%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1281847907" format="1.1" version="1.24"}% ---+!! %MAKETEXT{"Welcome to the [_1] web" args="%WEB%"}% This area has been set aside for collaboration of the TDWG web and systems administrators. It will act as a repository of a range of information on the systems in place at TDWG. The *most* important aspect of this Wiki is the *documentation!* Please take a look at the problems that have been identified and see if you can solve them. If you can, please document the solutions on the appropriate page below and move the problem to the solved area. ---++ %MAKETEXT{"General Information"}% This section is an attempt at describing the processes about how things are done and can be done. * [[TDWG System Contacts]] - A listing of people involved in the TDWG web sites and systems. * Email Aliases - [[TDWG Server Documentation]] - A list of all the email aliases that have been setup *These MUST be checked and amended in January each year!* * *Email error*: For the past 6 months, the systems have not been able to send email notifications (TYPO3, OJS) and we have just found that this was due to port 25 OUTBOUND being blocked. Cip has just fixed this and we now get registration notifications, forgotten passowrd notifications, OJS notifications! ---++ %MAKETEXT{"Sysadmin Planning"}% This section is an attempt to document the way forward for TDWG. * [[TDWG System Plan]] - The Plan. (updated 2009/09/17 with results of conversation with Lee & Donald) * [[Sysadmin Skype 20090202]] - Skype meeting of 02/02/2009 * [[TDWG Biodiversity Information Projects Redevelopment]] - Initial planning and ideas for a redevelopment of http://www.tdwg.org/biodiv-projects/ * [[TDWG Systems Review]] - Planning/collaboration area for the Systems Review group ---++ %MAKETEXT{"Current Issues"}% * LoggedProblems ---++ %MAKETEXT{"Systems Information"}% * [[TDWG Systems Overview]] - high level architecture and how the components integrate This section is a rough attempt at demarcating the systems in place at TDWG into "do-able" components * [[TDWG OJS Documentation]] - Documentation about OJS at TDWG * [[TDWG Other Systems Documentation]] - detailing the TDWG specific software and implementations at TDWG * [[TDWG Server Documentation]] - Information about the TDWG Servers and the processes that run on them * [[TDWG Systems Integration]] - The glue that holds the systems together - including the *registration system* (colloquially, "Ricardo's Special Stuff") * [[TDWG Typo3 Documentation]] - Information about TYPO3, the web back end platform * [[TDWG Wiki Documentation]] - Information about the TWiki implementation at TDWG * [[TDWG mailman Documentation]] - Information about mailman application on TDWG * [[TDWG mySQL Documentation]] - Information about the back-end mySQL database implementation at TDWG * [[System Admin Protocols]] - Old page, needs deletion * [[Setting up a new restricted wiki]] (like this one) - Old page, needs deletion * Changing links on the ActivitiesTable of the TYPO3 web - old page, needs deletion ---++ %MAKETEXT{"Other Stuff"}% * [[Review Manager Notes]] - PH's notes on how the review was done and what needs to be considered in the future ---++ %WEB% Web Utilities
*   - [[WebSearchAdvanced][%MAKETEXT{"advanced search"}%]] * WebTopicList - all topics in alphabetical order * WebChanges - recent topic changes in this web * WebNotify - subscribe to an e-mail alert sent when topics change * WebRss, WebAtom - RSS and ATOM news feeds of topic changes * WebStatistics - listing popular topics and top contributors * WebPreferences - preferences of this web
* [[%ATTACHURL%/TDWG_SystemAdminManual.doc][TDWG_SystemAdminManual.doc]]: Ricardo's TDWG Systems Admininstration Manual * [[%ATTACHURL%/TDWG_SystemAdminManual_SchemaRepository_2007_111_14.pdf][TDWG_SystemAdminManual_SchemaRepository_2007_111_14.pdf]]: Schema Repository (rs.tdwg.org) * [[%ATTACHURL%/TDWGSystemAdminManual.xls][TDWGSystemAdminManual.xls]]: TDWG Services %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="TDWG_SystemAdminManual.doc" attachment="TDWG_SystemAdminManual.doc" attr="" comment="Ricardo's TDWG Systems Admininstration Manual" date="1233712014" path="TDWG SystemAdminManual.doc" size="181760" stream="TDWG SystemAdminManual.doc" user="Main.LeeBelbin" version="1"}% %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="TDWG_SystemAdminManual_SchemaRepository_2007_111_14.pdf" attachment="TDWG_SystemAdminManual_SchemaRepository_2007_111_14.pdf" attr="" comment="Schema Repository (rs.tdwg.org)" date="1233712097" path="TDWG SystemAdminManual_SchemaRepository_2007_111_14.pdf" size="40943" stream="TDWG SystemAdminManual_SchemaRepository_2007_111_14.pdf" user="Main.LeeBelbin" version="1"}% %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="TDWGSystemAdminManual.xls" attachment="TDWGSystemAdminManual.xls" attr="" comment="TDWG Services" date="1233712159" path="TDWGSystemAdminManual.xls" size="18432" stream="TDWGSystemAdminManual.xls" user="Main.LeeBelbin" version="1"}%