/***************************************************************************** * * Sarissa XML library version 0.9.6 * Copyright (c) 2003 Manos Batsis, * mailto: mbatsis at users full stop sourceforge full stop net * This software is distributed under the Kupu License. See * LICENSE.txt for license text. See the Sarissa homepage at * http://sarissa.sourceforge.net for more information. * ***************************************************************************** * ==================================================================== * About * ==================================================================== * Sarissa cross browser XML library * @version 0.9.6 * @author: Manos Batsis, mailto: mbatsis at users full stop sourceforge full stop net * * Sarissa is an ECMAScript library acting as a cross-browser wrapper for native XML APIs. * The library supports Gecko based browsers like Mozilla and Firefox, * Internet Explorer (5.5+ with MSXML3.0+) and, last but not least, KHTML based browsers like * Konqueror and Safari. * */ /** *
Sarissa is a utility class. Provides static methods for DOMDocument and * XMLHTTP objects, DOM Node serializatrion to XML strings and other goodies.
* @constructor */ function Sarissa(){}; /** @private */ Sarissa.PARSED_OK = "Document contains no parsing errors"; /** * Tells you whether transformNode and transformNodeToObject are available. This functionality * is contained in sarissa_ieemu_xslt.js and is deprecated. If you want to control XSLT transformations * use the XSLTProcessor * @deprecated * @type boolean */ Sarissa.IS_ENABLED_TRANSFORM_NODE = false; /** * tells you whether XMLHttpRequest (or equivalent) is available * @type boolean */ Sarissa.IS_ENABLED_XMLHTTP = false; /** * tells you whether selectNodes/selectSingleNode is available * @type boolean */ Sarissa.IS_ENABLED_SELECT_NODES = false; var _sarissa_iNsCounter = 0; var _SARISSA_IEPREFIX4XSLPARAM = ""; var _SARISSA_HAS_DOM_IMPLEMENTATION = document.implementation && true; var _SARISSA_HAS_DOM_CREATE_DOCUMENT = _SARISSA_HAS_DOM_IMPLEMENTATION && document.implementation.createDocument; var _SARISSA_HAS_DOM_FEATURE = _SARISSA_HAS_DOM_IMPLEMENTATION && document.implementation.hasFeature; var _SARISSA_IS_MOZ = _SARISSA_HAS_DOM_CREATE_DOCUMENT && _SARISSA_HAS_DOM_FEATURE; var _SARISSA_IS_SAFARI = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("applewebkit") != -1; var _SARISSA_IS_IE = document.all && window.ActiveXObject && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") > -1 && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") == -1; if(!window.Node || !window.Node.ELEMENT_NODE){ var Node = {ELEMENT_NODE: 1, ATTRIBUTE_NODE: 2, TEXT_NODE: 3, CDATA_SECTION_NODE: 4, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: 5, ENTITY_NODE: 6, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: 7, COMMENT_NODE: 8, DOCUMENT_NODE: 9, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: 10, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: 11, NOTATION_NODE: 12}; }; // IE initialization if(_SARISSA_IS_IE){ // for XSLT parameter names, prefix needed by IE _SARISSA_IEPREFIX4XSLPARAM = "xsl:"; // used to store the most recent ProgID available out of the above var _SARISSA_DOM_PROGID = ""; var _SARISSA_XMLHTTP_PROGID = ""; /** * Called when the Sarissa_xx.js file is parsed, to pick most recent * ProgIDs for IE, then gets destroyed. * @param idList an array of MSXML PROGIDs from which the most recent will be picked for a given object * @param enabledList an array of arrays where each array has two items; the index of the PROGID for which a certain feature is enabled */ pickRecentProgID = function (idList, enabledList){ // found progID flag var bFound = false; for(var i=0; i < idList.length && !bFound; i++){ try{ var oDoc = new ActiveXObject(idList[i]); o2Store = idList[i]; bFound = true; for(var j=0;jEmulate IE's onreadystatechange attribute
*/ XMLDocument.prototype.onreadystatechange = null; /** *Emulates IE's readyState property, which always gives an integer from 0 to 4:
*Emulate IE's parseError attribute
*/ XMLDocument.prototype.parseError = 0; // NOTE: setting async to false will only work with documents // called over HTTP (meaning a server), not the local file system, // unless you are using Moz 1.4+. // BTW the try>catch block is for 1.4; I haven't found a way to check if // the property is implemented without // causing an error and I dont want to use user agent stuff for that... var _SARISSA_SYNC_NON_IMPLEMENTED = false; try{ /** *Emulates IE's async property for Moz versions prior to 1.4. * It controls whether loading of remote XML files works * synchronously or asynchronously.
*/ XMLDocument.prototype.async = true; _SARISSA_SYNC_NON_IMPLEMENTED = true; }catch(e){/* trap */}; /** *Keeps a handle to the original load() method. Internal use and only * if Mozilla version is lower than 1.4
* @private */ XMLDocument.prototype._sarissa_load = XMLDocument.prototype.load; /** *Overrides the original load method to provide synchronous loading for * Mozilla versions prior to 1.4, using an XMLHttpRequest object (if * async is set to false)
* @returns the DOM Object as it was before the load() call (may be empty) */ XMLDocument.prototype.load = function(sURI) { var oDoc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null); Sarissa.copyChildNodes(this, oDoc); this.parseError = 0; Sarissa.__setReadyState__(this, 1); try { if(this.async == false && _SARISSA_SYNC_NON_IMPLEMENTED) { var tmp = new XMLHttpRequest(); tmp.open("GET", sURI, false); tmp.send(null); Sarissa.__setReadyState__(this, 2); Sarissa.copyChildNodes(tmp.responseXML, this); Sarissa.__setReadyState__(this, 3); } else { this._sarissa_load(sURI); }; } catch (objException) { this.parseError = -1; } finally { if(this.async == false){ Sarissa.__handleLoad__(this); }; }; return oDoc; }; };//if(window.XMLDocument) /** *Ensures the document was loaded correctly, otherwise sets the * parseError to -1 to indicate something went wrong. Internal use
* @private */ Sarissa.__handleLoad__ = function(oDoc){ if (!oDoc.documentElement || oDoc.documentElement.tagName == "parsererror") oDoc.parseError = -1; Sarissa.__setReadyState__(oDoc, 4); }; /** *Attached by an event handler to the load event. Internal use.
* @private */ _sarissa_XMLDocument_onload = function(){ Sarissa.__handleLoad__(this); }; /** *Sets the readyState property of the given DOM Document object. * Internal use.
* @private * @argument oDoc the DOM Document object to fire the * readystatechange event * @argument iReadyState the number to change the readystate property to */ Sarissa.__setReadyState__ = function(oDoc, iReadyState){ oDoc.readyState = iReadyState; if (oDoc.onreadystatechange != null && typeof oDoc.onreadystatechange == "function") oDoc.onreadystatechange(); }; /** *Factory method to obtain a new DOM Document object
* @argument sUri the namespace of the root node (if any) * @argument sUri the local name of the root node (if any) * @returns a new DOM Document */ Sarissa.getDomDocument = function(sUri, sName){ var oDoc = document.implementation.createDocument(sUri?sUri:"", sName?sName:"", null); oDoc.addEventListener("load", _sarissa_XMLDocument_onload, false); return oDoc; }; };//if(_SARISSA_HAS_DOM_CREATE_DOCUMENT) }; //========================================== // Common stuff //========================================== if(!window.DOMParser){ /** * DOMParser is a utility class, used to construct DOMDocuments from XML strings * @constructor */ DOMParser = function() { }; /** * Construct a new DOM Document from the given XMLstring * @param sXml the given XML string * @param contentType the content type of the document the given string represents (one of text/xml, application/xml, application/xhtml+xml). * @return a new DOM Document from the given XML string */ DOMParser.prototype.parseFromString = function(sXml, contentType){ var doc = Sarissa.getDomDocument(); doc.loadXML(sXml); return doc; }; }; if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ Sarissa.IS_ENABLED_XMLHTTP = true; } else if(_SARISSA_IS_IE){ /** * Emulate XMLHttpRequest * @constructor */ XMLHttpRequest = function() { return new ActiveXObject(_SARISSA_XMLHTTP_PROGID); }; Sarissa.IS_ENABLED_XMLHTTP = true; }; if(!window.document.importNode && _SARISSA_IS_IE){ try{ /** * Implements importNode for the current window document in IE using innerHTML. * Testing showed that DOM was multiple times slower than innerHTML for this, * sorry folks. If you encounter trouble (who knows what IE does behind innerHTML) * please gimme a call. * @param oNode the Node to import * @param bChildren whether to include the children of oNode * @returns the imported node for further use */ window.document.importNode = function(oNode, bChildren){ var importNode = document.createElement("div"); if(bChildren) importNode.innerHTML = Sarissa.serialize(oNode); else importNode.innerHTML = Sarissa.serialize(oNode.cloneNode(false)); return importNode.firstChild; }; }catch(e){}; }; if(!Sarissa.getParseErrorText){ /** *Returns a human readable description of the parsing error. Usefull * for debugging. Tip: append the returned error string in a <pre> * element if you want to render it.
*Many thanks to Christian Stocker for the initial patch.
* @argument oDoc The target DOM document * @returns The parsing error description of the target Document in * human readable form (preformated text) */ Sarissa.getParseErrorText = function (oDoc){ var parseErrorText = Sarissa.PARSED_OK; if(oDoc.parseError != 0){ /*moz*/ if(oDoc.documentElement.tagName == "parsererror"){ parseErrorText = oDoc.documentElement.firstChild.data; parseErrorText += "\n" + oDoc.documentElement.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.data; }/*konq*/ else if(oDoc.documentElement.tagName == "html"){ parseErrorText = Sarissa.getText(oDoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0], false) + "\n"; parseErrorText += Sarissa.getText(oDoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], false) + "\n"; parseErrorText += Sarissa.getText(oDoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0], false); }; }; return parseErrorText; }; }; Sarissa.getText = function(oNode, deep){ var s = ""; var nodes = oNode.childNodes; for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ var node = nodes[i]; var nodeType = node.nodeType; if(nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE || nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE){ s += node.data; } else if(deep == true && (nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE || nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE || nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE)){ s += Sarissa.getText(node, true); }; }; return s; }; if(window.XMLSerializer){ /** *Factory method to obtain the serialization of a DOM Node
* @returns the serialized Node as an XML string */ Sarissa.serialize = function(oDoc){ return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(oDoc); }; }else{ if((Sarissa.getDomDocument("","foo", null)).xml){ // see non-IE version Sarissa.serialize = function(oDoc) { // MM - IE seems to have a problem here, oDoc.xml is "undefined" // TODO: check for HTML document and return innerHTML instead // consider it done; kupu doesn't work in IE 6 coz .xml is undefined -- mmoretti if (oDoc.xml) { return(oDoc.xml); } return "<" + oDoc.tagName + ">" + oDoc.innerHTML + "" + oDoc.tagName + ">"; }; /** * Utility class to serialize DOM Node objects to XML strings * @constructor */ XMLSerializer = function(){}; /** * Serialize the given DOM Node to an XML string * @param oNode the DOM Node to serialize */ XMLSerializer.prototype.serializeToString = function(oNode) { // MM - IE seems to have a problem here, oNode.xml is "undefined" if (oNode.xml) { return(oNode.xml); } return "<" + oNode.nodeName + ">" + oNode.innerHTML + "" + oNode.nodeName + ">"; }; }; }; /** * strips tags from a markup string */ Sarissa.stripTags = function (s) { return s.replace(/<[^>]+>/g,""); }; /** *Deletes all child nodes of the given node
* @argument oNode the Node to empty */ Sarissa.clearChildNodes = function(oNode) { while(oNode.hasChildNodes()){ oNode.removeChild(oNode.firstChild); }; }; /** *Copies the childNodes of nodeFrom to nodeTo
*Note: The second object's original content is deleted before * the copy operation, unless you supply a true third parameter
* @argument nodeFrom the Node to copy the childNodes from * @argument nodeTo the Node to copy the childNodes to * @argument bPreserveExisting whether to preserve the original content of nodeTo, default is false */ Sarissa.copyChildNodes = function(nodeFrom, nodeTo, bPreserveExisting) { if(!bPreserveExisting){ Sarissa.clearChildNodes(nodeTo); }; var ownerDoc = nodeTo.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE ? nodeTo : nodeTo.ownerDocument; var nodes = nodeFrom.childNodes; if(ownerDoc.importNode && (!_SARISSA_IS_IE)) { for(var i=0;i < nodes.length;i++) { nodeTo.appendChild(ownerDoc.importNode(nodes[i], true)); }; } else{ for(var i=0;i < nodes.length;i++) { nodeTo.appendChild(nodes[i].cloneNode(true)); }; }; }; /** *Moves the childNodes of nodeFrom to nodeTo
*Note: The second object's original content is deleted before * the move operation, unless you supply a true third parameter
* @argument nodeFrom the Node to copy the childNodes from * @argument nodeTo the Node to copy the childNodes to * @argument bPreserveExisting whether to preserve the original content of nodeTo, default is false */ Sarissa.moveChildNodes = function(nodeFrom, nodeTo, bPreserveExisting) { if(!bPreserveExisting){ Sarissa.clearChildNodes(nodeTo); }; var nodes = nodeFrom.childNodes; // if within the same doc, just move, else copy and delete if(nodeFrom.ownerDocument == nodeTo.ownerDocument){ nodeTo.appendChild(nodes[i]); }else{ var ownerDoc = nodeTo.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE ? nodeTo : nodeTo.ownerDocument; if(ownerDoc.importNode && (!_SARISSA_IS_IE)) { for(var i=0;i < nodes.length;i++) { nodeTo.appendChild(ownerDoc.importNode(nodes[i], true)); }; } else{ for(var i=0;i < nodes.length;i++) { nodeTo.appendChild(nodes[i].cloneNode(true)); }; }; Sarissa.clearChildNodes(nodeFrom); }; }; /** *Serialize any object to an XML string. All properties are serialized using the property name
* as the XML element name. Array elements are rendered as array-item
* using their index/key as the value of the key