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@---+!! %TOPIC%
%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1147812400" format="1.1" version="1.12"}%
---++++Introductory material
Please see also:
* EnumeratedValuesAndOwl (relationship between xml-schema and OWL based vocabularies)
* SemiControlledEnumeratedValues (relationship between controlled vocabularies and extensibility)
The [[HTML xxxxxxxxxxxxx UBIF-Docu-Enumerations.html#RevisionStatusEnum][HTML @@@@@@ UBIF enumeration info]] in html format is created by an xslt script from the schema and may be more current. It is also the primary document to review. The topics below are primarily provided for discussion. The enumerations are grouped into:
* Generic enumerations
* Statistical categories
* Agent role codes
* Enumerations specific to the biological domain
As of May 2006 the material from the schema (UBIF_EnumLib.xsd) were directly copied to this WIKI topic. They may later loose synchronicity, because the WIKI offers no reference linking mechanism to directly include schema comments here.
<h3>a) Generic enumerations</h3>
* RevisionStatusEnum: Unrevised to fully revised, with 5 intermediate levels.
* ExpertiseLevelEnum: Restricted to integer values from 0 to 5, indicating expertise from schoolchildren to taxonomic expert.
* ResourceTypeEnum: This enumeration is identical with the DCMI Type Vocabulary (http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/, as of 6/2004), except that an additional type "Other" has been added. Its purpose is to provide a framework of broad media or resource type terms, without the technical detail provided by the large number of MIME types. The annotations are largely based on those from the <nop>DublinCore metadata initiative vocabulary.
* TelephoneDeviceEnum: Kind of phone number: voice, fax, mobile, pager, modem. These enumerated values are identical with vCard 3.0 flags (several of which can be added to a single phone number; to represent this in the UBIF interface duplicate the phone number itself!)
* Rating1to5Enum: Enumeration restricted to integer values from 0 to 5, indicating an arbitrary rating.
* TextDirectionalityEnum: Values are ltr (left to right), rtl (right to left). Compare CSS2 and the XHTML 2.0 bi-directional text module.
* StringFormattingTypeEnum: Controlled vocabulary expressing whether and which kind of inline formatting may be contained in a text literal (plain, inline-entity-encoded, html-level-entity-encoded).
* MeasurementUnitPrefixEnum: Multiplication factor prefixes used in the scientific SI system (T, G, M, k, h, c, m, <20>, n, p, f, a).
<h3>b) Statistical and data analysis categories</h3>
* StatisticalMeasurementScaleEnum, with disjoint subclasses:
* QuantitativeMeasurementScaleEnum
* CategoricalMeasurementScaleEnum
* CodingStatusEnum
* UnivarAnyStatMeasureEnum, with disjoint subclasses:
* UnivarSimpleStatMeasureEnum and
* UnivarParamStatMeasureEnum: An enumeration of univariate statistical measures (without and with parameters) supported by UBIF (esp. used by SDD).
* Related enumerations in UBIF_EnumSpecs.xsd are UnivarStatMeasureReportingClassEnum and UnivarStatMeasureMethodClassEnum, classifying statistical methods. These are not intended for direct use, but used in the xml data derived from the other enumerations (see the UBIF_EnumData.xml distributed together with the UBIF schema package).
<h3>c) Agent role codes</h3>
* AgentRoleEnum: Provides codes for roles like author, editor, photographer, advisor, or copyright holder. Disjoint subclasses are:
* AgentCreatorRoleEnum
* AgentContributorRoleEnum
* AgentOwnerRoleEnum
* and (not disjoint, union of Creators and Contributors): AgentCreatorContribRoleEnum
<h3>d) Label/Title/Detail roles, Media representation roles, Link relationships, IPR Statement roles</h3>
* LabelRoleEnum
* DetailRoleEnum
* MediaRepresentationRoleEnum
* IRPStatementRoleEnum
* LinkingRelEnum
<h3>e) Sexual status</h3>
* SexStatusEnum, codes for human and biological sex status, with disjoint subclasses:
* BasicSexStatusEnum and
* AdditionalSexStatusEnum
<h3>f) Enumerations specific to the biological domain</h3>
* TaxonHierarchyTypeEnum
* IdentificationCertaintyEnum: To be used to handle "cf.", "aff." etc.
* NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfSpecimensEnum: Status values to express type relations between units (specimen, objects) preserved in collections and taxonomic names. See also the separate NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfSpecimensDiscussion topic!
* NomenclaturalStatusEnum
* NomenclaturalCodesEnum: List of nomenclatural codes like ICBN, ICZN.
* TaxonomicRankEnum: Interoperable superset of taxonomic ranks used in Virology, Bacteriology, Botany and Zoology. In the schema this is implemented as a union of rank subsets (not listed here). See also the separate TaxonomicRankDiscussion topic!
* Several disjoint restricted subclasses (TaxonomicRankBelowSubspeciesEnum to TaxonomicRankAboveSuperfamilyEnum) are defined.
-- [[Main.GregorHagedorn][Gregor Hagedorn]] - 16 May 2006
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="UBIF-Docu-Enumerations.html" attr="h" comment="" date="1093432077" path="C:\Data\Desktop\UBIF-Docu-Enumerations.html" size="114946" user="GregorHagedorn" version="1.1"}%
%META:TOPICMOVED{by="GregorHagedorn" date="1147251471" from="UBIF.EnumerationTypes" to="UBIF.EnumeratedValues"}%
@d1 2
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a1 1
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d3 1
a3 1
(For the relationship between controlled vocabularies and extensibility, please read SemiControlledEnumeratedValues).
d5 3
a7 1
Certain enumerations are considered necessary to provide for data integration and application interoperability. There is some competition in this area between ontologies/vocabularies and schema enumerations. There is [[http://www.stylusstudio.com/xmldev/200309/post80600.html][no current solution]] to integrate semantic web aspects (using RDF, OWL, etc.) and the flat but practical enumerated value lists in schema. See http://www2002.org/CDROM/refereed/231/ for in-depth discussion of this.
d9 1
a9 10
TDWG / GBIF schemata have three options:
1 They only define structure and not vocabulary. Things like taxonomic rank, sex status, editorial status, statistical method may be any of simple natural language term in any language of the world, or uris (which may or may not be resolvable).
2 They specify that the values must be xs:anyuri (which is usually no enforced by parsers) and in accompanying documentation specify that the values must be derived from the uris present in a specific OWL-based vocabulary
3 They define a flat list as xs:enumeration inside the schema and optionally annotation informs that an OWL vocabulary using the same terms is provided at a specific location.
Solution 1 is preferred whereever no interoperability is required, i.e. the information is only for human consumption and machine processing is either not relevant, or expected to be able to cope with natural language processing. Solution 2 has the advantage that the list of values is easier to extend, separately from the main schema. It has the disadvantage that tools that are not programmed sufficiently general (i.e. able to deal with anything expressable in OWL) may break if the list is extended. Solution 3 has the advantage that software knows exactly what to expect, that the interoperability scope is well defined (changes in vocabulary require an update in schema version) and that it is easy to implement with all kind of software (including relational databases). Furthermore, wherea in solution 2 the vocabulary and the schema are decoupled, at the same time the schema is fully coupled with a specific semantic language.
I currently think Solution 3 is the pragmatic one. Since it is more difficult to extend the voculabalary, many of the following vocabularies are fairly large, assuming it is less relevant to include a few rarely used terms than the other way round.
The [[http://wiki.cs.umb.edu/twiki/pub/UBIF/EnumeratedValues/UBIF-Docu-Enumerations.html#RevisionStatusEnum][UBIF enumeration info]] in html format is created by an xslt script from the schema and may be more current. It is also the primary document to review. The topics below are primarily provided for discussion. The enumerations are grouped into:
d15 1
a15 1
As of July 2004 the comments from the schema (UBIF_EnumLib.xsd) were directly copied to this WIKI topic. They may later loose synchronicity, because the WIKI offers no reference linking mechanism to directly include schema comments here.
d21 19
a39 15
RevisionStatusEnum: Unrevised to fully revised, with 5 intermediate levels.
ExpertiseLevelEnum: Restricted to integer values from 0 to 5, indicating expertise from schoolchildren to taxonomic expert.
ResourceTypeEnum: This enumeration is identical with the DCMI Type Vocabulary (http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/, as of 6/2004), except that an additional type "Other" has been added. Its purpose is to provide a framework of broad media or resource type terms, without the technical detail provided by the large number of MIME types. The annotations are largely based on those from the <nop>DublinCore metadata initiative vocabulary.
[[Trash.UBIFRating1to5Enum][Trash.UBIFRating1to5Enum]]: Enumeration restricted to integer values from 0 to 5, indicating an arbitrary rating.
<h3>b) Statistical categories</h3>
UnivariateStatisticalMeasureEnum/UnivariateStatisticalParamMeasureEnum: An enumeration of univariate statistical measures (without and with parameters) supported by UBIF (esp. used by SDD).
UnivariateStatisticalMeasureReportingClassEnum and UnivariateStatisticalMeasureMethodClassEnum are support enumeration to classify the statistical methods in <nop>UnivariateStatisticalMeasureEnum/<nop>UnivariateStatisticalParamMeasureEnum. Not intended for direct use, but used in the xml data derived from the other enumerations (see the UBIF-EnumerationTools.zip file distributed together with the UBIF schema package).
d42 29
d72 1
a72 8
AgentRoleEnum: Provides codes for roles like author, editor, photographer, advisor, or copyright holder.
<h3>d) Enumerations specific to the biological domain</h3>
SexCodeEnum (consisting of <nop>BasicSexCodeEnum and <nop>AdditionalSexCodeEnum). Codes for human and biological sex status.
IdentificationCertaintyEnum: To be used to handle "cf.", "aff." etc.
d74 1
a74 8
NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfSpecimensEum: Status values to express type relations between units (specimen, objects) preserved in collections and taxonomic names. See also the separate NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfSpecimensDiscussion topic!
TaxonomicRankEum: Interoperable superset of taxonomic ranks used in Virology, Bacteriology, Botany and Zoology. In the schema this is implemented as a union of rank subsets (not listed here). See also the separate TaxonomicRankDiscussion topic!
NomenclaturalCodesEnum: List of nomenclatural codes like ICBN, ICZN.
-- [[Main.GregorHagedorn][Gregor Hagedorn]] - 19. July 2004
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1147084153" format="1.1" version="1.10"}%
d3 2
d16 1
a16 1
The [[http://wiki.cs.umb.edu/twiki/pub/UBIF/EnumerationTypes/UBIF-Docu-Enumerations.html#RevisionStatusEnum][UBIF enumeration info]] in html format is created by an xslt script from the schema and may be more current. It is also the primary document to review. The topics below are primarily provided for discussion. The enumerations are grouped into:
d64 1
d66 1
a66 1
%META:TOPICMOVED{by="GregorHagedorn" date="1093431077" from="UBIF.EnumerationsTypes" to="UBIF.EnumerationTypes"}%
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="JenniferForman" date="1111444634" format="1.0" version="1.9"}%
d6 3
a8 3
1 They only define structure and not vocabulary. Things like taxonomic rank, sex status, editorial status, statistical method may be any of simple natural language term in any language of the world, or uris (which may or may not be resolvable).
2 They specify that the values must be xs:anyuri (which is usually no enforced by parsers) and in accompanying documentation specify that the values must be derived from the uris present in a specific OWL-based vocabulary
3 They define a flat list as xs:enumeration inside the schema and optionally annotation informs that an OWL vocabulary using the same terms is provided at a specific location.
d15 4
a18 4
* Generic enumerations
* Statistical categories
* Agent role codes
* Enumerations specific to the biological domain
d32 1
a32 1
[[Rating1to5Enum][Rating1to5Enum]]: Enumeration restricted to integer values from 0 to 5, indicating an arbitrary rating.
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1110895819" format="1.0" version="1.8"}%
d14 1
a14 2
The [[http://efgblade.cs.umb.edu/twiki/pub/UBIF/EnumerationTypes/UBIF-Docu-Enumerations.html#RevisionStatusEnum
][UBIF enumeration info]] in html format is created by an xslt script from the schema and may be more current. It is also the primary document to review. The topics below are primarily provided for discussion. The enumerations are grouped into:
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1103024542" format="1.0" version="1.7"}%
d54 1
a54 1
NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsEum: Status values to express type relations between units (specimen, objects) preserved in collections and taxonomic names. See also the separate NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsDiscussion topic!
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1098953216" format="1.0" version="1.6"}%
d3 60
a62 48
Certain enumerations are considered necessary to provide for data integration and application interoperability. As of July 2004 the comments were directly copied from the schema (UBIF_EnumLib.xsd). They may later loose synchronicity, because the WIKI offers no reference linking mechanism to directly include schema comments here.
The [[http://efgblade.cs.umb.edu/twiki/pub/UBIF/EnumerationTypes/UBIF-Docu-Enumerations.html#RevisionStatusEnum
][UBIF enumeration info]] in html format is created by an xslt script from the schema and may be more current. It is also the primary document to review. The topics below are primarily provided for discussion. The enumerations are grouped into:
* Generic enumerations
* Statistical categories
* Agent role codes
* Enumerations specific to the biological domain
<h3>a) Generic enumerations</h3>
RevisionStatusEnum: Unrevised to fully revised, with 5 intermediate levels.
ExpertiseLevelEnum: Restricted to integer values from 0 to 5, indicating expertise from schoolchildren to taxonomic expert.
ResourceTypeEnum: This enumeration is identical with the DCMI Type Vocabulary (http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/, as of 6/2004), except that an additional type "Other" has been added. Its purpose is to provide a framework of broad media or resource type terms, without the technical detail provided by the large number of MIME types. The annotations are largely based on those from the <nop>DublinCore metadata initiative vocabulary.
[[Rating1to5Enum][Rating1to5Enum]]: Enumeration restricted to integer values from 0 to 5, indicating an arbitrary rating.
<h3>b) Statistical categories</h3>
UnivariateStatisticalMeasureEnum/UnivariateStatisticalParamMeasureEnum: An enumeration of univariate statistical measures (without and with parameters) supported by UBIF (esp. used by SDD).
UnivariateStatisticalMeasureReportingClassEnum and UnivariateStatisticalMeasureMethodClassEnum are support enumeration to classify the statistical methods in <nop>UnivariateStatisticalMeasureEnum/<nop>UnivariateStatisticalParamMeasureEnum. Not intended for direct use, but used in the xml data derived from the other enumerations (see the UBIF-EnumerationTools.zip file distributed together with the UBIF schema package).
<h3>c) Agent role codes</h3>
AgentRoleEnum: Provides codes for roles like author, editor, photographer, advisor, or copyright holder.
<h3>d) Enumerations specific to the biological domain</h3>
SexCodeEnum (consisting of <nop>BasicSexCodeEnum and <nop>AdditionalSexCodeEnum). Codes for human and biological sex status.
IdentificationCertaintyEnum: To be used to handle "cf.", "aff." etc.
NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsEum: Status values to express type relations between units (specimen, objects) preserved in collections and taxonomic names. See also the separate NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsDiscussion topic!
TaxonomicRankEum: Interoperable superset of taxonomic ranks used in Virology, Bacteriology, Botany and Zoology. In the schema this is implemented as a union of rank subsets (not listed here). See also the separate TaxonomicRankDiscussion topic!
NomenclaturalCodesEnum: List of nomenclatural codes like ICBN, ICZN.
-- [[Main.GregorHagedorn][Gregor Hagedorn]] - 19. July 2004
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1093432020" format="1.0" version="1.5"}%
d41 1
a41 1
IdentificationCertaintyEnum: To be used to handle "cf.", "aff." etc. See the linked WIKI topic for further information.
d47 2
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1090313940" format="1.0" version="1.4"}%
d3 4
a6 1
Certain enumerations are considered necessary to provide for data integration and application interoperability. As of July 2004 the comments were directly copied from the schema (UBIF_TypeLib). They may later loose synchronicity, because the WIKI offers no reference linking mechanism to directly include schema comments here. The enumerations are grouped into:
d16 1
a16 1
RevisionStatusEnum: Revision Status is applied to the entire data collection as well as to individual objects (a specimen, a class description, etc.). Exact semantics are only defined for the first and the last category. The semantics of the intermediate (level 1 to 5) may be chosen freely by the user, but the relative position should be maintained. If, for example, three revision steps are planned (2 intermediate, reaching <nop>FullyRevised on third), it is recommended to use <nop>RevisionLevel2, <nop>RevisionLevel4, <nop>FullyRevised.
d18 1
a18 7
ExpertiseLevelEnum: Restricted to integer values from 0 to 5, indicating expertise from schoolchildren to taxonomic expert. Recommendations for interpreting and choosing the expert level:<br/>
0 = unspecified<br/>
1 = elementary school (year 1 to 6)<br/>
2 = middle school (year 7 to 10)<br/>
3 = high school (year 11 above) and general public (trying to avoid any specialized terminology or jargon)<br/>
4 = university students or (partly) trained personnel (using terminology, but avoiding or explaining problematic terminology)<br/>
5 = experts (using the full range of terminology)
d22 1
a22 1
[[Rating1to5Enum][Rating1to5Enum]]: Enumeration restricted to integer values from 0 to 5, indicating an arbitrary rating (meaning, e. g., 0 = undecided, 1 = disagree strongly, 2 = rather disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = rather agree, 5 = agree strongly). This enumeration is of limited usefulness and could be replaced by an restriction on integer, but using the enumeration the semantics of agreement/disagreement or positive/negative rating can be communicated in a culture-neutral way (in German 1 is generally considered best and 5 worst, in English 1 worst, 5 best...).
d27 1
a27 3
UnivariateStatisticalMeasureEnum: An enumeration of univariate statistical measures supported by UBIF (esp. used by SDD).
UnivariateStatisticalParamMeasureEnum: An enumeration of parameterized univariate statistical measures supported by UBIF (esp. used by SDD).
d29 1
a29 3
UnivariateStatisticalMeasureReportingClassEnum: Broad classification of the univariate statistical methods, used in "UnivariateStatisticalMeasureEnum": //xs:enumeration/xs:annotation/xs:appinfo/Specification/ReportingClass. A separate xslt script (UBIF_Enumerations.xsl) is provided that converts this from schema data to xml instance data. <nop>ReportingClasses are provided to simplify the creation of applications using <nop>UnivariateStatisticalMeasure values. They simplify the detailed information provided by the method values into a minimally extended version of the five basic measurement classes supported by DELTA. Most applications that report information for human consumption can rely on these reporting classes in their decision how to present the data. Whereas <nop>UnivariateStatisticalMeasureEnum must be implemented, these additional specifications are an offer to simplify implementations and increase compatibility with future UBIF version. Implementors may choose different methods of handling the statistical measures, however. Compare also <nop>UnivariateStatisticalMeasureReportingClassEnum.
UnivariateStatisticalMeasureMethodClassEnum: Broad classification of the univariate statistical methods, used in "UnivariateStatisticalMeasureEnum": //xs:enumeration/xs:annotation/xs:appinfo/Specification/MethodClass. A separate xslt script (UBIF_Enumerations.xsl) is provided that converts this from schema data to xml instance data. <nop>MethodClasses inform about very general quality properties of measures. This is an optional feature. Whereas <nop>UnivariateStatisticalMeasureEnum must be implemented, these additional specifications are an offer to simplify implementations and increase compatibility with future UBIF version. Implementors may choose different methods of handling the statistical measures, however. Compare also <nop>UnivariateStatisticalMeasureReportingClassEnum.
d34 1
a34 1
AgentRoleEnum: Provides codes for roles like author, editor, photographer, advisor, or copyright holder. See the linked WIKI topic for further information.
d39 2
d43 1
a43 1
NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsEum: Status values to express type relations between units (specimen, objects) preserved in collections and taxonomic names. See the linked WIKI topic for further information. See also the separate NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsDiscussion topic!
d45 1
a45 1
TaxonomicRankEum: Interoperable superset of taxonomic ranks used in Virology, Bacteriology, Botany and Zoology. In the schema this is implemented as a union of rank subsets (not listed here). See the linked WIKI topic for further information. See also the separate TaxonomicRankDiscussion topic!
d47 1
d49 2
a50 3
-- [[Main.GregorHagedorn][Gregor Hagedorn]] - 19. July 2004
%META:TOPICMOVED{by="GregorHagedorn" date="1090226578" from="UBIF.GeneralEnumerations" to="UBIF.EnumerationsTypes"}%
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1090257965" format="1.0" version="1.3"}%
d11 1
a11 3
<h2>a) Generic enumerations</h2>
Rating1to5Enum: Enumeration restricted to integer values from 1 to 5, indicating an arbitrary rating (with, e. g., 1 = disagree strongly, 2 = rather disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = rather agree, 5 = agree strongly)
d23 3
a25 1
ResourceTypeEnum: This enumeration is identical with the DCMI Type Vocabulary (http: //dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/, as of 6/2004), except that an additional type "Other" has been added. Its purpose is to provide a framework of broad media or resource type terms, without the technical detail provided by the large number of MIME types. The annotations are largely based on those from the <nop>DublinCore metadata initiative vocabulary.
d28 1
a28 1
<h2>b) Statistical categories</h2>
d38 2
a39 1
<h2>c) Agent role codes</h2>
a42 1
<h2>d) Enumerations specific to the biological domain</h2>
d44 3
a46 1
IdentificationCertaintyEnum: Identifications of an object/unit as belonging to a class concept may be uncertain. This is especially important in biology, where identification qualifiers like 'cf.' or 'aff.' are often used as part of the scientific name. The following enumerated list provides general categories not restricted to scientific organism names. Note: In biology additional expression is often expressed through the choice of placement of the certainty qualifier. For example, 'Echinonema ferruginea var. campestris' may be qualified as 'cf. Echinonema ferruginea var. campestris', 'Echinonema cf. ferruginea var. campestris', 'Echinonema ferruginea cf. var. campestris'. The first presumably means that the entire name is uncertain, but the infraspecific name may be appropriate, the second indicates that the genus is certain, the species uncertain, and the final that the species in certain and only the infraspecific rank is uncertain. To achieve this level of expressiveness, it is recommended that an additional data element '<nop>IdentificationUncertainTaxonomicRank' of type <nop>TaxonomicRankEnum may be combined with an element of <nop>IdentificationCertaintyEnum. <nop>IdentificationUncertainTaxonomicRank should be optional and omitted to express that an identification is unknown, but the rank not known (e. g. in 'Echinonema ferruginea?'). In ABCD 1.44 a special rank with enumeration beforeName, beforeFirstEpithet, beforeSecondEpithet is used instead.
d52 2
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1090252642" format="1.0" version="1.2"}%
d40 1
a40 6
AgentRoleEnum: Union of all Agent*Role enumerations. Provided for programming convenience (not used in schema). The roles and their codes used here are based on http://www.loc.gov/marc.relators/ (as of 2004/6 available at http://dublincore.org/usage/meetings/2004/03/Relator-codes.html). For example, the enumerated code "aut" for author corresponds to http://www.loc.gov/marc.relators/aut. The <nop>DublinCore Agents group is considering using the same codes (see e. g. http://www.loc.gov/marc/dc/Agent-roles.html), but as of 2004/6 the <nop>DublinCore Agents subgroup did not yet agree on a Creator/Contributor refinement as qualified <nop>DublinCore. Note that the roles selected here are a subset of the MARC roles.
The following role subsets are defined:
* AgentCreatorRoleEnum: Enumeration of roles supported for creator agents. See <nop>AgentRoleEnum for information about the MARC relator codes.
* AgentContributorRoleEnum: Enumeration of supported roles for contributor agents. See <nop>AgentRoleEnum for information about the MARC relator codes.
* AgentOwnerRoleEnum: Enumeration of supported roles for owner/copyright agents. See <nop>AgentRoleEnum for information about the MARC relator codes.
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1090226280" format="1.0" version="1.1"}%
d42 4
a45 5
AgentCreatorRoleEnum: Enumeration of roles supported for creator agents. See <nop>AgentRoleEnum for information about the MARC relator codes.
AgentContributorRoleEnum: Enumeration of supported roles for contributor agents. See <nop>AgentRoleEnum for information about the MARC relator codes.
AgentOwnerRoleEnum: Enumeration of supported roles for owner/copyright agents. See <nop>AgentRoleEnum for information about the MARC relator codes.
d51 1
a51 10
NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsEum: Designators to express type relations between units (specimen, objects) preserved in collections and taxonomic names. The list is not limited to those types explicitly governed by the nomenclatural codes. It also includes some conventional type status terms used to identify units that may be helpful when interpreting the original circumscription (topotypes, ex-types), but do not have the same binding status as terms governed by the nomenclatural codes. The enumeration attempts to strike a balance between listing all possible terms, and remaining comprehensible. In general, a few terms to many is less problematic since applications may select a subset for presentation in their user interface. -- A type provides the objective standard of reference to determine the application of a taxon name. The type status of a unit (specimen) is only meaningful in combination with the name that is being typified (a unit may have been designated type for multiple names in different publications). The type status of an object may be designated in the original description of a scientific name (original designation), or - under rules layed out in the respective nomenclatural codes - at a later time (subsequent designation). For taxa above species rank the type is always another scientific name (type species of genus, type genus of family), not a physical object. The type terms for this situation are not included in the enumeration. -- Note that the exact definitions of type status differ between nomenclatural codes (ICBN, ICZN, ICNP/ICNB, etc.). The term definitions are intended to be informative and generally applicable across the different codes. The should not be interpreted as authoritative; in nomenclatural work the exact definitions in the respective codes have to be consulted. A duplication of status codes (bot-holo, zoo-holo, bact-holo, etc.) is not considered desirable or necessary. Since the application of the type status terms is constrained by the relationship of the typified name with a specific code, the exact definition can always be unambiguously retrieved. -- The following publications have been consulted to determine the number of type terms that should be included and to prepare the semantic definitions:
<li>Nomenclatural Glossary for Zoology (January 18 2000; ftp://ftp.york.biosis.org/sysgloss.txt; verified 17. June 2004)</li>
<li>ICBN St. Louis Code (http://www.bgbm.fu-berlin.de/iapt/nomenclature/code/SaintLouis/0013Ch2Sec2a009.htm; verified 17. June 2004)</li>
<li>Draft <nop>BioCode 4th version (Greuter et al., 1997; http://www.rom.on.ca/biodiversity/biocode/biocode1997.html)</li>
<li>Glossary of 'type' terminology (Ronald H. Petersen; http://fp.bio.utk.edu/mycology/Nomenclature/nom-type.htm)</li>
<li>Dictionary of Ichthyology (Brian W. Coad and Don E. <nop>McAllister, 2004; http://www.briancoad.com/Dictionary/introduction.htm)</li>
<li>A resource that was not available when writing this proposal, but which is probably very useful: Hawksworth, D.L., W.G. Chaloner, O. Krauss, J. <nop>McNeill, M.A. Mayo, D.H. Nicolson, P.H.A. Sneath, R.P. Trehane and P.K. Tubbs. 1994. A draft glossary of terms used in Bionomenclature. (IUBS Monogr. 9) International Union of Biological Sciences, Paris. 74 pp. </li>
<p>Many thanks for review and help go to Dr. Miguel A. Alonso-Zarazaga, Dr. Walter Gams, ...</p>
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TaxonomicRankEum: A union of all following rank subsets. Note that although <nop>BioCode has been used to define the partition insto subsets, the ranks are not limited to <nop>BioCode but should be an interoperable superset of ranks used in Virology, Bacteriology, Botany and Zoology.