%META:TOPICINFO{author="BryanHeidorn" date="1187286950" format="1.1" version="1.64"}% ---++ Impatient? Learn how to use the TWiki in Main.ThreeEasySteps. Welcome to the home of %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB%.This is a web-based collaboration area for discussions of the Taxonomic Literature Standards group of the Taxonomic Data Working Group. Click on TWiki.WebHome if you're new to Wikis. Click on TWiki.TWikiRegistration to register if you want to contribute (see Main.TWikiUsers for a list of subscribers). Want automatic email notifications when an topic is modified? Simply edit the topic WebNotify to add the wiki name you registered. ---++ Comparisons of existing solutions Go to ComparisonOfExistingSolutions to literature markup for discussion based on the TDWG2006 presentation by AnnaWeitzmann * Some additional literature standards efforts * http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/bib/openbib.html --- ---++ Principal Divisions * TaxLitStdLevel1: * Single string * LSID or GUID + human readable string with elements of a microreference (citation) * * TaxLitStdLevel2: * * Gutenberg Core * LSID or GUID * elements to describe reference (MODS based) * elements to describe microreference (citation) * elements to describe full bibliographic citation * format/elements/functions necessary to build a taxonomic literature * database (central or distributed?; based on existing resources) for use * * TaxLitSdLevel3: * * complete taxonomic literature content schema using taXMLit and other existing efforts as a starting point * standard to work with existing literature recommendations (within standard?) for future literature (interest already expressed from publishing community)

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