%META:TOPICINFO{author="GarryJolleyRogers" date="1259118871" format="1.1" version="1.72"}% ---+!! %TOPIC% (This refers to [[ Release 0.9]], 1. Dec. 2003. On 21.June 2004 this topic was renamed to <nop>ClosedTopicSchemaDiscussionSDD09, and a new topic for SchemaDiscussion for version 0.91 created). ---+++Discussion of existing features This should be structured by Schema sections/subsections. Please insert your discussion topic into the appropriate place. Discussions should start under "Active topics". If you want to get a vote, please move them to the next column, Proposals. Discussion placed there should be viewed with priority. Please do add your vote if you have an opinion. After discussion, each proposal will be either signed off by participants then changed in the schema and closed, rejected and closed, or discussions will continue. | *Section* | *Active topics* | *Voting proposals* | *Closed issues* | | Document root and <nop>GenerationMetadata | | | | | <nop><b>ProjectDefinition</b> | InitiationDateForImportedLegacyData, FederatingDescriptions| | Trash.SDDResolvedTopicMetaDataAsTypeOrModelGroup, ClosedTopicFederationAndRootElementName | | <b>Terminology</b> | (no topics at the moment) | | | | - <nop>Glossary (= Ontology!) | (no topics at the moment) | | | | - <nop>CodingStatusValues | (no topics at the moment) | | | | - <nop>StatisticalMeasures | ClosedTopicStatisticalMeasureReuse | | ClosedTopicMultivariateStatistics, ResolvedTopicStatisticalMethodEnumeration | | - <nop>Modifiers | LocalModifiers | | | | - <nop>Characters | ListOfTextCharacter, StateMapping | | | | - <nop>ConceptTrees | | | ResolvedTopicGenericStates | | <b>Entities</b> | (no topics at the moment) | | | | - <nop>Classes (= taxa) | ResolvedTopicRankLevelBogosity, TheProblemOfSex, LanguageSpecificClassNames | | | | - <nop>ClassHierarchies (= tax. hierarchy)| | | ClosedTopicObjectsNotMuchDifferentFromClasses | | - <nop>Objects (= specimen) | (no topics at the moment) | | | | <b>Resources</b> | | | | | - <nop>Agents | (no topics at the moment) | | | | - <nop>Publications | (no topics at the moment) | | | | - <nop>Geography | GeographicalRestrictions | | | | - <nop>MediaResources | UBIF.FormattedText | | | | <b>Descriptions</b> | | | | | - <nop>CodedDescriptions | ResolvedTopicStateAndStatisticalMeasureBothPermitted | | | | - <nop>NaturalLanguageDescription| (no topics at the moment) | | | | <b>Keys</b> | StoredIdentificationKeys | | ClosedTopicAreKeysDescriptions | ---+++Missing features ExternalTerminology <br/> SecondaryClassifiersWithinClasses (aka TheProblemOfSex) ---+++General topics NameForStandardWikiDiscussions, <br/> SupportForMultipleAudiences, <br/> ConstraintsAndTypeSafety, <br/> BestPractices, DebugrefAutomation, AudienceDefinitionAndUse <br/> --- The current version is always under CurrentSchemaVersion. For information on past changes of the schema see [[SchemaChangeLog][Log of Schema changes]] --- %META:TOPICMOVED{by="GregorHagedorn" date="1146741984" from="SDD.SchemaDiscussionSDD09" to="SDD.ClosedTopicSchemaDiscussionSDD09"}%