%META:TOPICINFO{author="GarryJolleyRogers" date="1259118875" format="1.1" version="1.7"}% ---+!! %TOPIC% When the BDI.SDD_ group was initiated it was defined as a task group to explore the structure of descriptive data and come up with a proposal for a new standard to cast data currently held in DELTA and related formats into an xml standard. The TDWG subgroup name does not necessarily has to be the name of the standard. We had repeated very active discussions that produced a colorful range of candidates, However, no decision was taken yet, partly because in Lisbon I am responsible for putting it as a last point on the agenda, thinking it would revitalize us at the end. As the wiser of us may have expected, the opposite happened, we were all to exhausted after 6 full days of discussions and let the topic drop. Since this document is already very long, I have created a second topic NameForStandardWikiDiscussions. Please read this for reference, and put your comments into the new topic.

Summary of discussion 2002:

Agreeing on a preliminary name at the next meeting is not critical, but it would simplify the discussion and eliminate the ambiguous "the new BDI.SDD_ standard" phrase. This document should be considered an initial brainstorm. Please send your additions, comments, and criticism.

Terms considered to cover the scope of the standard:

Modifiers considered to cover the scope of the standard:

Terms considered to be misleading:

"Brainstorm" of possible names for the new standard:


New Discussion in 2003 on email list

Summary list updated by Kevin:

BioDDS (Chuck Miller) (spinning off to BDDS -> BDS -> BD -> D ->DELTA ->Jim Croft)
BioDescML (Chuck Miller)
BiODML (Chuck Miller)
BioML (Jim Croft) (taken - see xml.coverpages.org/bioml.html)
BioTaxML (Chuck Miller)
BiOTML (Chuck Miller)
BODDS (Karen Medina)
CAML (Jim Croft) (taken - see http://www.vision.fhg.de/~veenhuis/CAML/)
ExBDI.SDD (Stan Blum)
DescML (Jim Croft)
DescriptionML (Gregor Hagedorn)
PanML (Nick Lander, who will undoubtedly pass the port to Richard Pankhurst)
BDI.SDD_ (Structured Descriptive Data - port unclaimed?)
SDBO (Rich Pyle)
SSDDBO (Rich Pyle)
TDML (Guillaume Rousse)
TaxDescML (Guillaume Rousse)
xDELTA (don't know who to give the port to for this one - maybe Mike Dallwitz)
XBio (Julian Humphries)
XBDI.SDD (Bob Morris and Stan Blum)
Xtax (Julian Humphries)

Kevin: Got it! - we think that BDI.SDD_ will be pretty general, huh? Then Generalised Object Description Markup Language - an acronym to die for, surely. --- Eric Zurcher: Just be careful that it doesn't get corrupted to: Generalised Object Descriptive DAta Markup Notation. ---- Version 1 and 2 of this document were originally maintained at http://www.diversitycampus.net/Projects/TDWG-BDI.SDD_/docs/SDD_I_StdNameChoices.html. Again, since this document is already very long, please add your comments not here but in the new topic NameForStandardWikiDiscussions. ---- Gregor Hagedorn; Vers. 2.1; 21. Nov. 2003