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---+!! Welcome to the %WEB% web
Welcome to the home of %WEB%. This web-based collaboration area (wiki) is used for discussions of the %WEB% Subgroup of the [[http://www.tdwg.org][Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG)]].
If you are new to wikis, learn how to use it in Main.ThreeEasySteps. This wiki is open to anyone interested in the topic, but you must be a registered user to edit pages and add content. Register at the TWiki.TWikiRegistration page.
For more information, please contact:
* Reed Beaman (<Convener e-mail>), Subgroup Convener, or
* Ricardo Pereira (ricardo-at-tdwg-dot-org), System Administrator
---++ 2009 Roadmap Topics
1. Information Dissemination
* Geospatial wiki page needs updating with [[GeospatialProjects][project specifics]] (Andrew W Hill)
* [[StandardsExamples][Examples]] of uses of standards eg OGC - links thru to them (John van Breda)
* [[StandardsNeeds][Discussion place]] for identifying what standards and A/S missing (Javier de la Torre)
* [[StandardsUse][Recommend]] appropriate use of standards from the geospatial community (eg OGC) in TDWG activities / domain (Javier de la Torre & John van Breda)
2. Georeferencing topics
* Best practices paper [[http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&ved=0CAcQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.gbif.org%2FBioGeomancerGuide.pdf&ei=CSP8Sq-0HYX8sgP6-qiBAQ&usg=AFQjCNGJCAnINsQtj8xUwpAVYlN10StTcg&sig2=iiHbl8kWd6Lu35MjS7Vj2g][here]]
* [[MetadataRequirements][Metadata requirements]] for georeferencing data (Nelson Rios & John Deck)
* [[GazeteerReview][Gazateer]] - review existing gazateer resources (Reed Beaman, Ajay Ranipeta, Peter Brenton)
* [[GeoreferencingPromotion][Promotion]] of georeferencing standards - including data serving and georeferencing cookbook (John Deck & Jim Graham)
3. Cloud Computing
* See task group proposal [[http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AXT0pFRIJS26ZGc3emdkOHZfODE0OGZydDhocw&hl=en][here]] (Javier de la Torre & Andrew W Hill)
---++ Task groups
---+++ [[GeoAppInter][BioGeo Interoperability Task Group]]
The [[GeoAppInter][BioGeo Interoperability Task Group]] is focus on testing standards, mainly from TDWG and OGC, to promote interoperability and demosntrate their use together. The group is still on the process of being formally created but it is already active.