
288 lines
9.1 KiB

# Plugin for TWiki Collaboration Platform,
# Copyright (C) 2006 Peter Thoeny,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details, published at
# =========================
# This Plugin publishes topics of a web as static HTML pages.
# =========================
package TWiki::Plugins::PublishWebPlugin;
# =========================
use vars qw(
$web $topic $user $installWeb $VERSION $pluginName $debug
$initializedi $error $publishWeb $publishSkin $exludeTopic $homeLabel
$publishPath $attachPath $publishDir $attachDir
$VERSION = '1.022';
$pluginName = 'PublishWebPlugin'; # Name of this Plugin
$initialized = 0;
$error = "";
# Hardcoded settings (change if needed)
$publishPath = "../static"; # output dir; must be relative to twiki/pub
$attachPath = "_publish"; # attach dir; must be relative to $publishPath
# =========================
sub initPlugin
( $topic, $web, $user, $installWeb ) = @_;
# check for versions
if( $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION < 1.021 ) {
TWiki::Func::writeWarning( "Version mismatch between $pluginName and" );
return 0;
# Get plugin debug flag
$debug = TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferencesFlag( "DEBUG" );
writeDebug( "initPlugin( $web.$topic ) is OK" );
$initialized = 0;
$error = "";
return 1;
sub initialize
return if( $initialized );
# Initialization
$publishDir = TWiki::Func::getPubDir( ) . '/' . $publishPath;
$attachDir = $publishDir . '/' . $attachPath;
# Get plugin preferences
$publishWeb = TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferencesValue( "PUBLISHWEBNAME" ) || "Publish";
$publishSkin = TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferencesValue( "PUBLISHSKIN" ) || "print";
$excludeTopic = TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferencesValue( "EXCLUDETOPIC" ) || "";
$excludeTopic =~ s/,\s*/\|/go;
$excludeTopic = '(' . $excludeTopic . ')';
$homeLabel = TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferencesValue( "HOMELABEL" ) || "Home";
$initialized = 1;
# =========================
sub commonTagsHandler
### my ( $text, $topic, $web ) = @_; # do not uncomment, use $_[0], $_[1]... instead
writeDebug( "commonTagsHandler( $_[2].$_[1] )" );
$_[0] =~ s/%PUBLISHWEB{(.*?)}%/&handlePublish($1)/ge;
$_[0] =~ s/%(START|STOP)PUBLISH%[\n\r]*//go;
# =========================
sub afterSaveHandler
### my ( $text, $topic, $web, $error ) = @_; # do not uncomment, use $_[0], $_[1]... instead
writeDebug( "afterSaveHandler( $_[2].$_[1] )" );
# This handler is called by TWiki::Store::saveTopic just after the save action.
return unless( $_[2] eq $publishWeb );
publishTopic( $_[2], $_[1], $_[0] );
# =========================
sub publishTopic
my( $theWeb, $theTopic, $text ) = @_;
writeDebug( "publishTopic( $theWeb, $theTopic )" );
return unless( $theWeb eq $publishWeb );
return if( $theTopic =~ /$excludeTopic/ );
unless( $text ) {
$text = TWiki::Func::readTopicText( $theWeb, $theTopic );
$text =~ s/%META:[A-Z0-9]+\{[^\n\r]+[\n\r]*//gs;
$text =~ s/.*?%STARTPUBLISH%//s;
$text =~ s/%STOPPUBLISH%.*//s;
my $tmpl = TWiki::Func::readTemplate( "view", $publishSkin );
$tmpl =~ s/%META\{.*?\}%[\n\r]*//gs;
$tmpl =~ s/%TEXT%/$text/;
my $saveWeb = $web; $web = $theWeb;
my $saveTopic = $topic; $topic = $theTopic;
$tmpl = TWiki::Func::expandCommonVariables( $tmpl, $topic, $web );
## FIXME my $wikiWordRegex = TWiki::Func::getRegularExpression( "wikiWordRegex" );
$tmpl =~ s/(^|[\(\s])([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*)\.([A-Z]+[a-z]+[A-Za-z0-9])/$1<nop>$3/go;
$tmpl =~ s/\[\[(.*?)\]\[(.*?)\]\]/&handleLink($1,$2)/geo;
$tmpl =~ s/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/&handleLink($1,$1)/geo;
$tmpl = TWiki::Func::renderText( $tmpl, $web );
# fix links to attachments
my $pubDir = TWiki::Func::getPubDir();
my $pubUrl = TWiki::Func::getPubUrlPath();
$tmpl =~ s/($pubUrl)\/([^'" ]+)/&fixAndCopyAttachments($1, $2, $pubDir )/geo;
$tmpl =~ s/<\/?(nop|noautolink)\/?>\n?//gois;
my $name = buildName( $topic, 'file' );
writeDebug( "publishTopic, saving file $name using $publishSkin skin" );
TWiki::Func::saveFile( $name, $tmpl );
$web = $saveWeb;
$topic = $saveTopic;
return $topic;
# =========================
sub fixAndCopyAttachments
my ( $pubUrl, $path, $pubDir ) = @_;
my $link = "/$attachPath/$path";
my $file = $path;
$file =~ s/.*\///;
my $from = "$pubDir/$path";
my $to = "$attachDir/$file";
# writeDebug( "fixAndCopyAttachments, copying attachment from $from to $to" );
use File::Copy;
unless( copy( $from, $to ) ) {
$error = "Error: Can't copy $from $to ($!)";
TWiki::Func::writeWarning( "- ${pluginName}: $error\n" );
#return "/$attachPath/$file"; ## RSP: 04/Oct/2006
return "/twiki/static/_publish/$file";
# =========================
sub handleLink
my ( $link, $label ) = @_;
if( $link =~ /^(http|ftp)\:/ ) {
return "<a href=\"$link\">$label</a>";
} elsif( $link eq $label ) {
return '<a href="'
. buildName( $link, 'url' ) . '">'
. buildName( $link, 'label' ) . '</a>';
} else {
return '<a href="' . buildName( $link, 'url' ) . "\">$label</a>";
# =========================
sub handlePublish
my ( $attr ) = @_;
my $action = TWiki::Func::extractNameValuePair( $attr );
my $text = '';
if( $action eq "breadcrumb" ) {
$text = '';
if( $topic ne "Index" ) {
$text .= "[[Index][$homeLabel]]";
foreach( getParents( $web, $topic ) ) {
$text .= " &gt; [[$_]["
. buildName( $_, 'label' ) . ']]';
$text .= ' &gt; ';
} elsif( $action eq "nicetopic" ) {
$text = buildName( $topic, 'label' );
} elsif( $action eq "topicname" ) {
$text = buildName( $topic, 'link' );
} elsif( $action eq "topicurl" ) {
$text = buildName( $topic, 'url' );
} elsif( $action eq "publish" ) {
my $topicName = TWiki::Func::extractNameValuePair( $attr, "topic" );
if( $topicName eq "all" ) {
my @topics = ();
foreach( TWiki::Func::getTopicList( $publishWeb ) ) {
$topicName = $_;
if( publishTopic( $publishWeb, $topicName ) ) {
push( @topics, "[[$publishWeb.$topicName]]" );
my $done = join( ', ', @topics );
$text = "PUBLISHWEB: Published topics $done";
} elsif( $topicName ) {
if( TWiki::Func::topicExists( $publishWeb, $topicName ) ) {
if( publishTopic( $publishWeb, $topicName ) ) {
$text = "PUBLISHWEB: Published topic [[$publishWeb.$topicName]]";
} else {
$text = "PUBLISHWEB error: Topic [[$publishWeb.$topicName]] not published";
} else {
$text = "PUBLISHWEB error: Topic <nop>$publishWeb.$topicName does not exist";
} else {
$text = 'PUBLISHWEB error: Missing topic="" parameter for "publish" action';
} elsif( $action ) {
$text = 'PUBLISHWEB error: Unrecognized action';
} else {
$text = '';
return $text;
# =========================
sub getParents
my ( $web, $topic ) = @_;
my @arr = ( );
for(;;) {
my $text = TWiki::Func::readTopicText( $web, $topic, '', 1 );
last unless( $text =~ s/.*?\%META:TOPICPARENT\{name\=\"([^\"]+).*/$1/s );
last if( $text =~ /^(Index|WebHome)$/ ); # stop at home topic
last if( grep { /^$text$/ } @arr ); # prevent recursion
push( @arr, $text );
$topic = $text;
return @arr;
# =========================
sub buildName
my ( $topic, $type ) = @_;
# $type for 'Topic_Name':
# 'name': 'topic_name.html'
# 'url': '/topic_name.html'
# 'file': '/file/path/to/topic_name.html'
# 'label': 'Topic Name'
my $text = lc( $topic ) . '.html';
$text =~ s/[^a-z_\.]+//go;
$text =~ /(.*)/;
$text = $1; # untaint
if( $type eq 'url' ) {
#$text = '/' . $text; ## RSP 04/Oct/2006
$text = $text; ## RSP 04/Oct/2006
} elsif( $type eq 'file' ) {
$text = $publishDir . '/' . $text;
} elsif( $type eq 'label' ) {
$text = $topic;
$text =~ s/_/ /go;
$text =~ s/^Index$/$homeLabel/o;
return $text;
# =========================
sub writeDebug
my( $text ) = @_;
TWiki::Func::writeDebug( "- ${pluginName}: $text" ) if $debug;
# =========================