---+!! %TOPIC% %META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1099564874" format="1.0" version="1.15"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="LinneanCoreDefinitions"}% Discussion on [[LinneanCoreDefinitions#NameStringDefinition][Name-string]] Note Gregor: I summarized the first part of the discussion to refocus; please go back on the wiki to version 1.14 to see the full original discussion: * James and Rich discuss whether to distinguish between printed on paper (glyph) and its digital representation in a character coding scheme. The resolution was to limit string to character coding schemes (due to xml from the unicode family) and introduce [[LinneanCoreDefinitions#NameLiteralDefinition][Name-literal]] as an abstraction layer between Unicode string and name in general (including digital/electronic representations like a name on a JPEG of a label). * Some discussion about the use of "context" in the definition; the phrase in the definition is now replaced with "name within the scope of LinneanCore's domain". Rich: "Perhaps we need a different definition for "Code-compliant name-string" to accomodate the machine-generated "corrected" (= canonicalized, Gregor) strings? The Machine-generated instance might be considered as a [[LinneanCoreDefinitions#NameUsageDefinition][Name-usage]], and therefore its corrected nomenclatural representation could be considered as a *Name-string*. * Rich and Gregor discussed name comparability and identity, from which a discussion resulted whether Name-string should be limited to scientific-name-without-authors, or should be a super term for all kind of scientific names, with or without author. There seems to be a feeling that many botanists in a name usage context consider the "natural" name to include authors, even though the ICBN defines the name object as without authors. Gregor proposed to have name-string, and introduce two new definitions: * Nomenclatural-disambiguation: part of a name-string that disambiguates nomenclatural homonyms. This may include authors, publication year, or reference title. * Conceptual-disambiguation: part of a name-string that disambiguates concept usage. This may include fuzzy concept suffixes like "s. str.", "sensu lat.", "non author", and exact like "sensu/secundum publication reference". End of summary --- Richard: For clarity, please complete the following table (using a zoological name, with botanical authorship conventions to transcend Code issues):
# | String Terms: | Richard | Gregor | James | LC Discussions |
1 | Pseudanthias ventralis subsp. hawaiiensis (Randall) Hoover sensu Pyle 2003 |
Concept-string | Linnean Name-string (with nomenclatural and concept disambiguation) |
human readable representation of a name usage from unknown source because w/o auct. or sec. | - |
2 | Pseudanthias ventralis subsp. hawaiiensis s. latissimo |
Concept string (ambiguous "AccordingTo") |
Linnean Name-string (with (fuzzy) concept disambiguation) |
human readable representation of a name usage from unknown source because w/o auct. or sec. | - |
3 | Pseudanthias ventralis subsp. hawaiiensis (Randall) Hoover |
Name-string with authorship | Linnean Name-string (with nomenclatural disambiguation) |
Linnean name literal | - |
4 | Pseudanthias ventralis (1999) |
Name-string with year | Linnean Name-string (with nomenclatural disambiguation) |
human readable representation of a name usage from unknown source because w/o auct. or sec. | - |
5 | Pseudanthias ventralis subsp. hawaiiensis |
Name-string | Linnean Name-string (without authors/disambiguation) |
Linnean name literal | - |
6 | Pseudanthias | Name-unit (genus) | Name part: Genus name |
name token (genus) | - |
7 | ventralis | Name-unit (species) | Name part: species epithet |
name token (specific epithet) | - |
8 | hawaiiensis | Name-unit (subspecies) | Name part: infraspecific epithet |
name token (infraspecific epithet) | - |
9 | sensu Pyle 2003 | Concept Authorship | Name part: concept suffix (or concept disambiguation) |
human readable representation of pointer to another name usage | - |
10 | Pyle 2003 | Citation | Citation | citation summary | - |
11 | (Randall) Hoover | [Name] Authorship | Name part: nomenclatural authorship | authorship summary | - |
12 | Randall | Agent Surname | Canonical1 Author Name role under ICBN: basionym author |
surname | - |
13 | Hoover | Agent Surname | Canonical1 Author Name role under ICBN: combining author |
surname | - |
14 | Pyle | Agent Surname | Canonical1 Author Name role: concept citation |
surname | - |
14 | s. lato | - | concept suffix (ambiguous) | - | - |