%META:TOPICINFO{author="RicardoPereira" date="1188585438" format="1.1" version="1.8"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WebHome"}% ---++TDWG Secretariat This wiki supports the development of additional roles needed in TDWG. Currently, only the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer have well-defined roles within the Executive Committee. With the hopefully increasing size of TDWG, the load on the Secretary appears at peak times well beyond any individual. The TDWG Infrastructure Project had recommended a number of specific roles for other Executive Committee members; Outreach, Annual Conference Manager, TAG Liaison and a funded (part-time) Secretarial Assistant. At TDWG 2006 in St Louis, Adrian Rissoné and Lee Belbin developed specifications for five potential positions that appeared required for a more effective TDWG management team. While the new constitution and process have been approved, it seemed appropriate to trial these positions before making any further changes to the constitution. The four volunteer roles would be informal for at least one year with the idea of migrating them, if successful, to formal Executive Committee positions. It is also intended to pursue at least a part-time Secretarial Assistant in the first quarter of 2007. The volunteers who expressed interest in the six roles is enthusiastically welcomed. We need your help! We are now seeking comments from the volunteers (and others) on issues on the sub-pages below- 1. OutreachChampions 1. WebEditors 1. JournalEditors 1. AnnualConferenceManagers 1. ScretarialAssistant 1. SystemAdministrators Further information can be obtained from Lee Belbin (lee-at-tdwg-dot.org). -- Main.LeeBelbin - 29 Oct 2006