%META:TOPICINFO{author="GarryJolleyRogers" date="1259118880" format="1.1" version="1.1015"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="BDI.SDD_"}% ---++ Statistics for %WEB% Web | *Month:* | *Topic
views:* | *Topic
saves:* | *File
uploads:* | *Most popular
topic views:* | *Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:* | | | | | | | | | Nov 2009 | 192 | 3 | 0 |   6 [[WebSearch]]
  3 [[WebTopicList]]
  3 [[WebPreferences]]
  3 [[WebStatistics]]
  3 [[WebChanges]]
  3 [[WebTopicCreator]]
  2 [[CurrentSchemaVersion]]
  2 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
  2 [[Version101]]
  2 [[XercesValidator]]
  2 [[UMassBostonElectronicFieldGuideProject]] |   3 Main.LeeBelbin | | Oct 2009 | 3946 | 6 | 0 | 631 [[BDI.SDD_]]
127 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 86 [[Version1dot1]]
 69 [[MailingList]]
 60 [[SchemaDiscussion]]
 60 [[Charter]]
 59 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 57 [[WebChanges]]
 56 [[WebStatistics]]
 53 [[PrimerHome]]
 48 [[BDIWorkingGroupSession2009]] |   3 Main.GregorHagedorn
  2 Main.PierreBonnet
  1 Main.LeeBelbin | | Sep 2009 | 3201 | 7 | 0 | 481 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 93 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 59 [[MailingList]]
 57 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 55 [[WebStatistics]]
 54 [[Version1dot1]]
 50 [[BDIWorkingGroupSession2009]]
 48 [[WebChanges]]
 43 [[DiscussionFor1dot1]]
 42 [[RDFandBDI.SDD]]
 35 [[SchemaTaskGroupCharter]] |   5 Main.GregorHagedorn
  2 Main.PierreBonnet | | Aug 2009 | 2449 | 0 | 0 | 413 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 63 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 59 [[MailingList]]
 50 [[Version1dot1]]
 39 [[WebStatistics]]
 33 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 32 [[PrimerHome]]
 32 [[WebNotify]]
 31 [[RDFandBDI.SDD]]
 28 [[WebChanges]]
 28 [[Charter]] | | | Jul 2009 | 2869 | 0 | 0 | 376 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 81 [[WebStatistics]]
 78 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 56 [[MailingList]]
 52 [[Version1dot1]]
 46 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 35 [[CurrentSchemaVersion]]
 35 [[WebSearchAdvanced]]
 34 [[WebTopicList]]
 34 [[WebChanges]]
 33 [[WebPreferences]] | | | Jun 2009 | 2828 | 0 | 0 | 399 [[BDI.SDD_]]
104 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 57 [[WebStatistics]]
 51 [[MailingList]]
 51 [[SDD2006BerlinSummary]]
 47 [[Version1dot1]]
 41 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 38 [[WebChanges]]
 37 [[RDFandBDI.SDD]]
 32 [[WebNotify]]
 28 [[PrimerHome]] | | | May 2009 | 2421 | 0 | 0 | 367 [[BDI.SDD_]]
119 [[SubversionRepository]]
114 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 61 [[WebStatistics]]
 48 [[Version1dot1]]
 40 [[RDFandBDI.SDD]]
 38 [[WebNotify]]
 37 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 34 [[PrimerHome]]
 32 [[CurrentSchemaVersion]]
 31 [[MailingList]] | | | Apr 2009 | 2552 | 0 | 0 | 348 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 76 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 63 [[WebStatistics]]
 51 [[Version1dot1]]
 50 [[MailingList]]
 40 [[PrimerHome]]
 40 [[WebNotify]]
 39 [[SubversionRepository]]
 38 [[SchemaDiscussion]]
 38 [[WebChanges]]
 33 [[Charter]] | | | Mar 2009 | 2825 | 0 | 0 | 429 [[BDI.SDD_]]
104 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 96 [[SubversionRepository]]
 71 [[WebStatistics]]
 67 [[Version1dot1]]
 57 [[MailingList]]
 54 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 39 [[PrimerHome]]
 38 [[Charter]]
 32 [[DELTAandBDI.SDD]]
 31 [[CurrentSchemaVersion]] | | | Feb 2009 | 2389 | 0 | 0 | 434 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 80 [[Version1dot1]]
 77 [[SubversionRepository]]
 76 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 46 [[MailingList]]
 44 [[WebStatistics]]
 38 [[CurrentSchemaVersion]]
 38 [[Charter]]
 37 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 33 [[DiscussionFor1dot1]]
 31 [[ToolsForBDI.SDD]] | | | Jan 2009 | 1879 | 0 | 0 | 391 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 81 [[SubversionRepository]]
 60 [[MailingList]]
 57 [[Version1dot1]]
 47 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 46 [[WebStatistics]]
 33 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 27 [[Charter]]
 25 [[RDFandBDI.SDD]]
 25 [[SchemaTaskGroupCharter]]
 24 [[CurrentSchemaVersion]] | | | Dec 2008 | 3440 | 0 | 0 | 429 [[BDI.SDD_]]
101 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 87 [[Version1dot1]]
 83 [[SubversionRepository]]
 66 [[WebStatistics]]
 57 [[MailingList]]
 54 [[Charter]]
 50 [[InterestGroupCharter]]
 49 [[PrimerHome]]
 48 [[WebPreferences]]
 46 [[RDFandBDI.SDD]] | | | Nov 2008 | 2572 | 5 | 1 | 367 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 99 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 86 [[SubversionRepository]]
 75 [[Version1dot1]]
 57 [[MailingList]]
 48 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 48 [[WebStatistics]]
 40 [[WebChanges]]
 39 [[InterestGroupCharter]]
 38 [[DiscussionFor1dot1beta10]]
 36 [[RDFandBDI.SDD]] |   6 Main.GregorHagedorn | | Oct 2008 | 3133 | 0 | 0 | 431 [[BDI.SDD_]]
102 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 70 [[Version1dot1]]
 61 [[MailingList]]
 55 [[WebStatistics]]
 51 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 47 [[HistoryAndContext]]
 45 [[DiscussionFor1dot1]]
 43 [[InterestGroupCharter]]
 43 [[SchemaDiscussion]]
 42 [[SubversionRepository]] | | | Sep 2008 | 2373 | 0 | 0 | 364 [[BDI.SDD_]]
118 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 57 [[SubversionRepository]]
 55 [[MailingList]]
 44 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 41 [[WebStatistics]]
 40 [[Version1dot1]]
 34 [[DELTAandBDI.SDD]]
 32 [[HistoryAndContext]]
 32 [[PrimerHome]]
 32 [[Charter]] | | | Aug 2008 | 2779 | 0 | 0 | 556 [[BDI.SDD_]]
106 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 96 [[SubversionRepository]]
 82 [[Version1dot1]]
 77 [[MailingList]]
 51 [[SchemaDiscussion]]
 48 [[WebStatistics]]
 47 [[CurrentSchemaVersion]]
 43 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 41 [[PrimerHome]]
 40 [[HistoryAndContext]] | | | Jul 2008 | 2995 | 2 | 0 | 537 [[BDI.SDD_]]
257 [[SubversionRepository]]
 87 [[MailingList]]
 85 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 72 [[Version1dot1]]
 52 [[WebStatistics]]
 46 [[WebChanges]]
 46 [[WebSearchAdvanced]]
 45 [[Charter]]
 43 [[SchemaDiscussion]]
 43 [[WebNotify]] |   2 Main.GregorHagedorn | | Jun 2008 | 3019 | 2 | 2 | 534 [[BDI.SDD_]]
236 [[SubversionRepository]]
101 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 78 [[MailingList]]
 58 [[Version1dot1]]
 52 [[WebStatistics]]
 44 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 41 [[RDFandBDI.SDD]]
 40 [[Charter]]
 39 [[HistoryAndContext]]
 38 [[WebChanges]] |   4 Main.GregorHagedorn | | May 2008 | 2516 | 1 | 1 | 506 [[BDI.SDD_]]
110 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 65 [[SubversionRepository]]
 65 [[MailingList]]
 44 [[Version1dot1]]
 41 [[WebStatistics]]
 40 [[WebSearchAdvanced]]
 37 [[CurrentSchemaVersion]]
 37 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 33 [[DiscussionFor1dot1]]
 32 [[Charter]] |   2 Main.GregorHagedorn | | Apr 2008 | 2886 | 2 | 1 | 395 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 90 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 67 [[MailingList]]
 62 [[WebStatistics]]
 61 [[Version1dot1]]
 39 [[Charter]]
 38 [[CurrentSchemaVersion]]
 37 [[DiscussionFor1dot1]]
 37 [[WebChanges]]
 36 [[PrimerHome]]
 34 [[TextCharacterDiscussion]] |   3 Main.GregorHagedorn | | Mar 2008 | 3449 | 2 | 1 | 343 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 72 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 66 [[MailingList]]
 58 [[PrimerHome]]
 56 [[Version1dot1]]
 53 [[HistoryAndContext]]
 50 [[TextCharacterDiscussion]]
 50 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 44 [[WebNotify]]
 42 [[WebSearch]]
 41 [[ConceptStateDiscussion]] |   3 Main.GregorHagedorn | | Feb 2008 | 2413 | 2 | 0 | 355 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 71 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 67 [[MailingList]]
 56 [[Version1dot1]]
 45 [[WebStatistics]]
 38 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 38 [[WebSearch]]
 36 [[CurrentSchemaVersion]]
 36 [[Charter]]
 35 [[PrimerHome]]
 31 [[ConceptStateDiscussion]] |   2 Main.GregorHagedorn | | Jan 2008 | 2326 | 0 | 0 | 316 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 66 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 65 [[MailingList]]
 48 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 47 [[Version1dot1]]
 36 [[WebStatistics]]
 33 [[PrimerHome]]
 30 [[Charter]]
 28 [[CurrentSchemaVersion]]
 28 [[SecondaryClassifiersWithinClasses]]
 28 [[ImplementationsOfBDI.SDD]] | | | Dec 2007 | 3156 | 1 | 0 | 316 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 65 [[Version1dot1]]
 64 [[MailingList]]
 61 [[WebStatistics]]
 57 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 44 [[WebPreferences]]
 42 [[WebSearch]]
 42 [[SchemaDiscussion]]
 41 [[ServicesUsingBDI.SDD]]
 39 [[PrimerHome]]
 39 [[ImplementationsOfBDI.SDD]] |   1 Main.GregorHagedorn | | Nov 2007 | 2340 | 1 | 0 | 303 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 73 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 62 [[MailingList]]
 57 [[WebStatistics]]
 50 [[PrimerHome]]
 43 [[Version1dot1]]
 37 [[WebChanges]]
 32 [[InterestGroupCharter]]
 30 [[Charter]]
 29 [[WebSearch]]
 28 [[UBioXidDevelopment]] |   1 Main.DonaldHobern | | Oct 2007 | 3275 | 24 | 7 | 336 [[BDI.SDD_]]
265 [[Charter]]
115 [[WebStatistics]]
102 [[RealWorldExamples_SDD1dot1]]
 69 [[MailingList]]
 66 [[PrimerHome]]
 55 [[SecondaryClassifiersWithinClasses]]
 53 [[SchemaDiscussion]]
 47 [[Version1dot1]]
 40 [[RDFandBDI.SDD]]
 32 [[WebChanges]] |  31 Main.GregorHagedorn | | Sep 2007 | 7636 | 14 | 0 | 1484 [[WebStatistics]]
504 [[Charter]]
295 [[BDI.SDD_]]
286 [[SchemaDiscussion]]
238 [[UBioXidDevelopment]]
223 [[SDD2004Berlin]]
217 [[StyleSheets]]
187 [[CIPResDevelopment]]
180 [[DebugRef]]
167 [[SchemaChangeLog09beta23]]
152 [[SchemaChangeLog09beta29]] |  12 Main.GregorHagedorn
  1 Main.LeeBelbin
  1 Main.BobMorris | | Aug 2007 | 9619 | 0 | 0 | 2217 [[WebStatistics]]
549 [[Charter]]
372 [[BDI.SDD_]]
347 [[DebugRef]]
327 [[SDD2004Berlin]]
323 [[StyleSheets]]
237 [[UBioXidDevelopment]]
233 [[SchemaDiscussion]]
176 [[XercesValidator]]
171 [[CIPResDevelopment]]
159 [[ToolsForBDI.SDD]] | | | Jul 2007 | 7117 | 0 | 0 | 482 [[BDI.SDD_]]
468 [[WebStatistics]]
247 [[SchemaDiscussion]]
235 [[Charter]]
211 [[Version1dot1]]
197 [[DebugRef]]
179 [[SDD2004Berlin]]
132 [[UBioXidDevelopment]]
121 [[StyleSheets]]
119 [[WebPreferences]]
115 [[ToolsForBDI.SDD]] | | | Jun 2007 | 5951 | 0 | 0 | 578 [[BDI.SDD_]]
392 [[WebStatistics]]
266 [[SchemaDiscussion]]
122 [[StyleSheets]]
110 [[SDD2004Berlin]]
 86 [[WebPreferences]]
 79 [[ClosedTopicSchemaDiscussionSDD09]]
 76 [[MailingList]]
 76 [[Version1dot1]]
 75 [[SchemaProposals]]
 74 [[DebugRef]] | | | May 2007 | 3117 | 10 | 0 | 399 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 78 [[Charter]]
 65 [[WebStatistics]]
 57 [[MailingList]]
 53 [[SecondaryClassifiersWithinClasses]]
 52 [[ClosedTopicSchemaDiscussionSDD09]]
 52 [[RDFandBDI.SDD]]
 49 [[Version1dot1]]
 47 [[PrimerHome]]
 43 [[InterestGroupCharter]]
 38 [[WebChanges]] |  10 Main.GregorHagedorn | | Apr 2007 | 3298 | 2 | 0 | 325 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 62 [[SecondaryClassifiersWithinClasses]]
 58 [[SDD2006BerlinMinutes]]
 54 [[MailingList]]
 48 [[PrimerHome]]
 48 [[Version1dot1]]
 45 [[RDFandBDI.SDD]]
 42 [[Charter]]
 41 [[WebChanges]]
 40 [[ConvertingLIF2BDI.SDD]]
 38 [[SupportForMultipleAudiences]] |   1 Main.RicardoPereira
  1 Main.GregorHagedorn | | Mar 2007 | 3265 | 17 | 2 | 346 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 71 [[Charter]]
 58 [[MailingList]]
 50 [[SDD2006BerlinMinutes]]
 47 [[SecondaryClassifiersWithinClasses]]
 47 [[RDFandBDI.SDD]]
 46 [[SubversionReleaseProcedures]]
 45 [[WebStatistics]]
 45 [[Version1dot1]]
 43 [[ClosedTopicOptionalityTerminologyElement]]
 38 [[WebChanges]] |  12 Main.BobMorris
  6 Main.RicardoPereira
  1 Main.GregorHagedorn | | Feb 2007 | 2481 | 5 | 0 | 232 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 45 [[CurrentSchemaVersion]]
 42 [[MailingList]]
 35 [[WebPreferences]]
 35 [[Version1dot1]]
 35 [[Charter]]
 34 [[SubversionReleaseProcedures]]
 33 [[MeetingMinutes]]
 31 [[PrimerHome]]
 30 [[SchemaChangeLog091EarlyBetaVersions]]
 29 [[ClosedTopicSchemaDiscussionSDD09]] |   3 Main.RicardoPereira
  2 Main.GregorHagedorn | | Jan 2007 | 244 | 0 | 0 |  21 [[BDI.SDD_]]
  8 [[WebChanges]]
  8 [[ClosedTopicSchemaDiscussionSDD09]]
  6 [[StyleSheets]]
  6 [[WebNotify]]
  6 [[SchemaBugs10Beta2]]
  5 [[SecondaryClassifiersWithinClasses]]
  5 [[SchemaProposals]]
  5 [[ColorRangeSampleData]]
  4 [[WebLeftBar]]
  4 [[SupportForMultipleAudiences]] | | | Dec 2006 | 3925 | 0 | 0 | 412 [[BDI.SDD_]]
322 [[WebRss]]
118 [[WebStatistics]]
 81 [[MailingList]]
 79 [[ClosedTopicSchemaDiscussionSDD09]]
 67 [[SchemaDiscussion]]
 64 [[Charter]]
 59 [[DiscussionFor1dot1RC1]]
 55 [[WebNotify]]
 54 [[ConceptStateDiscussion]]
 45 [[WebPreferences]] | | | Nov 2006 | 2603 | 5 | 0 | 545 [[WebRss]]
266 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 59 [[MailingList]]
 53 [[Charter]]
 36 [[PrimerHome]]
 35 [[ConceptStateDiscussion]]
 35 [[WebChanges]]
 30 [[Version1dot1]]
 30 [[WebNotify]]
 28 [[WebPreferences]]
 27 [[WebStatistics]] |   3 Main.GregorHagedorn
  2 Main.BobMorris | | Oct 2006 | 2335 | 16 | 0 | 266 [[BDI.SDD_]]
220 [[WebRss]]
 61 [[DiscussionFor1dot1RC2]]
 56 [[PrimerHome]]
 43 [[MailingList]]
 37 [[CurrentSchemaVersion]]
 37 [[ConceptStateDiscussion]]
 37 [[SecondaryClassifiersWithinClasses]]
 33 [[Charter]]
 31 [[Version1dot1]]
 30 [[ClosedTopicSchemaDiscussionSDD09]] |   6 Main.BobMorris
  6 Main.JacobAsiedu
  3 Main.GregorHagedorn
  1 Main.BryanHeidorn | | Sep 2006 | 1098 | 0 | 0 | 138 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 49 [[WebRss]]
 25 [[PrimerHome]]
 25 [[Charter]]
 23 [[WebSearchAdvanced]]
 22 [[SubversionRepository]]
 21 [[DiscussionFor1dot1RC1]]
 20 [[WebPreferences]]
 20 [[WebNotify]]
 19 [[WebStatistics]]
 19 [[SDD2006BerlinSummary]] | | | Aug 2006 | 1270 | 1 | 4 | 146 [[BDI.SDD_]]
124 [[WebRss]]
 43 [[Version1dot1]]
 31 [[WebPreferences]]
 30 [[PrimerHome]]
 25 [[SDD2006BerlinSummary]]
 25 [[ToolsForBDI.SDD]]
 24 [[DiscussionFor1dot1RC1]]
 24 [[WebNotify]]
 23 [[DELTAandBDI.SDD]]
 22 [[SubversionReleaseProcedures]] |   5 Main.BobMorris | | Jul 2006 | 1291 | 0 | 0 | 144 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 53 [[WebRss]]
 28 [[PrimerHome]]
 27 [[DiscussionFor1dot1RC1]]
 27 [[Version1dot1]]
 25 [[WebNotify]]
 24 [[WebChanges]]
 23 [[SDD2006BerlinSummary]]
 23 [[DELTAandBDI.SDD]]
 23 [[Charter]]
 21 [[ToolsForBDI.SDD]] | | | Jun 2006 | 1226 | 1 | 0 | 189 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 38 [[WebSearchAdvanced]]
 30 [[WebChanges]]
 27 [[WebNotify]]
 25 [[PrimerHome]]
 25 [[Version1dot1]]
 24 [[WebRss]]
 24 [[WebAtom]]
 23 [[DiscussionFor1dot1RC1]]
 21 [[CurrentSchemaVersion]]
 21 [[SDD2006BerlinSummary]] |   1 Main.DamianBarnier | | May 2006 | 1729 | 33 | 11 | 264 [[BDI.SDD_]]
 76 [[WebNotify]]
 69 [[WebChanges]]
 66 [[WebRss]]
 59 [[DiscussionFor1dot1RC1]]
 58 [[SubversionReleaseProcedures]]
 50 [[DiscussionFor1dot1beta11]]
 45 [[SubversionRepository]]
 36 [[ToolsForBDI.SDD]]
 34 [[PrimerHome]]
 34 [[WebAtom]] |  17 Main.BobMorris
 16 Main.GregorHagedorn
  4 Main.RicardoPereira
  3 Main.JacobAsiedu
  1 Main.SteveShattuck
  1 Main.KehanHarman
  1 Main.KevinThiele
  1 Main.AlexChapman | | Apr 2006 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | __Notes:__ * Do not edit this topic, it is updated automatically. (You can also force an update) * %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiDocumentation tells you how to enable the automatic updates of the statistics. * Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.