The root container for a IAS profile. Please note this is an early draft based on Mike Browne's spreadsheet and I am not a schema expert. Some elements flagged as placeholders are references to schemas defined elsewhere, eg ABCD/DC/UBIF etc. Some elements have been borrowed from ABCD2.05 and TCS where appropriate. Most elements are not 'typed' and I have not expanded enumerations. The general intent is that higher level elements act as free text containers but also have finer levels of atomization. Jerry Cooper 26/08/2005 A globally unique identifier for the entire data collection the present dataset was derived from. The exact format and/or semantics are still under discussion. DublinCore-like container for metadata describing the source of this entire profile Fact sheet data, derived from numerous sources, for a specific region, or general statements throughout range of taxon, ordinated by taxon/location one or more taxon/location/fact triplets. TCS GUID and/or locally stored elements derived from IAS dbs Should only be populated if this is a regional fact sheet element - see switch within Facts A placeholder for lists/occurrence data - best described within external schemas - ABCD/DC etc. pointers to DarwinCore/ABCD/StructuredSurvey data. Such data should be shared via DiGIR-DC or BioCASE/ABCD. Not sure about linkage of DC with reference here. Needs further consideration. ABCD Metadata element the sources used to build this profile. Lit references, web references, people. Against keyword to indicate profile component. This mechanims rather than many reference elemnts for each component. Linkage to TCS data with some minimal local caching. Note that source dbs containing detailed and authoritative taxonomic data should share that data via the TaxonConceptSchema. The GUID of the taxon concept - even if nominal concept - within an akcknowldeged taxon name catalogue - the ECATGUID (superset of ITIS/COL/Species2000/GSD/RSD s) Full name without author string Rank data should be derived from taxon db's via the GUID Critical to capture these data from IAS dbs Virus Bacteria Fungus Arachnid Insect Flatworm Nematode Mollusc Alga/seaweed Anemone Coral Comb jelly Jellyfish Crustacean Starfish Fish Amphibian Reptile Bird Mammal Aquatic plant Palm Tree Shrub Grass Rush Sedge Herb Vine, climber Bromeliad Fern Succulent Linkage to referenced data - not enumerated here URI of an external reference cached elements of a reference - not enumerated here. Structures exist elsewhere. External namespace? keywords to match profile component decriptors. Third party comment In its simplest form this is a URL. The image provider to ensure appropriate image metadata in the web form referenced. A TDWG group is being formed to deal with image metadata standards. Could be expanded here - structures exist elsewhere. Native or introduced terrestrial, fresh water,brackish, marine, Coastland Marine habitats Estuaries Lakes Watercourses Riparian zones Wetlands Urban areas Agricultural areas Disturbed areas Planted forests Natural forests Scrub/shrublands Range/grasslands Tundra Deserts Ice Host Vector generic container for multiple habitat definitions free text Think about including a lifecycle-stage option Interaction and distribution of hosts. Mechanims here is poor and will repeat identical host data for different taxa? Project or case study General or Local fact sheet? A fact sheet about a specific area 1 Absent 1.1 Recorded in error 1.2 Extinct 1.3 Eradicated 1.4 Border intercept 2 Reported 2.1 Established (able to survive) 2.2 Naturalised (reproducing) 2.4 In captivity/cultivated 2.5 Sometimes present 2.6 Present/controlled 3 Uncertain Alien Native (no further data) Native. Endemic Native. Non-endemic Not specified Biostatus uncertain Invasive Not invasive Not specified Uncertain same elements as 'Introduction' but different vocabulary. Better way to handle this? free text. Widespread, localised etc. free text.Where to put Population dynamic terms such as growth rate, age, stable, expanding, numerous, few, trend? c.f. distribution and occurrence If a 'general' fact sheet then higher level location elemnt does not need populating. Status of organims being impacted, e.g. rare, endangred, threatened. port, protected area etc Need to assure compliance with geospatial standards I think we need accuracy and uncertainty Extrenal references, e.g. to WMS providers. Probably a better way? What do FDGC do? think about relationship with requirements e.g. disease cycle Position in the food chain, determined by the number of energy-transfer steps to that level. Persistence, Capacity to establish and spread, Capable of securing and ingesting a wide range of food, Tolerant of physical conditions, Pioneering in disturbed or vacant habitats What triggers growth Where/when to look for it, how to attract/trap it, where to find a diagnostic key/expert to identify it, etc. how to collect it, who to send sample to, warning statements etc. Flag as post or pre Altered trophic level Changed gene pool Conflict Damaged ecosystem services Ecosystem change Habitat alteration Host damage Increases vulnerability to invasions Infrastructure damage Loss of endangered species Loss of medicinal resources Loss of native species Modification of fire regime Modification of hydrology Modification of natural benthic comunities Modification of nutrient regime Modification of successional patterns Monoculture formation Negatively impacts agriculture Negatively impacts aquaculture Negatively impacts cultural/traditional practices Negatively impacts forestry Negatively impacts human health Negatively impacts livelihoods Negatively impacts mariculture Negatively impacts tourism Obstructs waterways Other Reduced amenity values Reduced native biodiversity Selective loss of genotypes Soil accretion Threat to endangered species Threat to native species Transportation disruption Alleopathic Causes allergic response Competition-Monopolising resources Competition-Shading Competition-Smothering Competition -Strangling Competition-Other Disease transmission Filtration Fouling Herbivory/Grazing/Browsing Hybridisation Induces hypersensitivity Interaction with other invasive species Parisitism Pathogenic Poisoning Pollen swamping Predation Rapid growth Rooting Trampling e.g. high, moderate, minor or potential Economic, Social, environmental Free text Generic user defined classification scheme Metadata referring to the principal source of the entire data collection (thus the metadata scope may be wider than the objects actually contained in the data set). If a history of the data collection (revised or expanded in various projects or at different institutions) exist, this must be reflected in the IPR statements and possibly in the list of Owners. Dublin Core conformant elements describing the content of the data source queried, representation in different languages possible The description in a specified language. Only one representation should be delivered for each language. [ATTR: language] The URI of an icon/logo symbolizing the project. Keyword lists of geographical, taxonomic, etc. scopes. In the case of projects in progress, 'scope' may define the planned or intended, rather than the achieved scope (or coverage). If scope is given, the content available should be entirely within scope, because this item is for resource discovery purposes. Compare also Coverage in DC.Description (which is language-specific). (Items from Scope may be added to DC.Coverage) A collection of terms describing the geoecological scope of the source queried by means of area names (e.g. 'Worldl', 'Germany', 'Atlantic Ocean', 'Andes', 'Mountains'. A list of recommended terms should be developed. A collection of taxon names of higher rank describing the taxonomic scope of the source queried. A list of recommended terms should be developed. Number and date of current version (particularly for citing purposes) The major version number ('1' in 1.2) as defined by the content creators. An optional minor version number ('2' in 1.2) Unconstrained text specifying status + optional number, e. g., 'beta', 'alpha', 'rc/release candidate', 'internal'. If missing, release status is assumed. Source for Dublin-Core standard element Date.Issued: Citable 'publication date' of the current version (comp. RevisionData/DateCreated and DateModified for version- independent dates). This date should be missing if the current version is not yet published! Creators, Revision status, and dates of the entire data collection from which the current dataset is derived. Entities having legal possession of the data collection content. Here defined for the entire data collection, not for individual units. If an owner statement is present on the unit level, it should override this dataset-level statement. Entitiy having legal possession of the data collection content. Copyright, terms of use, license and other IPR-related statements like disclaimer or acknowledgement. Giving a copyright statement and a (if possible public) licence is highly recommended! (=DC.Rights) Needs to refer to an agent model. Not enumerated here. experts in these set of taxa (at any rank) Tropical Subtropical Temperate Boreal Polar, All Host taxon location Native in this location or not Aircraft Aquaculture stock Bait Bulk freight/cargo Clothing/footwear Consumable Container Debris associated with human activities Floating vegetation/debris Germplasm Habitat material Hides, trophies, feathers Host organism Humans Live seafood Luggage Machinery/equipment Mail Mulch, straw, baskets, sod, etc Other live animal Other vector Pet Plant or parts of plants Sailor's seachests Ship ballast water/sediment Ship bilge water Ship holds, cabins, etc. Ship structures above the water line Ship/boat Ship/boat hull fouling Shipping material Soil, sand etc. Vehicles Waste associated with human activities Water Wind Acclimatisation Societies Agriculture (includes horticulture, forestry, etc.) Aid Angling Aquaculture Aquarium trade Biological control Botanical gardens Breeding Cut flower trade Digestion/excretion Disturbance Dune stabilisation Erosion control Escape from confinement Flooding Food Forage Forestry Garden escape Garden waste disposal Harvesting fur/wool/hair Hedges Hitchhiker Horticulture Hunting Industrial purposes Intentional release Interbasin transfers Interconnected waterways Internet sales Landscape/fauna "improvement" Landscaping industry Live food trade Mariculture Medicinal use Military movements Natural disaster Nursery trade Off-site preservation Ornamental purposes Other cause People foraging People sharing resources Pet trade Propagation Racing Research Seed trade Self-propelled Smuggling Stocking Timber trade Windbreaks Worm cultivation Zoos Rememember to add de-aggregated containers Intentional Intentional, illegally by natural means Unintentional Unknown Community needs to provide advice here e.g. mechanical individuals/Organiztions/ contacts etc. Elsewhere Below ABCD elements normalized string required to contain at least 1 character (this removes the xml string anomaly, i. e. either element/attribute may be optional, but if they are required the content may not be an empty string) Text, optional Details (both free-form text) and optional URI. A concise representation of a statement, recommended to be as short as possible, but actual length is unconstrained. Optional text of unconstrained length, elaborating details of the ShortText An optional resource on the net providing details on the statement (may be used as an alternative to the long text). A sequence of statements related to Intellectual Property Rights, credit and acknoledgement. Container element for one to several statements, normally representing different language representations of the same content. Used where the IPR declaration cannot be parsed into the specific items or for forms of IPR declaration not yet covered (e.g. database rights), Container element for one to several statements, normally representing different language representations of the same content. Copyright may include the information that the data has been released to the public domain. Container element for one to several statements, normally representing different language representations of the same content. To be used if data are placed under a public license (GPL, GFDL, OpenDocument). Placing data under a public license while maintaining copyright is recommended! Container element for one to several statements, normally representing different language representations of the same content. Defines conditions under which the data may be analised, distributed or changed. "Terms of use" includes concepts like "Usage conditions" and "Specific Restrictions". Container element for one to several statements, normally representing different language representations of the same content. Disclaimer statement, e. g. concerning responsibility for data quality or legal implications. Container element for one to several statements, normally representing different language representations of the same content. A free form text acknowledging support (e. g. grant money, help, permission to reuse published material, etc.) Container element for one to several statements, normally representing different language representations of the same content. Indicates how this dataset or record should be attributed if used [OBIF 1.0] Language-specific content metadata (title, description, etc.) with *required* Language attribute added. Source for Dublin-Core standard element "Title": A short, concise title. General Note on DublinCore translation: In addition to those that can bee transformed from UBIF metadata, an additional DC.Type='dataset' should be added. Source for Dublin-Core standard element "Description": Free-form text containing a longer description of the project. Source for Dublin-Core standard element "Coverage": Free-form text describing geographic, taxonomic, or other coverage aspects of terminology or descriptions available in the current project. URL pointing to an online source related to the current project, which may or may not serve an updated version of the description data. normalized string restricted to 1..255 character length (i. e. required, may not be empty string) Language-specific simple label, using simple formatted text Label text in a specific language. Restricted to 50 characters maximum length, including blanks (recommended to be shorter!). Label abbreviations are especially important when displaying information in a tabular format. String255 (i.e. xs:string with length 1-255), extended with language attribute Name of an individual person Preferred form of personal name for display as a string. The full name with the elements in preferred sorting sequence (vCard: Sort-String). Family names, generational names, clan name, parents/grandparents personal names, etc. This (= last name in western cultures) may be compound ('Fischer von Waldheim', 'da Selva', 'Silvano Morales'). Depending on culture it is not necessarily the name of the parents nor common to the married couple and children, thus 'family name' should be avoided even though used in vCard. (vCard:N.Family) Prefix to inherited name that should be output before name, but is usually not included in sorting. Examples: 'von', 'Lord'. Compare Title for 'Prof', 'Dr.' (vCard:N.Prefix) Suffix to name that should be output after name, regardless whether it is in sorting sequence (Inherited, Given) or not. Examples: 'Jun.', 'III.'. (vCard:N.Suffix) The name given to a person as a personal name (= first or christian name in western cultures, including 'middle initials') may contain several words ('Ana Maria', 'Jerry B.'). Applicable only to persons. (vCard:N.Given + vCard:N.Middle) May differ from the first given name: second given name, nickname ('Bob' for 'Robert'), etc. (vCard:Nickname) String (i. e. xs:string with minimum length=1) extended with language attribute String (i. e. xs:string with minimum length=1) extended with language and preferred attribute xs:anyURI extended with Preferred attribute String255 (i.e. xs:string with length 1-255), extended with preferred attribute normalized string restricted to 1..50 character length to be used for abbreviations (the recommended length of abbreviations is usually much shorter, but 50 characters should be a Collection of language-specific label representations Language-specific label representation [ATTR: language] Full organization or corporate name in multiple languages (en: 'Botanical Garden of ...', de: 'Botanischer Garten von ...'). vCard:Org.OrgName). The Label mechanism also supports acronyms / abbreviations (no vCard equivalent!). If the contact contains no person definition: the unit within the organization the agent represents; else a list of the various organisational units to which a person may belong. (vCard:OrgUnit) (vCard:OrgUnit) Type of device reached by telephone number, e.g. voice, fax, voice/fax Telephone or Fax number Full number in standard international format Free text for constraints on use e.g. "weekdays only" or "home number" Contact details. Organisation to contact Person to contact Analogue to vCard:Role: Functional contact name, e.g. "Database administrator", "The Director", etc. Contact addresses (one preferred, different languages possible) Contact address as string. Telephone and fax numbers Telephone or fax number E-mail addresses E-mail address for contact URIs for person or organisation URI for person or organisation URL of a logo image. RevisionData (creators, dates, revision) for the entire project/data set or individual objects. Source for Dublin-Core standard element "Creators", i.e. Author or editor. Source for Dublin-Core standard element"Contributors": General contributors, or translators. Source for Dublin-Core standard element "Date.Created": Date/time when the intellectual content (project, term, description, etc.) was created. Applications may initially set this to the system date for new data objects, but authors must be able to change it to an earlier date if necessary. If for legacy data this is imprecisely known, it may be missing here. Earlier versions in other data formats should then be mentioned in the copyright or acknowl. statements. Source for Dublin-Core standard element Date.Modified: Date/time when the last modification of the object was made. If in online data sources the provider can not assess this, the current date/time may be substituted. For legacy data this may be set to the file date of imported data, or estimated. marine - trophic level? micro-organism fungus (Groups traditionally studied by mycologists and the ICBN) arachnid insect flatworm nematode mollusc (Aquatic and terrestrial) alga anemone coral comb jelly jellyfish crustacean starfish fish amphibian reptile bird mammal aquatic plant (Floating or submerged) palm tree shrub grass rush sedge herb vine, climber bromeliad fern succulent Pam's FreshWaterTerms: All Amphibians-Frogs Amphibians-Salamanders Fishes Mammals Reptiles-Crocodilians Reptiles-Lizards Reptiles-S Brief synopsis of species' invasiveness, significance, interesting facts. NB This is a mixed bag of elements. Species level descriptive data should be provided by SpeciesBank sources with its own descriptive schema. Morphological data should be provided through SDD elements. Again this component is acting as a cache for data best delivered elsewhere or for reflecting the actual content of profile dbs. Not sure how far GBIF SpeciesBank has got with data standards TDWG SDD container reference Below borrowed from TCS Placeholder for other schema standards used for long text