%META:TOPICINFO{author="BobMorris" date="1135948209" format="1.0" version="1.4"}% ---+ %TOPIC% |[[%PUBURL%/%WEB%/SchemaAsHtml/IASProfile.html][Full schema as HTML]]| |[[%PUBURL%/%WEB%/WebHome/IASProfileMaster.xsd][Full schema as XSD]]| The DefinedSchema element is used throughout the IASPS to allow users to use and reference their own classification systems.-- Michael.Browne --- --- --- An example would be nice. Are DefinedSchemas (machine) comparable to one another? What is a DefinedSchemaValue?? -- Main.BobMorris - 27 Dec 2005 --- --- --- In the IASPS, the DefinedSchema element is currently used by; * FactSheetType/LocationSpecificFacts/Biostatus/Invasiveness * FactSheetType/LocationSpecificFacts/Biostatus/Distribution * FactSheetType/LocationSpecificFacts/Biostatus/Abundance * FactSheetType/LocationSpecificFacts/LegalStatus * HabitatType * LocationType/MarineBioregion * LocationType/FreshWaterBody * LocationType * TaxonomicType/LifeForm The DefinedSchema element allows those sharing data to identify and reference the schemas they are using. Examples include Pam Fuller's use of 8 digit hydrologic unit codes (HUC) to describe drainages in the USA, silvia Ziller's list of life form types in Portuguese, and Colautti & MacIsaac's (2004) use of combinations of the terms localised/widespread and numerically rare/dominant to describe four categories of established (plant) species. For "Invasiveness", it would allow us to identify which definition of invasive alien species we are using; e.g. the IUCN (2000) definition. For many DefinedSchemas, it will be difficult to (machine) compare with others. The HUCs are georeferenced and we know the difference between the IUCN (2000) and the CBD definition of invasive alien species, but machines can't compare different life form and habitat schemas. If standards evolve for life form and habitat (e.g. at a high level), then those sharing data may develop their own crosswalks to them, or eventually adopt the standards. DefinedSchemaValue is the term (from the defined schema) actually being used in the dataset being shared; i.e. the particular hydrologic unit code, life form, or e.g. "not invasive". -- Main.MichaelBrowne - 29 Dec 2005