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# Plugin for TWiki Collaboration Platform, http://TWiki.org/
# Copyright (C) 2005 Rafael Alvarez, soronthar@sourceforge.net
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details, published at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
---+ package TwistyPlugin
Convenience plugin for TWiki:Plugins.TwistyContrib.
It has two major features:
* When active, the Twisty javascript library is included in every topic.
* Provides a convenience syntax to define twisty areas.
package TWiki::Plugins::TwistyPlugin;
use strict;
use vars qw( $VERSION $RELEASE $pluginName $debug @modes $doneHeader $twistyCount
$prefMode $prefShowLink $prefHideLink $prefRemember
$defaultMode $defaultShowLink $defaultHideLink $defaultRemember $needPostRenderingHandler );
# This should always be $Rev: 12154$ so that TWiki can determine the checked-in
# status of the plugin. It is used by the build automation tools, so
# you should leave it alone.
$VERSION = '$Rev: 12154$';
# This is a free-form string you can use to "name" your own plugin version.
# It is *not* used by the build automation tools, but is reported as part
# of the version number in PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS.
$RELEASE = '1.2.0';
$pluginName = 'TwistyPlugin';
#there is no need to document this.
sub initPlugin {
my( $topic, $web, $user, $installWeb ) = @_;
# check for Plugins.pm versions
if( $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION < 1.1 ) {
TWiki::Func::writeWarning( "Version mismatch between $pluginName and Plugins.pm" );
return 0;
$debug = TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferencesFlag( "DEBUG" );
$doneHeader = 0;
$twistyCount = 0;
$needPostRenderingHandler = 0;
$prefMode = TWiki::Func::getPreferencesValue( 'TWISTYMODE' ) || TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferencesValue( 'TWISTYMODE' ) || $defaultMode;
$prefShowLink = TWiki::Func::getPreferencesValue( 'TWISTYSHOWLINK' ) || TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferencesValue( 'TWISTYSHOWLINK' ) || $defaultShowLink;
$prefHideLink = TWiki::Func::getPreferencesValue( 'TWISTYHIDELINK' ) || TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferencesValue( 'TWISTYHIDELINK' ) || $defaultHideLink;
$prefRemember = TWiki::Func::getPreferencesValue( 'TWISTYREMEMBER' ) || TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferencesValue( 'TWISTYREMEMBER' ) || $defaultRemember;
return 1;
sub _setDefaults {
$defaultMode = 'span';
$defaultShowLink = '';
$defaultHideLink = '';
$defaultRemember = ''; # do not default to 'off' or all cookies will be cleared!
sub _addHeader {
return if $doneHeader;
$doneHeader = 1;
my $header=<<'EOF';
<style type="text/css" media="all">
@import url("%PUBURL%/%TWIKIWEB%/TwistyContrib/twist.css");
<script type="text/javascript" src="%PUBURL%/%TWIKIWEB%/TWikiJavascripts/twiki.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="%PUBURL%/%TWIKIWEB%/BehaviourContrib/behaviour.compressed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="%PUBURL%/%TWIKIWEB%/TwistyContrib/twist.compressed.js"></script>
return _twistyWrapInSpan(_twistyBtn(@_, 'show'));
return _twistyWrapInSpan(_twistyBtn(@_, 'hide'));
return _twistyWrapInSpan(
_twistyBtn(@_, 'show') .
_twistyBtn(@_, 'hide'));
sub _TWISTY {
my($session, $params, $theTopic, $theWeb) = @_;
my $id = $params->{'id'};
if (!defined $id || $id eq '') {
$params->{'id'} = 'twistyId'.$theWeb.$theTopic.$twistyCount;
my $prefix = $params->{'prefix'} || '';
my $suffix = $params->{'suffix'} || '';
return $prefix . _TWISTYBUTTON(@_) . $suffix . _TWISTYTOGGLE(@_);
my($session, $params, $theTopic, $theWeb) = @_;
my $id = $params->{'id'};
if (!defined $id || $id eq '') {
return '';
my $idTag = $id.'toggle';
my $mode = $params->{'mode'} || $prefMode;
unshift @modes,$mode;
my $isTrigger = 0;
my @propList = _createHtmlProperties($idTag, $params, $isTrigger);
my $props = @propList ? " ".join(" ",@propList) : '';
my $modeTag = '<'.$mode.$props.'>';
$modeTag .= _createJavascriptTriggerCall($idTag);
return _twistyOpenDiv().$modeTag;
my($session, $params, $theTopic, $theWeb) = @_;
my $mode = shift @modes;
my $modeTag = ($mode ne '') ? '</'.$mode.'>' : '';
return $modeTag._twistyCloseDiv();
Removes _TWISTYSCRIPT tags written in the topic text, so users cannot use this
construct to write Javascript even if {AllowInlineScript} has been set to false.
sub beforeCommonTagsHandler {
return if $needPostRenderingHandler; # don't remove _TWISTYSCRIPT too early
# see Item3159
# do not uncomment, use $_[0], $_[1]... instead
$_[0] =~ s/\%_TWISTYSCRIPT{\"(.*?)\"}\%/$1/g;
Convert the semi-variable tag to JavaScript.
sub postRenderingHandler {
# do not uncomment, use $_[0], $_[1]... instead
if ($_[0] =~ s/\%_TWISTYSCRIPT{\"(.*?)\"}\%/<script type="text\/javascript\"\>$1<\/script>/g) {
$needPostRenderingHandler = 0;
sub _twistyBtn {
my($session, $params, $theTopic, $theWeb, $theState) = @_;
# not used yet:
#my $triangle_right = '►';
#my $triangle_down = '▼';
my $id = $params->{'id'};
if (!defined $id || $id eq '') {
return '';
my $idTag = $id.$theState if ( $theState) || '';
my $defaultLink = ( $theState eq 'show' ) ? $prefShowLink : $prefHideLink;
# link="" takes precedence over showlink="" and hidelink=""
my $link = $params->{'link'};
if (!defined $link) {
# if 'link' is not set, try 'showlink' / 'hidelink'
$link = $params->{$theState.'link'};
if (!defined $link) {
$link = $defaultLink || '';
my $img = $params->{$theState.'img'} || $params->{'img'} || '';
my $imgright = $params->{$theState.'imgright'} || $params->{'imgright'} || '';
my $imgleft = $params->{$theState.'imgleft'} || $params->{'imgleft'} || '';
$img =~ s/['\"]//go;
$imgright =~ s/['\"]//go;
$imgleft =~ s/['\"]//go;
my $imgTag = ($img ne '') ? '<img src="'.$img.'" border="0" alt="" />' : '';
my $imgRightTag = ($imgright ne '') ? '<img src="'.$imgright.'" border="0" alt="" />' : '';
my $imgLeftTag = ($imgleft ne '') ? '<img src="'.$imgleft.'" border="0" alt="" />' : '';
my $imgLinkTag = '<a href="#">'.$imgLeftTag.'<span class="twikiLinkLabel">'.$link.'</span>'.$imgTag.$imgRightTag.'</a>';
my $isTrigger = 1;
my $props = '';
if ($idTag && $params) {
my @propList = _createHtmlProperties($idTag, $params, $isTrigger);
$props = @propList ? " ".join(" ",@propList) : '';
my $triggerTag = '<span'.$props.'>'.$imgLinkTag.'</span>';
$triggerTag .= _createJavascriptTriggerCall($idTag);
return $triggerTag;
sub _createHtmlProperties {
my($idTag, $params, $isTrigger) = @_;
my $class = $params->{'class'} || '';
my $start = $params->{start} || '';
my $startHide = ($start eq 'hide');
my $startShow = ($start eq 'show');
my $firststart = $params->{'firststart'} || '';
my $firstStartHide = ($firststart eq 'hide');
my $firstStartShow = ($firststart eq 'show');
my $remember = $params->{'remember'} || $prefRemember;
my $noscript = $params->{'noscript'} || '';
my $noscriptHide = ($noscript eq 'hide');
my @classList = ();
push (@classList, $class) if $class && !$isTrigger;
push (@classList, 'twistyRememberSetting') if ($remember eq 'on');
push (@classList, 'twistyForgetSetting') if ($remember eq 'off');
push (@classList, 'twistyStartHide') if $startHide;
push (@classList, 'twistyStartShow') if $startShow;
push (@classList, 'twistyFirstStartHide') if $firstStartHide;
push (@classList, 'twistyFirstStartShow') if $firstStartShow;
if ($isTrigger) {
push (@classList, 'twistyTrigger');
push (@classList, 'twistyMakeVisible');
if (!$isTrigger) {
# content
push (@classList, 'twistyContent');
push (@classList, 'twistyMakeHidden') if !$noscriptHide; # don't set hidden directly but make it hidden with javascript, no browser without script will be able to see content
push (@classList, 'twistyMakeVisible') if $noscriptHide;
my @propList = ();
push (@propList, 'id="'.$idTag.'"');
push (@propList, 'class="'.join(" ",@classList).'"');
return @propList;
If we write a JavaScript tag here, it will be removed at render time in
Render.getRenderedVersion if configure option AllowInlineScript is not set.
So we create a semi-variable tag here and convert it to a JavaScript tag in #postRenderingHandler.
sub _createJavascriptTriggerCall {
my($idTag) = @_;
$needPostRenderingHandler = 1; # notifies postRenderingHandler and beforeCommonTagsHandler
return '%_TWISTYSCRIPT{"TWiki.TwistyPlugin.init("'.$idTag.'");"}%';
sub _twistyWrapInDiv {
my($text) = @_;
return _twistyOpenDiv().$text._twistyCloseDiv();
sub _twistyOpenDiv {
return '<div class="twistyPlugin" style="display:inline;">';
sub _twistyCloseDiv {
return '</div><!-- END twistyPlugin-->';
sub _twistyWrapInSpan {
my($text) = @_;
return _twistyOpenSpan().$text._twistyCloseSpan();
sub _twistyOpenSpan {
return '<span class="twistyPlugin">';
sub _twistyCloseSpan {
return '</span><!-- END twistyPlugin-->';