head 1.1; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; expand @b@; 1.1 date 2007.; author AnnaWeitzman; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @none @ 1.1 log @TaxonX schema, downloaded Sept 2007 @ text @ Contains a single taxonX document, including a taxonxHeader and taxonxBody Contains identification and description of the taxonx document and its source, expressed in the Metadata Object Description Standard (MODS). Contains a single text including at least one taxonomic treatment. The author of the original description of a taxon in a nomenclature or synonymy section of a taxonomic treatment. A citation. A block level textual division of a text. Attributes: n, number or name of division; type: type of division. If div occurs inside a treatment, suggested values are: abstract, acknowledgments, biology_ecology, description, diagnosis, discussion, distribution, etymology, introduction, materials_examined, materials_methods, multiple, synopsis. A heading, such as the title of a section, etc... A scientific name of a taxon as it appears in the source text. A note, such as a footnote or endnote, in the source text. Use the place attribute to indicate the placement of the note in the source document (e.g., "foot", "end"). Use the n attribute to contain the number or symbol used to label the note in the source text. A paragraph or other textual block. A group of bibliographic references. The heading of a taxonomic treatment containing the scientific name of the taxon described. Taxonomic type Location of Taxonomic Type A year in a citation of a document, a scientfic name, or a specimen. Segment. A phrase-level segment of text. A wrapper element used to include data from an external schema. A taxonomic treatment A morphological character. Contains information regarding the collection of a specimen. A character state. A geographical location. External identifier. A pointer to an indentifer assigned to the parent object in an external can be found; has attributes "identifier", the identifier being related to the content marked up by the xid's parent element, "source" the source of the identifer (e.g., database), "type", and "uri" a uniform resource. Descriptive statement Figures: A statement indicating figures associated with a treatment. Page break. Indicates the point in the source text where a new page begins. Use the n attribute to record number of the new page; use the url attribute to lnk to an electronic graphical representation of the page. A figure or graphic A bibliographic reference. @