%META:TOPICINFO{author="HilmarLapp" date="1376948674" format="1.1" reprev="1.26" version="1.26"}% ---+ %MAKETEXT{"Phylogenetics Standards Interest Group Wiki" args="%WEB%"}% Welcome to the website of the TDWG Interest Group on Phylogenetics Standards. ---++ %MAKETEXT{"Recent or Coming Events"}% We are organizing a workshop on "[[PhyloSharingWorkshop2013][Sharing and delivery of reusable phylogenetic knowledge]]" at the 2013 TDWG Conference in Florence, Italy. The workshop will take place in the morning of Thursday, Oct 31. ---++ %MAKETEXT{"History"}% A first workshop was held at the [[http://www.tdwg.org/conference2008/][2008 TDWG Annual Meeting]] in Perth/Fremantle, Australia. A [[http://www.tdwg.org/activities/phylogenetics/charter/][charter]] was finalized by Nico Cellinese and Hilmar Lapp, and approved in September 2009. The 2008 workshop also resulted in a number of initial ideas for task groups, and was followed by a symposium during the main conference (see Session# 7 of the [[http://www.tdwg.org/conference2008/program/][conference program]]) with six presentations covering needs for and obstacles caused by a lack of appropriate standards, as well as opportunities offered by standards emerging in the field. In Spring 2009, NESCent hosted the [[http://evoinfo.nescent.org/Database_Interop_Hackathon][Evolutionary Database Interoperability Hackathon]]. A group of collaborators who emerged from that event and subsequent activities articulated a vision for a grass-roots interoperability network for making evolutionary data broadly Web 3.0-compliant. This resulted in an [[http://www.evoio.org/wiki/Main_Page#The_EvoIO_INTEROP_project][NSF INTEROP grant proposal]] submission in July 2009. The proposal was declined from funding in March 2010. At the [[http://www.tdwg.org/conference2009/][2009 TDWG conference]] a 4-day [[http://www.evoio.org/wiki/VoCamp1][Phyloinformatics VoCamp]] aimed at collaborative development of vocabularies and ontologies took place, as well as a working session on the development of [[http://regnum.ebc.uu.se/][RegNum]] and the [[http://www.ohio.edu/phylocode/][PhyloCode]]. At the [[http://www.tdwg.org/conference2010/][2010 TDWG conference]] in Woods Hole, MA, we organized a [[WorkingMeeting2010][full-day hands-on working meeting]]. One of its major outcomes is an in-depth report on [[LinkingTrees2010][Best Practices on Publishing Trees Electronically]], which led to the highly accessed publication on sharing phylogenies by [[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1756-0500/5/574][Stoltzfus, et al. (2012)]]. The group staged another workshop at the 2011 TDWG Conference in New Orleans, LA, on [[MIAPAWorkshop2011][Steps towards a Minimum Information About a Phylogenetic Analysis (MIAPA) Standard]], with the goal to determine how a future reporting standard for phylogenetic analyses can best serve biodiversity science and related research applications. ---++ %MAKETEXT{"Getting Involved"}% We greatly welcome participation in any of the above and other activities. There is a mailing list ([[http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-phylo][tdwg-phylo]]) open to anyone. If you have ideas for any of the above topics or would like to participate in whatever role, please get in touch with us - we would love to hear from you. ---++ %MAKETEXT{"Links and Resources"}% * 2008 [[PhylogeneticsStandardsWorkshop][Phylogenetics Standards Workshop]] * 2009 [[http://evoinfo.nescent.org/Database_Interop_Hackathon][Evolutionary Database Interoperability Hackathon]] * 2009 [[http://www.evoio.org/wiki/NSF_INTEROP_2009][EvoIO NSF INTEROP proposal]] * 2009 [[http://www.evoio.org/wiki/VoCamp1][Phyloinformatics VoCamp]] * 2010 [[Working Meeting 2010]] * 2011 Workshop on [[MIAPAWorkshop2011][Steps towards a Minimum Information About a Phylogenetic Analysis (MIAPA) Standard]] * 2013 Symposium and Workshop on [[PhyloSharingWorkshop2013][Sharing and delivery of reusable phylogenetic knowledge]] We usually communicate over the [[http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-phylo][tdwg-phylo mailing list]]. ---++ %MAKETEXT{"Acknowledgments"}% The workshop and symposium at the 2008 TDWG Annual Meeting in Perth/Fremantle was co-sponsored by the Biodiversity Synthesis Center (BioSynC/EOL), the US National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent, NSF# EF-0423641), and TDWG. The 2009 [[http://evoinfo.nescent.org/Database_Interop_Hackathon][Evolutionary Database Interoperability Hackathon]] and [[http://www.evoio.org/wiki/VoCamp1][Phyloinformatics VoCamp]] were sponsored by the US National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent, NSF# EF-0423641). The VoCamp received additional support from TDWG and [[http://www.lirmm.fr/xml/en/0001-01.html][LIRMM]] (University of Montpellier).