%TMPL:INCLUDE{"twiki.classic"}% %TMPL:DEF{"templatescript"}% %TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"content"}%
---+ %TMPL:P{"webaction"}% %TOPIC% | | *Web:* | * Topic:* | | *From:* | %WEB%. |  %TOPIC% | | *To:* | %TMPL:P{"newweb"}%. | %TMPL:P{"newtopic"}% | %TMPL:P{"notes"}% ---++ Change links in topics that refer to %TOPIC% in the %WEB% Web: %LOCAL_SEARCH% ---++ Change links in topics that refer to %WEB%.%TOPIC% in any Web: %GLOBAL_SEARCH%   checkboxes of referenced topics __Note:__ * Get help on Renaming and moving topics. * Select the %TRASHWEB% Web to delete the topic. * The checkmarked topics will be updated (another form will appear which will _eventually_ allow you to rename any topics that were locked) %TMPL:P{"topicinfo"}% %TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"rename"}%%TMPL:P{"htmldoctype"}%%TMPL:P{"head"}% %TMPL:P{"bodystart"}% %TMPL:P{"main"}% %TMPL:P{"bodyend"}% %TMPL:END%