%META:TOPICINFO{author="KarenCranstn" date="1320972590" format="1.1" version="1.4"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="MIAPAWorkshop2011"}% ---++ Followups to TDWG 2011 MIAPA workshop 1. Continue work on scope (tentative lead: Susan Perkins; collaborators: _put your name here_) * Further align scoping questions with scoping answers * Solicit (and subsequently incorporate) further feedback * Possibly hold conference calls or use other means for further developing scope and achieving convergence and consensus. 2. Develop an ISA-tools entry form for the MIAPA strawman checklist (tentative lead: Chris Taylor; collaborators: Todd Vision, Karen Cranston, _put your name here_) 3. Continue community survey work (tentative lead: _Hilmar Lapp_; collaborators: _put your name here_) * Create draft survey on survey tool (to be decided on) * Solicit (and subsequently incorporate) further input on survey questions * Have questions and their explanations vetted by representatives of target communities. * Disseminate survey and collect data. * Summarize results and feed back into draft checklist. 4. Workshop report publication (tentative lead: Hilmar Lapp; collaborators: help with the manuscript)