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This page is for discusions about the Internet Access and Presence for TDWG 2008.
Piers Higgs is organising this locally. Support and advice is greatly appreciated - go nuts on this page and email me at piers at
---++Expectations? Ideas?
Since I've not been to a TDWG conference, I'd be very interested to hear what sort of Internet Access and Presence people would like to see. Please chuck your ideas in here...
*John Tann* (via email)
What do you think about podcasting the plenary speakers at the TDWG conference in Perth later this year? I am a great fan of my iPod and have been rewarded by many good podcasts of a technical nature from sources such as ITconversations ( and TED ( Even listening to a lecture years after the event can be enlightening. TDWG would be a great opportunity to make important events available worldwide. I know that lectures usually come with slides, and with some extra effort PowerPoint presentations can be put on the web in a more widely accessible format (eg. SlideShare Getting the slides and the audio interconnected may not be worth the effort, but they could both be made independently available on the TDWG website. This could be a TDWG conference that lasts.
*Lee Belbin* (via email)
I know from previous exec meetings that they do not support blanket coverage of Internet at the conferences. There certainly does however need to be consistent and reliable coverage for at least one effective location (places to sit, power available etc) at the conference to allow people to continue their work. At previous conferences, there has been coverage in the main auditorium but with limited power supplies (e.g. first and last 3 rows). It is vitally important to have wireless coverage in the area where demonstrations will be made but this could (at the moment), be limited to those times (Tuesday last session and Thursday first session). Whether these times change or expand...? Oh, and we probably need either good wireless or wired access for presenters! For John: We mandate that all presentations are uploaded to the TDWG web site. This has been done for all the meetings I have attended. We use a standard naming of the files so the locations are predictable.
*From Gail and Arturo* (via email)
>>> Judicious podcasting could be a real plus. Even an audio podcast could be interesting. I listen to all sorts of science podcasts that
>>> are freely downloadable. Piers (or Lee), is there someone doing science podcasting down under that we could invite to
>>> cover the conference, do interviews or the like? Maybe this is beyond our scope, but something to think about??
>>Sure, and we should provide for podcasts at the TDWG site at the very least
>>(someone knowing the technicalities? I'm an old blue bred on mainframes, not
>>a Mactivist nor iPod user, therefore at a loss).
>I'm a user and have not yet ventured into the realm (although I'd like to...spare time and all that :-D), but I was thinking of someone who might use the story or a local university student that might want a science >journalism project, or even something for a segment of Science Friday We would have to choose a topic that we wanted to have visibilty to the public, and that might resonnate with
>them. We're probably spread thinly to pursue this unless we find someone who would be interested in taking it on as a project. Piers, are you connected in this way to a community who might have a candidate? Or is >this way beyond what you are worried about right now (understandably--basics first!)
(PH) Yes, basics first... but I am aiming for vodcasting but not live. We are looking to video each presentation (and have students lined up to help thanks to Alex) and this will need to be post-processed with the Powerpoint slides (that everyone WILL provide) and released to the web.
*From Lee* (July 22)
I am very worried about the level of resources that could be required for a 'multimedia' extravaganza in Fremantle. This is aside from any technical issues that would need to be solved. I warn you that it is hard enough to get PowerPoint files out of presenters to upload to the TDWG site. These PowerPoints are a priority as they are cost effective in serving history and the absent.
If we want to be inclusive in providing some opportunity for those who dearly want to be involved, but can't due to budget, green consciousness or distance, then we probably need to target a few sessions. As has been stated, if we are going to do some video or audio, we need a few skilled people who are dedicated to this work, and little else. In addition to the benefit to the absent, it may also be a useful angle for PR if TDWG2008 can be neat and high-tech. But the resources (including expertise), the strategy and a tested system must be in place early.
The issue of Internet connectivity at the annual conference has come up each year in the Exec meeting. Each year the exec says that some connectivity is mandatory but not all delegates in all venues. I think some wireless in some areas would be necessary. My guess is that the Function Centre is the place. The boardroom also needs connection but this may be better wired.
I have started writing some press releases about the conference. I have targeted the ABC as they have an excellent range of science and public interest programs. Gail's idea of a science journalism student project is excellent. There are a number of such courses here in Oz so I will try and see what I can stir up.
---++General Plans
* Internet Access: Get a connection into the venue.
* Internet Presence: Definite need for (p)(v)odcasting (podcast = audio, vodcast = video) of the speakers at the very least, but probably not through live means. Blog would also be nice to have coverage.
---++Internet Access
* Maritime Museum has no publicly available Internet Access. There are concerns from the organisation that any public use of their access will cripple their operational access. The speed of the in-house network is probably not enough to support the heavy use of TDWG members.
* _Need to test the Ericcson W25 Fixed Wireless Terminals to see how they perform. Also need to do some load testing on the units when they are in place in the local area (being wireless they will heavily depend on the local access points)._ Determined with ISPs that this will not work for ~150 people (PH, 21st July, 2008) _Previous data: At TDWG_2005 (St. Petersbourg) and 2006 (St. Louis) the full installed capacity, >100 links, was often reached, disrupting the service.
* Going to have to also test what happens in the break-out areas as well.
* Wireless access should not be present in the speaker areas, so that people focus on the presentations and not on their email. Email can be checked in wireless areas.
*Update 21st July, 2008*
* Appear to have a phone line available for us to get our own net connection on. Once confirmed this will mean I will then work with some ISPs to determine a cost effective, fast solution for the venue. May not extend to all rooms used in the conference. Is unlikely to include WIFI in theatre where presentations are occurring. This is still to be confirmed with the venue manager.
*Update, 26th August, 2008*
* Regarding the Museum: Have a phone line. Have gathered support from within the Museum for this as a part of their services. Am currently working with their IT group to get this up and running including wireless in all areas that we are looking at with the ability for some cabled workstations. More on this as we progress - it is getting very tight. At the moment we do not have any internet access in the venue still.
* Regarding the breakout rooms: They are providing internet access. No issues there.
---++Internet Presence
P(v)odcasting - I think we will offer two flavours for people if I can. My aim at the moment (aim high!) is to have the following things done at the conference:
* Audio of all presentations
* Video of all presentations
* All slides from the presentations provided to TDWG
Basically, I would like to upload the audio files ASAP to the TDWG web site. It's unlikely that the connection will support live streaming so we will need to do some post-event loading. My crew in Perth might be helping me out with this one, perhaps by running back to our office and uploading the files each night. That's not ideal, and perhaps it is something we will look at more seriously later.
Video files would be post-processed with the Powerpoint to create something very neat and long-lasting for TDWG, I hope. These are going to require a lot more work - even just manning the video camera is a lot. And post-processing is a big job, so these will be a slower trickle to the web site for TDWG (and might only be for some sessions, eg. plenary speakers). That seems more realistic.
GK - I still think that video is just not necessary with all presentations, but it will be essential to some who do not rely on slides. People would like to perhaps see a photo of the person giving the talk, see the slides clearly (video is often not clear enough), and hear the presentation clearly. If you have a mouse that tracks what the speaker is pointing to, this can help too, but is not essential, IMHO. YouTube generally has lower quality video, making complicated slides difficult to read.
AH 22/7 - Tests started 21/7 on a shared 3Mbps ADSL line. Simultaneous outgoing live streaming of both 15 fps CIF video (with audio) of presenter and medium-res (SVGA) PPT possible with occassional glitches, and spare space for downlink from some ex-site participants still remaining; total bandwith usage with three streams (two outgoing, one incoming) variable, peaking at around 700 kbps agrregate throughput. Tweaking necessary. VGA streaming can peak to available uplink bandwidth. Assuming a dedicated human screenmaster and strong discipline, two-way interaction (including delivery from ex-site participants) apparently feasible. Tests cointinuing. Need to involve trans-continental participants, as everything has been made within European servers.
* Need to video/record the speakers and hopefully get the slides in shot at the same time - saves time on having to mix the video and slides afterwards
* Obtain copies of their slides as something like Powerpoint (but open source?) presentations or at the least PDFs of the handouts
GK - PDF is now an ISO standard. For those without a way to print or create a PDF from their PowerPoint presentation, this is probably easily done by someone with Acrobat or a Mac or the proper utility for Windows.
* Need to have space on the web to upload these (p)(v)odcasts - Youtube?
What do we need:
* Video equipment - straight to digital if possible (translating is time consuming)
* Someone to manage the video equipment at the conference - this can be quite time consuming
* Someone to load the files to the web and manage the files
* Web space to store the files (can be off the site)
* Community powered blog? Wiki pages?
* Should set up a blog at least and have guest commentators? Then save to wiki?@
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Video files would be post-processed with the Powerpoint to create something very neat and long-lasting for TDWG, I hope. These are going to requrie a lot more work - even just manning the video camera is a lot. And post-processing is a big job, so these will be a slower trickle to the web site for TDWG (and might only be for some sessions, eg. plenary speakers). That seems more realistic.
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* _Need to test the Ericcson W25 Fixed Wireless Terminals to see how they perform. Also need to do some load testing on the units when they are in place in the local area (being wireless they will heavily depend on the local access points)._ Determined with ISPs that this will not work for ~150 people (PH, 21st July, 2008)
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* Should set up a blog at least and have guest commentators? Then save to wiki?
@d1 1
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a13 3
What do you think about podcasting the plenary speakers at the TDWG conference in Perth later this year?
I am a great fan of my iPod and have been rewarded by many good podcasts of a technical nature from sources such as ITconversations ( and TED ( Even listening to a lecture years after the event can be enlightening. TDWG would be a great opportunity to make important events available worldwide. I know that lectures usually come with slides, and with some extra effort PowerPoint presentations can be put on the web in a more widely accessible format (eg. SlideShare Getting the slides and the audio interconnected may not be worth the effort, but they could both be made independently available on the TDWG website. This could be a TDWG conference that lasts.
d17 1
a17 1
I know from previous exec meetings that they do not support blanket coverage of Internet at the conferences. There certainly does however need to be consistent and reliable coverage for at least one effective location (places to sit, power available etc) at the conference to allow people to continue their work. At previous conferences, there has been coverage in the main auditorium but with limited power supplies (e.g. first and last 3 rows).
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It is vitally important to have wireless coverage in the area where demonstrations will be made but this could (at the moment), be limited to those times (Tuesday last session and Thursday first session). Whether these times change or expand...?
d21 10
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Oh, and we probably need either good wireless or wired access for presenters!
For John: We mandate that all presentations are uploaded to the TDWG web site. This has been done for all the meetings I have attended. We use a standard naming of the files so the locations are predictable.
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---++General Plans
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* Internet Access: No available Internet Access at the venue, so thinking about getting in some Ericcson W25 Fixed Wireless Terminals that piggyback off the Telstra network. Several of these could be moved around to breakout rooms if required. Still conerns over plans, speed, costs, etc to be sorted out. There are also concerns over having too much access - don't want people surfing the net and reading emails in sessions, they should be listening to presenters!
* Internet Presence: Definite need for (p)(v)odcasting (podcast = audio, vodcast = video) of the speakers at the very least, but probably not through live means. This means recording the speakers, mixing with their slides and putting these on the web.
d43 1
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* Need to test the Ericcson W25 Fixed Wireless Terminals to see how they perform. Also need to do some load testing on the units when they are in place in the local area (being wireless they will heavily depend on the local access points).
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* Web space to store the files
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* Community powered blog? Wiki pages?@
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* Community powered blog? Wiki pages?
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