head 1.1; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; expand @b@; 1.1 date 2005.; author BobMorris; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @none @ 1.1 log @Schema proposal @ text @ Root element of the data set. Information associated with the creation of the dataset in human-readable form. May be augmented or replaced with common TDWG MetaData structure or UBIF container. Person or Program that generated the data set. Time at which the data set was created. Reason why the data set was generated. Origin of the data for derived data sets (e.g. database connect string). Mechanism to allow for the extension of the schema for specific applications. - specific GBIF request Container for voucher (representation of specimen) records. Specimen and location [A] Information about the location of the specimen. The anyType represents a placeholder for optionally extending the schema with a schema element defined in another standard. [A] The anyType represents a placeholder for optionally extending the schema with a schema element defined in another standard. [A] Physical object the voucher is referring to. The anyType represents a placeholder for optionally extending the schema with a schema element defined in another standard. [A] Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. Container for publication records. Details of the data source where the the concept was originally published. (Might adopt a common TDWG data structure.) [A] Full bibliographic reference as a single formatted string. Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. Enumerated list of publication source types. Container for concept records. Representation of a Taxon Concept. Various types of concept can be represented, including a reference to the GUID of an existing Concept. [A] Container for taxonomic assertion records. Relationships between two concepts which are not part of the original definition of either of these concepts; possibly by a third party. [A] Information about the authorship of the asserted relationship. Starting point of the directed relationship. A reference to a TaxonConcept. End point of the directed relationship. A reference to a TaxonConcept. Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. Reference to an entity defined elsewhere (equivalent to a foreign key) Points to a top-level element via an ID reference; use gref to reference an external entity via a GUID. Describes the origin of the concept or assertion. Unstructured string as used in the data source describing the origin of the concept (e.g. AuthorTeam and year). Details provided by the data source about the concept or relationship authors. String representation of who was responsible for creating a particular concept or relationship, as represented in the source data. May be a subset of the publication authors. Time of creation of the concept or relationship . Reference ID or GUID of the original publication in which the concept or relationship was introduced. [A] Specifies a location (e.g. page or paragraph) within the publication. Type attribute describe the type of relationship Any of an enumerated list of possible taxonomic and nomenclatural relationships that may be expressed between two TaxonConcepts. Placeholder for other schema standards An enumeration that is the union of all the others An enumeration of values possible for concept type, but containing only "Nominal" An enumeration of values possible for concept type, but not containing "Nominal" Abstract base type for describing names to allow different structure according as whether the Name is attached to a Nominal or non-Nominal concept Complete verbatim name as found in the data source. This is where spelling variations and other The NameBaseT is an abstract SchemaType and when instantiated offers the possibility for additional optional information, which differs according as whether the TaxonConcept is of Nominal type or not. Concrete type giving the structure of a Name object that can be applied to a TaxonConceptWithNominalType. It extends NameBaseT with all the structure that differs from the non nominal case Container for full set of nomenclatural elements (LC). This option is automatically selected if the TaxonConcept "Type" attribute is "Nominal". Concrete type giving the structure of a Name object that can be applied to a non nominal concept. It is derived from NameBaseT and includes all the extra structure for this case. Name string calculated from an atomized record of the referenced "Nominal" concept in the source data. This option is automatically selected if the TaxonConcept "Type" attribute is not "Nominal". Reference to the Nominal concept that corresponds to the Code-recognized name used An abstract TaxonConcept. It is abstract because it can not be instantiated. Rather, one of the two derived types TaxonConceptWithNominalTypeT or TaxonConceptWithNonNominalTypeTmust appear in an instance document, although something of Schema type TaxonConceptT may appear anwhere it is possible to substitute either of the derived types Information about the authorship of this concept which uses the Name in their sense (i.e. secundum, sensu). Kingdom of the concept. Rank of the concept (potentially enumerated to the UBIF standard). Stores explicit, taxonomic and nomenclatural relationships that are part of the original concept definition. Type of the relationship [A] Reference to another TaxonConcept. [A] A set of specimens that are used to define the concept. Link to record of a specimen. [A] May record the designated type-status of a specimen in relation to the circumscribed TaxonConcept, according to the nomenclatural codes. A set of taxonomic descriptions used to define this concept. May potentially hold descriptions according to the TDWG SDD schema, or any other, format. Mechanism to allow for the extension of the schema for specific applications. - specific GBIF request Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. If primary='true' the concept is the first level response to a query. If 'false' the concept may be a secondary concept linked directly or indirectly to the definition of a primary concept. Use this data type if the concept is of nominal type. A schema aware editor like Spy will not let you enter anything but "Nominal" for the value of the type attribute, or at least will signal a validation error if you do See annotation for "TaxonConceptWithNominalTypeT". The permitted values for the "type" attribute are those in the NonNominalConceptTypeEnum @