%META:TOPICINFO{author="BobMorris" date="1182234617" format="1.1" reprev="1.6" version="1.6"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="InstanceExamples"}% An example from Marcus: With his permission, I have (a)added Marcus's [[http://ww3.bgbm.org/tmp/abiesalba.rdf][original file]] to the UMB SVN [[http://gentoo.cs.umb.edu/svn/TDM/Abies][SPM example repository]]; (b)added some SVN tags; (c)uploaded it here for persistance; and (d) (without asking him)added some owl imports to the file so that visualization tools can make a little more of it and Protege is happier. I also attached [[%ATTACHURL%/abiesalba.png][a visualization]] produced by Altova !SemanticWorks. -- Bob Morris - 19 Jun 2007 Comments from Marcus: some things that struck me when writing this example: * where do I put a PublicationCitation? I would want to cite all sources for every information and I don't know where/how. Is this missing or part of the base/core ontology already? * hasInformation is a bit redundant, but the validator did complain when I declared all InfoItems under a single hasInformation node. Was this intended? I guess yes, cause otherwise the InfoItems would have to be properties. * controlled vocabularies need to be derived from DefinedTerm which is TDWG specific. How can I reuse existing vocabularies like for example an ISO country list? Comments from Éamonn: I think the original intention was to be able to cite the source for each infoItem. Is it not possible to just pull in a tp:PublicationCitation under every spm:hasInformation or spmi element when you want to cite a source for its content, rather like you did for tn:TaxonName? Later: The LSID Vocabularies - Globals (http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/Common.rdf) includes an ObjectProperty "publishedInCitation", so I guess SPM infoItems ontology (http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/SPMInfoItems.rdf) can inherit from that. -- Main.EamonnOTuama - 12 Jun 2007 %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="abiesalba.rdf" attachment="abiesalba.rdf" attr="" comment="Markus' file uploaded for persistence." date="1182233694" path="abiesalba.rdf" size="4408" stream="abiesalba.rdf" user="Main.BobMorris" version="1"}% %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="abiesalba.png" attachment="abiesalba.png" attr="" comment="Altova SemanticWorks tree representation" date="1182234196" path="abiesalba.png" size="58323" stream="abiesalba.png" user="Main.BobMorris" version="1"}%