = $time2 - $time1;
$result /= 60 if( $scale =~ /^min/i );
$result /= 3600 if( $scale =~ /^hou/i );
$result /= 3600*24 if( $scale =~ /^day/i );
$result /= 3600*24*7 if( $scale =~ /^week/i );
$result /= 3600*24*30.42 if( $scale =~ /^mon/i ); # FIXME: exact calc
$result /= 3600*24*365 if( $scale =~ /^year/i ); # FIXME: exact calc
} elsif( $theFunc eq "SET" ) {
my( $name, $value ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr, 2 );
$name =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]//go;
if( $name && defined( $value ) ) {
$value =~ s/\s*$//o;
$varStore{ $name } = $value;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "SETIFEMPTY" ) {
my( $name, $value ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr, 2 );
$name =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]//go;
if( $name && defined( $value ) && ! $varStore{ $name } ) {
$value =~ s/\s*$//o;
$varStore{ $name } = $value;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "SETM" ) {
my( $name, $value ) = split( /,\s*/, $theAttr, 2 );
$name =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]//go;
if( $name ) {
my $old = $varStore{ $name };
$old = "" unless( defined( $old ) );
$value = safeEvalPerl( "$old $value" );
$varStore{ $name } = $value;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "GET" ) {
my $name = $theAttr;
$name =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]//go;
$result = $varStore{ $name } if( $name );
$result = "" unless( defined( $result ) );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LIST" ) {
my @arr = getList( $theAttr );
$result = _listToDelimitedString( @arr );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LISTITEM" ) {
my( $index, $str ) = _properSplit( $theAttr, 2 );
$index = _getNumber( $index );
$str = "" unless( defined( $str ) );
my @arr = getList( $str );
my $size = scalar @arr;
if( $index && $size ) {
$index-- if( $index > 0 ); # documented index starts at 1
$index = $size + $index if( $index < 0 ); # start from back if negative
$result = $arr[$index] if( ( $index >= 0 ) && ( $index < $size ) );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LISTJOIN" ) {
my( $sep, $str ) = _properSplit( $theAttr, 2 );
$str = "" unless( defined( $str ) );
$result = _listToDelimitedString( getList( $str ) );
$sep = ", " unless( $sep );
$sep =~ s/\$comma/,/go;
$sep =~ s/\$sp/ /go;
$sep =~ s/\$n/\n/go;
$result =~ s/, /$sep/go;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LISTSIZE" ) {
my @arr = getList( $theAttr );
$result = scalar @arr;
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LISTSORT" ) {
my $isNumeric = 1;
my @arr = map {
$isNumeric = 0 unless( $_ =~ /^[\+\-]?[0-9\.]+$/ );
} getList( $theAttr );
if( $isNumeric ) {
@arr = sort { $a <=> $b } @arr;
} else {
@arr = sort @arr;
$result = _listToDelimitedString( @arr );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LISTSHUFFLE" ) {
my @arr = getList( $theAttr );
my $size = scalar @arr;
if( $size > 1 ) {
for( $i = $size; $i--; ) {
my $j = int( rand( $i + 1 ) );
next if( $i == $j );
@arr[$i, $j] = @arr[$j, $i];
$result = _listToDelimitedString( @arr );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LISTRAND" ) {
my @arr = getList( $theAttr );
my $size = scalar @arr;
if( $size > 1 ) {
$i = int( rand( $size - 1 ) + 0.5 );
$result = $arr[$i];
} elsif( $size == 1 ) {
$result = $arr[0];
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LISTREVERSE" ) {
my @arr = reverse getList( $theAttr );
$result = _listToDelimitedString( @arr );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LISTTRUNCATE" ) {
my( $index, $str ) = _properSplit( $theAttr, 2 );
$index = int( _getNumber( $index ) );
$str = "" unless( defined( $str ) );
my @arr = getList( $str );
my $size = scalar @arr;
if( $index > 0 ) {
$index = $size if( $index > $size );
$#arr = $index - 1;
$result = _listToDelimitedString( @arr );
} elsif( $index < 0 ) {
$index = - $size if( $index < - $size );
splice( @arr, 0, $size + $index );
$result = _listToDelimitedString( @arr );
} #else result = '';
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LISTUNIQUE" ) {
my %seen = ();
my @arr = grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ } getList( $theAttr );
$result = _listToDelimitedString( @arr );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LISTMAP" ) {
# LISTMAP(action, item 1, item 2, ...)
my( $action, $str ) = _properSplit( $theAttr, 2 );
$action = "" unless( defined( $action ) );
$str = "" unless( defined( $str ) );
# with delay, handle functions in result recursively and clean up unbalanced parenthesis
$str =~ s/\$([A-Z]+)$escToken([0-9]+)\((.*?)$escToken\2\)/&doFunc($1,$3)/geo;
$str =~ s/$escToken\-*[0-9]+([\(\)])/$1/go;
my $item = "";
$i = 0;
my @arr =
map {
$item = $_;
$_ = $action;
$_ .= $item unless( s/\$item/$item/go );
} getList( $str );
$result = _listToDelimitedString( @arr );
} elsif( $theFunc eq "LISTIF" ) {
# LISTIF(cmd, item 1, item 2, ...)
my( $cmd, $str ) = _properSplit( $theAttr, 2 );
$cmd = "" unless( defined( $cmd ) );
$cmd =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/o;
$str = "" unless( defined( $str ) );
# with delay, handle functions in result recursively and clean up unbalanced parenthesis
$str =~ s/\$([A-Z]+)$escToken([0-9]+)\((.*?)$escToken\2\)/&doFunc($1,$3)/geo;
$str =~ s/$escToken\-*[0-9]+([\(\)])/$1/go;
my $item = "";
my $eval = "";
$i = 0;
my @arr =
grep { ! /^TWIKI_GREP_REMOVE$/ }
map {
$item = $_;
$_ = $cmd;
$eval = safeEvalPerl( $_ );
if( $eval =~ /^ERROR/ ) {
$_ = $eval;
} elsif( $eval ) {
$_ = $item;
} else {
} getList( $str );
$result = _listToDelimitedString( @arr );
} elsif ( $theFunc eq "NOP" ) {
# pass everything through, this will allow plugins to defy plugin order
# for example the %SEARCH{}% variable
$theAttr =~ s/\$per/%/g;
$result = $theAttr;
} elsif ( $theFunc eq "EXISTS" ) {
$result = TWiki::Func::topicExists( "", $theAttr );
$result = 0 unless( $result );
TWiki::Func::writeDebug( "- SpreadSheetPlugin::Calc::doFunc: $theFunc( $theAttr ) returns: $result" ) if $debug;
return $result;
# =========================
sub _listToDelimitedString
my @arr = map { s/^\s*//o; s/\s*$//o; $_ } @_;
my $text = join( ", ", @arr );
return $text;
# =========================
sub _properSplit
my( $theAttr, $theLevel ) = @_;
# escape commas inside functions
$theAttr =~ s/(\$[A-Z]+$escToken([0-9]+)\(.*?$escToken\2\))/_escapeCommas($1)/geo;
# split at commas and restore commas inside functions
my @arr = map{ s/<$escToken>/\,/go; $_ } split( /,\s*/, $theAttr, $theLevel );
return @arr;
# =========================
sub _escapeCommas
my( $theText ) = @_;
$theText =~ s/\,/<$escToken>/go;
return $theText;
# =========================
sub _getNumber
my( $theText ) = @_;
return 0 unless( $theText );
$theText =~ s/([0-9])\,(?=[0-9]{3})/$1/go; # "1,234,567" ==> "1234567"
unless( $theText =~ s/^.*?(\-?[0-9\.]+).*$/$1/o ) { # "xy-1.23zz" ==> "-1.23"
$theText = 0;
$theText =~ s/^(\-?)0+([0-9])/$1$2/o; # "-0009.12" ==> "-9.12"
$theText =~ s/^(\-?)\./${1}0\./o; # "-.25" ==> "-0.25"
$theText =~ s/^\-0$/0/o; # "-0" ==> "0"
return $theText;
# =========================
sub safeEvalPerl
my( $theText ) = @_;
# Allow only simple math with operators - + * / % ( )
$theText =~ s/\%\s*[^\-\+\*\/0-9\.\(\)]+//go; # defuse %hash but keep modulus
# keep only numbers and operators (shh... don't tell anyone, we support comparison operators)
$theText =~ s/[^\!\<\=\>\-\+\*\/\%0-9\.\(\)]*//go;
$theText =~ /(.*)/;
$theText = $1; # untainted variable
return "" unless( $theText );
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { TWiki::Func::writeDebug($_[0]); warn $_[0] };
my $result = eval $theText;
if( $@ ) {
$result = $@;
$result =~ s/[\n\r]//go;
$result =~ s/\[[^\]]+.*view.*?\:\s?//o; # Cut "[Mon Mar 15 23:31:39 2004] view: "
$result =~ s/\s?at \(eval.*?\)\sline\s?[0-9]*\.?\s?//go; # Cut "at (eval 51) line 2."
$result = "ERROR: $result";
} else {
$result = 0 unless( $result ); # logical false is "0"
return $result;
# =========================
sub getListAsInteger
my( $theAttr ) = @_;
my $val = 0;
my @list = getList( $theAttr );
(my $baz = "foo") =~ s/foo//; # reset search vars. defensive coding
for my $i (0 .. $#list ) {
$val = $list[$i];
# search first integer pattern, skip over HTML tags
if( $val =~ /^\s*(?:<[^>]*>)*([\-\+]*[0-9]+).*/o ) {
$list[$i] = $1; # untainted variable, possibly undef
} else {
$list[$i] = undef;
return @list;
# =========================
sub getListAsFloat
my( $theAttr ) = @_;
my $val = 0;
my @list = getList( $theAttr );
(my $baz = "foo") =~ s/foo//; # reset search vars. defensive coding
for my $i (0 .. $#list ) {
$val = $list[$i] || "";
# search first float pattern, skip over HTML tags
if( $val =~ /^\s*(?:<[^>]*>)*\$?([\-\+]*[0-9\.]+).*/o ) {
$list[$i] = $1; # untainted variable, possibly undef
} else {
$list[$i] = undef;
return @list;
# =========================
sub getListAsDays
my( $theAttr ) = @_;
# contributed by by SvenDowideit - 07 Mar 2003; modified by PTh
my $val = 0;
my @arr = getList( $theAttr );
(my $baz = "foo") =~ s/foo//; # reset search vars. defensive coding
for my $i (0 .. $#arr ) {
$val = $arr[$i] || "";
# search first float pattern
if( $val =~ /^\s*([\-\+]*[0-9\.]+)\s*d/oi ) {
$arr[$i] = $1; # untainted variable, possibly undef
} elsif( $val =~ /^\s*([\-\+]*[0-9\.]+)\s*w/oi ) {
$arr[$i] = 5 * $1; # untainted variable, possibly undef
} elsif( $val =~ /^\s*([\-\+]*[0-9\.]+)\s*h/oi ) {
$arr[$i] = $1 / 8; # untainted variable, possibly undef
} elsif( $val =~ /^\s*([\-\+]*[0-9\.]+)/o ) {
$arr[$i] = $1; # untainted variable, possibly undef
} else {
$arr[$i] = undef;
return @arr;
# =========================
sub getList
my( $theAttr ) = @_;
my @list = ();
foreach( split( /,\s*/, $theAttr ) ) {
if( m/\s*R([0-9]+)\:C([0-9]+)\s*\.\.+\s*R([0-9]+)\:C([0-9]+)/ ) {
# table range
push( @list, getTableRange( $_ ) );
} else {
# list item
$list[$#list+1] = $_;
return @list;
# =========================
sub getTableRange
my( $theAttr ) = @_;
my @arr = ();
if( $rPos < 0 ) {
return @arr;
TWiki::Func::writeDebug( "- SpreadSheetPlugin::Calc::getTableRange( $theAttr )" ) if $debug;
unless( $theAttr =~ /\s*R([0-9]+)\:C([0-9]+)\s*\.\.+\s*R([0-9]+)\:C([0-9]+)/ ) {
return @arr;
my $r1 = $1 - 1;
my $c1 = $2 - 1;
my $r2 = $3 - 1;
my $c2 = $4 - 1;
my $r = 0;
my $c = 0;
if( $c1 < 0 ) { $c1 = 0; }
if( $c2 < 0 ) { $c2 = 0; }
if( $c2 < $c1 ) { $c = $c1; $c1 = $c2; $c2 = $c; }
if( $r1 > $rPos ) { $r1 = $rPos; }
if( $r1 < 0 ) { $r1 = 0; }
if( $r2 > $rPos ) { $r2 = $rPos; }
if( $r2 < 0 ) { $r2 = 0; }
if( $r2 < $r1 ) { $r = $r1; $r1 = $r2; $r2 = $r; }
my $pRow = ();
for $r ( $r1 .. $r2 ) {
$pRow = $tableMatrix[$r];
for $c ( $c1 .. $c2 ) {
if( $c < @$pRow ) {
push( @arr, $$pRow[$c] );
TWiki::Func::writeDebug( "- SpreadSheetPlugin::Calc::getTableRange() returns @arr" ) if $debug;
return @arr;
# =========================
sub _date2serial
my ( $theText ) = @_;
my $sec = 0; my $min = 0; my $hour = 0; my $day = 1; my $mon = 0; my $year = 0;
if( $theText =~ m|([0-9]{1,2})[-\s/]+([A-Z][a-z][a-z])[-\s/]+([0-9]{4})[-\s/]+([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})| ) {
# "31 Dec 2003 - 23:59", "31-Dec-2003 - 23:59", "31 Dec 2003 - 23:59 - any suffix"
$day = $1; $mon = $mon2num{$2} || 0; $year = $3 - 1900; $hour = $4; $min = $5;
} elsif( $theText =~ m|([0-9]{1,2})[-\s/]+([A-Z][a-z][a-z])[-\s/]+([0-9]{2,4})| ) {
# "31 Dec 2003", "31 Dec 03", "31-Dec-2003", "31/Dec/2003"
$day = $1; $mon = $mon2num{$2} || 0; $year = $3;
$year += 100 if( $year < 80 ); # "05" --> "105" (leave "99" as is)
$year -= 1900 if( $year >= 1900 ); # "2005" --> "105"
} elsif( $theText =~ m|([0-9]{4})[-/\.]([0-9]{1,2})[-/\.]([0-9]{1,2})[-/\.\,\s]+([0-9]{1,2})[-\:/\.]([0-9]{1,2})[-\:/\.]([0-9]{1,2})| ) {
# "2003/12/31 23:59:59", "2003-12-31-23-59-59", "2003."
$year = $1 - 1900; $mon = $2 - 1; $day = $3; $hour = $4; $min = $5; $sec = $6;
} elsif( $theText =~ m|([0-9]{4})[-/\.]([0-9]{1,2})[-/\.]([0-9]{1,2})[-/\.\,\s]+([0-9]{1,2})[-\:/\.]([0-9]{1,2})| ) {
# "2003/12/31 23:59", "2003-12-31-23-59", "2003."
$year = $1 - 1900; $mon = $2 - 1; $day = $3; $hour = $4; $min = $5;
} elsif( $theText =~ m|([0-9]{4})[-/]([0-9]{1,2})[-/]([0-9]{1,2})| ) {
# "2003/12/31", "2003-12-31"
$year = $1 - 1900; $mon = $2 - 1; $day = $3;
} elsif( $theText =~ m|([0-9]{1,2})[-/]([0-9]{1,2})[-/]([0-9]{2,4})| ) {
# "12/31/2003", "12/31/03", "12-31-2003"
# (shh, don't tell anyone that we support ambiguous American dates, my boss asked me to)
$year = $3; $mon = $1 - 1; $day = $2;
$year += 100 if( $year < 80 ); # "05" --> "105" (leave "99" as is)
$year -= 1900 if( $year >= 1900 ); # "2005" --> "105"
} else {
# unsupported format
return 0;
if( ( $sec > 60 ) || ( $min > 59 ) || ( $hour > 23 ) || ( $day < 1 ) || ( $day > 31 ) || ( $mon > 11 ) ) {
# unsupported, out of range
return 0;
if( $theText =~ /gmt/i ) {
return timegm( $sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year );
} else {
return timelocal( $sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year );
# =========================
sub _serial2date
my ( $theTime, $theStr, $isGmt ) = @_;
my( $sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday ) = localtime( $theTime );
( $sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday ) = gmtime( $theTime ) if( $isGmt );
$theStr =~ s/\$sec[o]?[n]?[d]?[s]?/sprintf("%.2u",$sec)/geoi;
$theStr =~ s/\$min[u]?[t]?[e]?[s]?/sprintf("%.2u",$min)/geoi;
$theStr =~ s/\$hou[r]?[s]?/sprintf("%.2u",$hour)/geoi;
$theStr =~ s/\$day/sprintf("%.2u",$day)/geoi;
$theStr =~ s/\$mon(?!t)/$monArr[$mon]/goi;
$theStr =~ s/\$mo[n]?[t]?[h]?/sprintf("%.2u",$mon+1)/geoi;
$theStr =~ s/\$yearday/$yday+1/geoi;
$theStr =~ s/\$yea[r]?/sprintf("%.4u",$year+1900)/geoi;
$theStr =~ s/\$ye/sprintf("%.2u",$year%100)/geoi;
$theStr =~ s/\$wday/substr($wdayArr[$wday],0,3)/geoi;
$theStr =~ s/\$wd/$wday+1/geoi;
$theStr =~ s/\$weekday/$wdayArr[$wday]/goi;
return $theStr;
# =========================
sub _properSpace
my ( $theStr ) = @_;
unless( $dontSpaceRE ) {
$dontSpaceRE = &TWiki::Func::getPreferencesValue( "DONTSPACE" ) ||
&TWiki::Func::getPreferencesValue( "SPREADSHEETPLUGIN_DONTSPACE" ) ||
$dontSpaceRE =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\,\s]//go;
$dontSpaceRE = "(" . join( "|", split( /[\,\s]+/, $dontSpaceRE ) ) . ")";
# Example: "(RedHat|McIntosh)"
$theStr =~ s/$dontSpaceRE/_spaceWikiWord( $1, "" )/geo; # e.g. "McIntosh"
$theStr =~ s/(^|[\s\(]|\]\[)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/$1 . _spaceWikiWord( $2, " " )/geo;
$theStr =~ s///go; # remove "" marker
return $theStr;
# =========================
sub _spaceWikiWord
my ( $theStr, $theSpacer ) = @_;
$theStr =~ s/([a-z])([A-Z0-9])/$1$theSpacer$2/go;
$theStr =~ s/([0-9])([a-zA-Z])/$1$theSpacer$2/go;
return $theStr;
# =========================
sub _workingDays
my ( $start, $end ) = @_;
# Contributed by CrawfordCurrie - 17 Jul 2004
# Calculate working days between two times. Times are standard system times (secs since 1970).
# Working days are Monday through Friday (sorry, Israel!)
use integer;
my $elapsed_days = ( $end - $start ) / ( 60 * 60 * 24 );
# total number of elapsed 7-day weeks
my $whole_weeks = $elapsed_days / 7;
my $extra_days = $elapsed_days - ( $whole_weeks * 7 );
if( $extra_days > 0 ) {
my @lt = gmtime( $start );
my $wday = $lt[6]; # weekday, 0 is sunday
if( $wday == 0 ) {
$extra_days-- if( $extra_days > 0 );
} else {
$extra_days-- if( $extra_days > ( 6 - $wday ) );
$extra_days-- if( $extra_days > ( 6 - $wday ) );
return $whole_weeks * 5 + $extra_days;
# =========================