%META:TOPICINFO{author="HilmarLapp" date="1317937164" format="1.1" reprev="1.1" version="1.1"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="MIAPAWorkshop2011"}% ---+!! Notes for conference calls %TOC% ---++ Organizer teleconference notes ---+++ 5 Oct 2011 * starts 2:00 pm Monday, ends Tuesday end of day. * report out to TDWG full meeting on Friday, 5 minutes * facilities * projector - Nico * giant post-its & markers - Nico will ask local committee, Hilmar will fill in gaps * internet (wifi, hardwire) - Nico * power strips - Nico will ask local committee, rest of us will fill in * laptop for projection - Nico will ask * laptop for videoconferencing - not needed, will rely on Nico * possibility of remote participants * want to accomplish education and idea-development on Monday, so folks can start working Monday evening * importance of being inclusive, including any walk-ons with biodiversity expertise * allow extended discussion after short talks * emphasize benefits, including authorship on standards paper * detailed schedule with speakers, times and titles - Arlin will do this * Jim Leebens-Mack, MIAPA - Current Status & Recent Developments * Arlin Stoltzfus, Current & Best Practices for Publishing & Re-Using Trees * Dawn Fields, something about GSC or MIBBI * Round-table discussion 1: What phylo-relevant standards are needed to support biodiversity science? * 3:15 break * Round-table discussion 2: What phylo-relevant standards are needed to support biodiversity science? * Idea generation * how do we envision day 2? * holding Oct 12, 1:00 pm EDT for a possible follow-up teleconference. -- Main.ArlinStoltzfus - 05 Oct 2011 %META:TOPICMOVED{by="HilmarLapp" date="1317937164" from="Phylogenetics.ConferenceCalls" to="Phylogenetics.MIAPAConferenceCalls"}%