%{ These templates define the tables used to display attachments. }%
%{ Header definition for topic attachments and top table in attach screen }%
| *[[%TWIKIWEB%.FileAttachment][Attachment]]* | *Action* | *Size* | *Date* | *Who* | *Comment* |%TMPL:END%
%{ A basic row definition, for attachment table and attach screen }%
%TMPL:DEF{ATTACH:files:row(basic)}%| %A_ICON%
%A_FILE% |
manage | %A_SIZE% | %A_DATE% | %A_USER% | %A_COMMENT% |%TMPL:END%
%{ Header for topic attachment table }%
%{ Row for topic attachment table }%
%{ Footer for topic attachment table }%
%{ Header for table at top of attach screen }%
%TMPL:P{ATTACH:files:header(basic)}% *[[%TWIKIWEB%.FileAttribute][Attribute]]* |
%{ Row for table at top of attach screen }%
%TMPL:DEF{ATTACH:files:row:A}%%TMPL:P{ATTACH:files:row(basic)}% %A_ATTRS% |
%{ Footer for table at top of attach screen }%
%{ Header for versions table in attach screen }%
| *Version* | *Action* | *Date* | *Who* | *Comment* |%TMPL:END%
%{ Row for versions table in attach screen }%
| %A_REV% |