@echo off if cmdextversion 2 goto :cmdok echo Sorry, this batch file requires a more recent version of Windows. goto :eof :cmdok setlocal setlocal enabledelayedexpansion call :searchpath xsltproc.exe if errorlevel 1 goto :eof set XSLTPROC=%RES% set NOOP= set DEBUG= set TRACE= :getopt if /I "%1" EQU "/n" set NOOP=1 && shift /1 && goto :getopt if /I "%1" EQU "-n" set NOOP=1 && shift /1 && goto :getopt if /I "%1" EQU "/d" set DEBUG=1 && shift /1 && goto :getopt if /I "%1" EQU "-d" set DEBUG=1 && shift /1 && goto :getopt if /I "%1" EQU "/t" set TRACE=1 && shift /1 && goto :getopt if /I "%1" EQU "-t" set TRACE=1 && shift /1 && goto :getopt if DEFINED NOOP ( SET X=echo+ ) ELSE ( SET X= ) set XSL_DEBUG=--param debug true^^^(^^^) set XSLTPROC_PARAMS=--nonet --novalid --xinclude set XSL_FILE=make.xsl if DEFINED DEBUG set XSLTPROC_PARAMS=%XSLTPROC_PARAMS% %XSL_DEBUG% if DEFINED TRACE set XSLTPROC_PARAMS=%XSLTPROC_PARAMS% --load-trace set TARGET_OK= set TARGETS= for /F "delims=:_ tokens=1,2" %%L in (%~sf0) DO ( if "%%L" EQU "target" ( set TARGETS=!TARGETS! %%M if /I "%%M" EQU "%1" set TARGET_OK=yes ) ) if "%TARGET_OK%"=="" goto :usage goto :target_%1 :usage echo Usage: make [-n][-d][-t] target echo where target is one of %TARGETS% echo -n (or /n) Display but don't execute commands echo -d (or /d) Include XML comments in output files. echo -t (or /t) Show XML files as they are loaded goto :eof :target_dist %X%%XSLTPROC% %XSLTPROC_PARAMS% -o ..\common\kupu-widgeteer.html %XSL_FILE% dist.kupu goto :eof :target_ :target_all call :target_clean call :target_dist goto :eof :target_clean SET FILES=..\common\kupu-widgeteer.html for %%F in (%FILES%) DO ( IF EXIST %%F ( %X%echo del %%F && %X%del %%F ) ) goto :eof :searchpath REM Search the path for the specified file. Also, for added REM friendliness, we extend the path with a few other 'potential' REM directories. SET PATHX=%PATH%;C:\libxslt;c:\Program Files\libxml\util set RES=%~s$PATHX:1 if not errorlevel 1 goto :eof echo File %1 was not found in the PATH environment goto :eof