/***************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Kupu Contributors. All rights reserved. * * This software is distributed under the terms of the Kupu * License. See LICENSE.txt for license text. For a list of Kupu * Contributors see CREDITS.txt. * *****************************************************************************/ // $Id$ function SourceEditTool(sourcebuttonid, sourceareaid) { /* Source edit tool to edit document's html source */ this.sourceButton = getFromSelector(sourcebuttonid); this.sourcemode = false; this._currently_editing = null; this.getSourceArea = function() { return getFromSelector(sourceareaid); } this.cancelSourceMode = function() { if (this._currently_editing) { this.switchSourceEdit(null, true); } } this.updateState = this.cancelSourceMode; this.initialize = function(editor) { /* attach the event handlers */ this.editor = editor; this._fixTabIndex(this.sourceButton); addEventHandler(this.sourceButton, "click", this.switchSourceEdit, this); this.editor.logMessage(_('Source edit tool initialized')); }; this.switchSourceEdit = function(event, nograb) { var kupu = this.editor; var docobj = this._currently_editing||kupu.getDocument(); var editorframe = docobj.getEditable(); var sourcearea = this.getSourceArea(); var kupudoc = docobj.getDocument(); var sourceClass = 'kupu-sourcemode'; if (!this.sourcemode) { if (window.drawertool) { window.drawertool.closeDrawer(); } if (/on/i.test(kupudoc.designMode)) { kupudoc.designMode = 'Off'; }; kupu._initialized = false; var data=''; if(kupu.config.filtersourceedit) { window.status = _('Cleaning up HTML...'); var transform = kupu._filterContent(kupu.getInnerDocument().documentElement); data = kupu.getXMLBody(transform); data = kupu._fixupSingletons(data).replace(/<\/?body[^>]*>/g, ""); window.status = ''; } else { data = kupu.getHTMLBody(); } sourcearea.value = data; kupu.setClass(sourceClass); editorframe.style.display = 'none'; sourcearea.style.display = 'block'; if (!nograb) { sourcearea.focus(); }; this._currently_editing = docobj; } else { kupu.setHTMLBody(sourcearea.value); kupu.clearClass(sourceClass); sourcearea.style.display = 'none'; editorframe.style.display = 'block'; if (/off/i.test(kupudoc.designMode)) { kupudoc.designMode = 'On'; }; if (!nograb) { docobj.getWindow().focus(); var selection = this.editor.getSelection(); selection.collapse(); }; kupu._initialized = true; this._currently_editing = null; }; this.sourcemode = !this.sourcemode; }; this.enable = function() { KupuButtonEnable(this.sourceButton); } this.disable = function() { KupuButtonDisable(this.sourceButton); } }; SourceEditTool.prototype = new KupuTool; function MultiSourceEditTool(sourcebuttonid, textareaprefix) { /* Source edit tool to edit document's html source */ this.sourceButton = getFromSelector(sourcebuttonid); this.textareaprefix = textareaprefix; this.getSourceArea = function() { var docobj = this._currently_editing||kupu.getDocument(); var sourceareaid = this.textareaprefix + docobj.getEditable().id; return getFromSelector(sourceareaid); } this._currently_editing = null; }; MultiSourceEditTool.prototype = new SourceEditTool;