%META:TOPICINFO{author="GarryJolleyRogers" date="1259118872" format="1.1" version="1.5"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="BDI.SDD_"}% ---+!! %TOPIC% ---++DELTA and BDI.SDD_ (= BDI.SDD_ for DELTA experts) ---+++Synopsis BDI.SDD_ is not simply DELTA expressed in xml. We try to deal with many problems the DELTA users and the developer team themselves (see M. J. Dallwitz, T. A. Paine, and E. J. Zurcher (1993 onwards, [[http://biodiversity.uno.edu/delta/www/proposal.htm][1999]], [[http://delta-intkey.com/www/proposal.htm][2005]]) Proposed New Features for the DELTA System)) identified as deficits in DELTA. The BDI.SDD_ proposal is explicitly design to be used as a replacement for the DELTA standard. The following documents here are intended to help DELTA experts in writing software to migrate DELTA applications to BDI.SDD_ conforming applications. ---+++Why not keep DELTA? * [[DeltaComplexity][Complexity of BDI.SDD_ versus DELTA]] (... DELTA is not as simple as many believe) * [[DeltaDirectives][DELTA directives]] (problems with directives and need for a new general format) * See also [[http://www.diversitycampus.net/Projects/TDWG-BDI.SDD_/Primer/SDD_FAQ.htm][Question in the Primer FAQ]] (@@ FixMe: needs relinking once Primer is on the Wiki!) ---+++Understanding BDI.SDD_ from a DELTA perspective * [[DeltaBroadFeatureMapping][Broad comparison of DELTA and BDI.SDD_ features ]] (which DELTA and BDI.SDD_ features are related?) * [[DeltaToBDI.SDD][Exporting DELTA to BDI.SDD_]] (more detailed discussion of the relationship between DELTA and BDI.SDD_ features) -- Main.GregorHagedorn - 10 May 2006 (First version published outside of Wiki by Gregor Hagedorn on 15. December 2003)