%META:TOPICINFO{author="GarryJolleyRogers" date="1259118877" format="1.1" version="1.7"}%
---+!! %TOPIC%
Changes in BDI.SDD_ 0.9 (final release 1. December 2003)
A few changes occured between the last beta version (beta 29, see SchemaChangeLog09beta29) and the final release:
Kevin critized the GeneratorMetadata. We only need an unspecific Generator self-description element, not copyright and authors. The additional element is required to keep the Name and Version clean. Changes: Changed Application/ApplicationVersion/ApplicationCopyright to GeneratorName/GeneratorVersion/GeneratorNotes. Removed ApplicationAuthors.
ConceptTrees: Changed Concepts (container with a collection of Concept elements) to Nodes.
ClassHierarchy trees: added container for Node, container is called Nodes.
Keys: Changed Leads to Nodes, changed position of this in Keys, so now a pure collection container (the question text used to be inside in previous versions).
The final version is available at:
Gregor Hagedorn - 01 Dec 2003