%META:TOPICINFO{author="GarryJolleyRogers" date="1259118878" format="1.1" version="1.8"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WebHome"}% ---+++Services or programs using SDD This page tries to list software and services that currently use the SDD standard. Current services using SDD version 1.1 are * [[http://www.lucidcentral.org/][Lucid, since version 3.4]], * The French [[http://lis-upmc.snv.jussieu.fr/lis/?q=ressources/logiciels/xper2][xper2 software, SDD export and import]] * The Italian FRIDA system used by Dryades and Key to Nature (export only) * ETI has added import/export support for their identification databases * The EDIT Common Data Model has added import/export support * See [[http://www.e-taxonomy.eu/files/C5.79_SDD_ImportExport_module_for_CDM_v1.pdf][C5.79 SDD Import/Export module for CDM v1 (PDF)]] * The eFlora of Missouri exports SDD, example: http://www.tropicos.org/nameprojectdetails.aspx?nameid=42000260&keyid=207&projectid=23) * [[http://efg.cs.umb.edu/][UMASS-Boston Electronic Field Guide Project (EFG)]], * [[http://www.identifylife.org/][IdentifyLife]], * [[http://iris.biosci.ohio-state.edu/hymenoptera/][Hymenoptera On-Line Database]] and * [[http://www.isrl.uiuc.edu/~openkey/][OpenKey]] * [[http://www.diversityworkbench.net/OldModels/Descriptions/index.html][DeltaAccess/DiversityDescriptions added SDD export to the coming version 2.0, currently in beta phase.]] -- Main.GregorHagedorn - Sept. 2009