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date 2004.; author PatrickLeary; state Exp;
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date 2004.; author PatrickLeary; state Exp;
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<Text>The front half of the first dorsal fin is supported entirely by unsegmented, often very hard bones (called spines)</Text>
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<Text>Over 100 lbs (45 kg)</Text>
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<Text>Over 300 lbs (136 kg)</Text>
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d74 1
a74 1
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="5" xidremain="N">
d77 1
a77 1
<Text>BMW Z3</Text>
d81 1
a81 1
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="6" xidremain="N">
d84 1
a84 1
<Text>Honda CRV</Text>
d88 1
a88 1
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="8" xidremain="N">
d91 1
a91 1
d95 1
a95 1
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="9" xidremain="N">
d98 1
a98 1
<Text>Dodge Neon</Text>
d102 1
a102 1
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="10" xidremain="N">
d105 1
a105 1
<Text>Acura NSX</Text>
d109 1
a109 1
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="11" xidremain="N">
d112 1
a112 1
<Text>Ford Expedition</Text>
d116 1
a116 8
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="12" xidremain="N">
<Representation language="en" xidsource="local">
<Text>Dodge Ram</Text>
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="13" xidremain="N">
d119 1
a119 1
<Text>Toyota Tundra</Text>
d123 1
a123 1
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="14" xidremain="N">
d126 1
a126 1
<Text>Mazda Miata</Text>
d130 1
a130 1
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="15" xidremain="N">
d133 1
a133 1
<Text>Porsche Boxter</Text>
d151 1
a151 12
<Text>Side View</Text>
<MediaResource key="2">
<Representation language="en">
<Text>Model Shot</Text>
d155 1
a155 1
d157 1
a157 1
d170 1
a170 1
d186 1
a186 3
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d188 2
a189 4
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d192 2
a193 2
d195 2
a196 2
d201 19
d228 6
d250 6
d264 161
a424 1
<Character key="1" xidisopen="O" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
d427 1
a427 1
<Text>Engine Size (# Cylinders)</Text>
d432 15
a446 1
<StateDefinition key="1" xidisopen="O" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d449 1
a449 1
d453 1
a453 1
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d456 1
a456 1
d460 1
a460 1
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d463 1
a463 1
d467 12
a478 1
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d481 1
a481 1
d485 1
a485 1
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d488 1
a488 1
d495 1
a495 1
<Character key="2" xidisopen="F" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
d498 1
a498 1
<Text>Number of Doors</Text>
d503 1
a503 1
<StateDefinition key="6" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d506 1
a506 1
d510 1
a510 1
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d513 1
a513 1
d520 1
a520 1
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d523 1
a523 1
d528 8
a535 1
<StateDefinition key="8" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d538 1
a538 1
<Text>Under 20K</Text>
d542 12
a553 1
<StateDefinition key="9" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d556 1
a556 1
<Text>Under 40K</Text>
d560 1
a560 1
<StateDefinition key="10" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d563 1
a563 1
<Text>Over 40K</Text>
d570 1
a570 1
<Character key="4" xidisopen="F" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
d573 1
a573 1
d578 1
a578 1
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d581 1
a581 1
d585 1
a585 1
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d588 1
a588 1
d595 1
a595 1
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d598 1
a598 1
<Text>Body Style</Text>
d603 15
a617 1
<StateDefinition key="13" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d620 1
a620 1
<Text>Pickup Truck</Text>
d624 1
a624 1
<StateDefinition key="14" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d627 1
a627 1
<Text>Sport Utility Vehicle</Text>
d631 12
a642 1
<StateDefinition key="15" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d645 1
a645 1
<Text>Sports Coupe</Text>
d649 1
a649 1
<StateDefinition key="16" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d652 1
a652 1
d659 1
a659 1
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d662 1
a662 1
d667 15
a681 1
<StateDefinition key="17" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="M">
d684 1
a684 1
<Text>Miles per gallon</Text>
d700 1
a700 1
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d703 7
a709 1
<State ref="7"/>
d712 1
a712 1
<State ref="10"/>
d715 1
a715 1
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d718 6
a723 1
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d726 6
a731 1
<State ref="17" />
d733 7
a739 9
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d741 7
a747 2
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<State ref="7"/>
d749 72
a820 2
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<State ref="10"/>
d824 6
d835 72
a906 1
<State ref="17" />
d916 1
a916 4
<State ref="3"/>
<State ref="4">
<Frequency ref="22"/>
d919 2
a920 1
<State ref="7"/>
d923 1
a924 3
<State ref="10">
<Certainty ref="42"/>
d928 1
d931 1
a931 1
<State ref="14"/>
d934 65
a998 1
<State ref="17" />
d1011 1
a1011 1
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d1014 1
a1014 1
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d1019 1
d1022 1
a1022 1
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d1025 51
a1075 1
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d1085 1
a1085 1
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d1088 1
a1088 1
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d1091 12
a1102 1
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d1105 12
a1116 1
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d1119 6
a1124 1
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d1127 72
a1198 1
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d1208 1
a1208 1
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d1211 1
a1211 1
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d1214 12
a1225 1
<State ref="9"/>
d1228 12
a1239 1
<State ref="11"/>
d1242 6
a1247 1
<State ref="14"/>
d1250 66
a1315 1
<State ref="17" />
a1322 4
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<MediaResource ref="2"/>
d1325 1
a1325 4
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<State ref="4">
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d1328 2
a1329 1
<State ref="6"/>
d1332 1
a1332 1
<State ref="8"/>
d1337 1
a1337 1
<State ref="12"/>
d1340 1
a1340 1
<State ref="16"/>
d1343 61
a1403 1
<State ref="17" />
d1413 1
a1413 1
<State ref="5"/>
d1416 1
a1416 1
<State ref="7"/>
d1419 2
a1420 1
<State ref="10"/>
d1424 1
d1427 1
a1427 1
<State ref="14"/>
d1430 60
a1489 1
<State ref="17" />
d1502 1
a1502 1
<State ref="6"/>
d1505 1
a1505 1
<State ref="8"/>
d1510 1
d1513 1
a1513 1
<State ref="16"/>
d1516 50
a1565 1
<State ref="17" />
d1578 1
a1578 1
<State ref="6"/>
d1581 2
d1586 1
d1592 41
a1632 1
<State ref="17" />
d1642 1
a1642 1
<State ref="4"/>
d1645 1
a1645 1
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d1648 1
d1653 1
d1656 1
a1656 1
<State ref="14"/>
d1659 40
a1698 1
<State ref="17" />
d1708 1
a1708 1
<State ref="4"/>
d1711 1
d1714 1
d1719 1
d1722 1
a1722 1
<State ref="13"/>
d1725 31
a1755 1
<State ref="17" />
d1765 1
a1765 1
<State ref="3"/>
d1768 1
a1768 1
<State ref="6"/>
d1771 1
d1776 1
d1779 1
a1779 1
<State ref="13"/>
d1782 29
a1810 1
<State ref="17" />
d1823 1
a1823 1
<State ref="6"/>
d1826 3
d1832 1
d1834 2
d1841 21
a1861 1
<State ref="17" />
d1863 7
a1869 9
<CodedDescription key="15">
<ClassName ref="15"/>
<Character ref="1">
<State ref="2"/>
d1871 7
a1877 2
<Character ref="2">
<State ref="6"/>
d1879 7
a1885 2
<Character ref="3">
<State ref="10"/>
d1887 13
a1899 2
<Character ref="4">
<State ref="11"/>
d1901 7
a1907 2
<Character ref="5">
<State ref="15"/>
d1909 8
a1916 2
<Character ref="6">
<State ref="17" />
@d4 1
a4 1
<Derivation datetime="2004-06-08T15:49:53">
d18 1
a18 1
d27 1
a27 1
d39 1
a39 1
<ClassName xidimage="F" key="3" xidremain="Y">
d42 1
a42 1
<Text>Bigeye Tuna</Text>
d45 51
a95 2
<ClassName xidimage="F" key="4" xidremain="Y">
d98 1
a98 1
d101 2
a102 2
<ClassName xidimage="F" key="1" xidremain="N">
d105 1
a105 1
<Text>Bluefin Tuna</Text>
d109 1
a109 1
<ClassName xidimage="F" key="2" xidremain="N">
d112 1
a112 1
<Text>Yellowfin Tuna</Text>
d116 1
a116 1
<ClassName xidimage="F" key="5" xidremain="N">
d119 1
a119 1
d123 1
a123 1
<ClassName xidimage="F" key="6" xidremain="N">
d126 1
a126 1
<Text>Skipjack Tuna</Text>
d130 1
a130 1
<ClassName xidimage="F" key="7" xidremain="N">
d133 1
a133 1
<Text>Blackfin Tuna</Text>
d137 1
a137 1
<ClassName xidimage="F" key="8" xidremain="N">
d140 1
a140 1
<Text>Little Tunny</Text>
d154 24
d188 1
a188 1
d205 14
d221 33
d255 1
a255 1
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d257 2
a258 2
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Gill rakers on first gill arch</Text>
d263 1
a263 1
<StateDefinition key="1" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="M">
d266 1
a266 1
<Text>Number of rakers</Text>
a269 11
<Character key="2" xidisopen="O" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Markings on lower body</Text>
d273 1
a273 1
<Text>Gray spots and bands, sometimes resembling tree bark</Text>
d280 1
a280 15
<Text>Chains (20+) of white streaks and spots</Text>
<StateDefinition key="4" xidisopen="O" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>No markings</Text>
<StateDefinition key="5" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>4-6 dark longitudinal stripes on belly</Text>
d284 1
a284 1
<StateDefinition key="6" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d287 1
a287 1
<Text>Alternating bars and spots, light in color</Text>
d291 1
a291 1
<StateDefinition key="7" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d294 1
a294 1
<Text>Chest spots</Text>
d301 1
a301 1
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d303 2
a304 2
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Markings on upper body</Text>
d309 1
a309 1
<StateDefinition key="8" xidisopen="O" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d312 1
a312 1
<Text>No markings</Text>
d316 1
a316 8
<StateDefinition key="9" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Yellow gold band on sides, fading at death</Text>
<StateDefinition key="10" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d319 1
a319 8
<Text>Oblique dark stripes, seven or more, straight, not wavy</Text>
<StateDefinition key="11" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Wavy lines on back, not straight</Text>
d326 1
a326 1
<Character key="4" xidisopen="F" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
d328 2
a329 2
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Trailing edge of caudal fin</Text>
d334 1
a334 1
<StateDefinition key="12" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d337 1
a337 1
d341 1
a341 1
<StateDefinition key="13" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d344 1
a344 1
<Text>not white</Text>
d348 1
a348 12
<Character key="5" xidisopen="F" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Bottom surface of liver</Text>
<StateDefinition key="14" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d351 1
a351 15
<StateDefinition key="15" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>No striations</Text>
<StateDefinition key="16" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Striated margin</Text>
d358 1
a358 1
<Character key="6" xidisopen="F" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
d360 2
a361 2
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Pectoral fin length</Text>
d366 1
a366 8
<StateDefinition key="17" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Very short, does not reach origin of second dorsal fin</Text>
<StateDefinition key="18" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d369 1
a369 1
<Text>Extends beyond second dorsal</Text>
d373 1
a373 1
<StateDefinition key="19" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d376 1
a376 8
<Text>Reaches origin of second dorsal</Text>
<StateDefinition key="20" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Very short and broad</Text>
d383 1
a383 1
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d385 2
a386 2
<Representation audience="en5">
d391 1
a391 1
<StateDefinition key="21" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d394 1
a394 1
<Text>Yellow with a narrow black margin</Text>
d398 1
a398 1
<StateDefinition key="22" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d401 1
a401 1
<Text>Dorsal: yellow; Ventral: silver or dusky</Text>
d405 1
a405 1
<StateDefinition key="23" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d408 1
a408 1
d412 1
a412 1
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d415 1
a415 1
<Text>Dusky with white margins</Text>
d422 1
a422 1
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d424 2
a425 2
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Maximum fork length</Text>
d430 1
a430 15
<StateDefinition key="25" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Under 40 inches</Text>
<StateDefinition key="26" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>40-90 inches</Text>
<StateDefinition key="27" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
d433 1
a433 40
<Text>Over 90 inches</Text>
<Character key="9" xidisopen="F" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Maximum weight</Text>
<StateDefinition key="28" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Over 20 pounds</Text>
<StateDefinition key="29" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Over 40 pounds</Text>
<StateDefinition key="30" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Over 400 pounds</Text>
<StateDefinition key="31" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Over 500 pounds</Text>
d445 1
a445 1
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d449 1
a449 1
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d452 1
a452 1
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d455 1
a455 1
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d458 1
a458 1
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d461 1
a461 1
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d464 1
a464 1
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d466 9
a474 2
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d476 5
a480 2
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d482 8
a489 5
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d493 1
a493 1
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d495 1
a495 1
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d499 4
a502 1
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d505 1
a505 1
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d509 3
d514 1
a514 1
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d517 1
a517 1
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d520 1
a520 12
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d524 1
a524 1
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d526 1
a526 1
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a527 11
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d530 1
a530 1
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d533 1
a533 1
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d537 1
d540 1
a540 1
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d546 17
a562 1
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d564 2
a565 2
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d567 2
a568 5
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d570 2
a571 4
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d575 1
a575 1
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d577 1
a577 1
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d581 1
a581 1
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d584 1
a584 1
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d587 1
a587 1
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d590 1
a590 1
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d596 25
a620 1
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d622 3
a624 2
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d626 2
a627 2
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d629 2
a630 3
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d634 1
a634 1
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d636 1
a636 1
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d640 1
a640 1
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d643 1
a643 1
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d649 1
a649 1
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d652 1
a652 1
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d655 1
a655 1
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d657 9
a665 2
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d667 12
a678 2
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d680 2
a681 1
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d685 1
a685 1
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d687 1
a687 1
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d691 1
a691 1
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d694 1
a694 1
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a696 1
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d699 1
a699 1
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d705 14
a718 1
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d720 5
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d726 2
a727 2
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d729 2
a730 2
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d734 1
a734 1
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d736 1
a736 1
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d740 1
a740 1
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a742 1
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d745 1
a745 1
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d748 1
a748 1
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d751 1
a751 1
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d754 1
a754 1
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d756 18
a773 5
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<State ref="24"/>
d775 2
a776 2
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d778 2
a779 3
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d783 1
a783 1
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d785 1
a785 1
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d789 1
a789 1
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d792 1
a792 1
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d795 1
a795 1
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d798 1
a798 1
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d804 1
a804 1
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d806 9
a814 2
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d816 5
a820 2
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a829 2
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Derivation datetime="2004-06-07T08:39:03">
<Action kindofchange="None"/>
<Action kindofchange="None"/>
<Generator name="X:ID Player" version="0.6"/>
<Representation language="en">
<Agents role="aut">
<Agent ref="1"/>
<Representation language="en">
<ShortText>(c) 2004 uBio Project : Marine Biological Laboratories</ShortText>
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="3" xidremain="Y">
<Representation language="en" xidsource="local">
<Text>Bigeye Tuna</Text>
<File type="html" title="default">http://uio.mbl.edu/key/Keys/tuna/XSLT/bigeye.html</File>
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="4" xidremain="Y">
<Representation language="en" xidsource="local">
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="1" xidremain="N">
<Representation language="en" xidsource="local">
<Text>Bluefin Tuna</Text>
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="2" xidremain="N">
<Representation language="en" xidsource="local">
<Text>Yellowfin Tuna</Text>
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="5" xidremain="N">
<Representation language="en" xidsource="local">
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="6" xidremain="N">
<Representation language="en" xidsource="local">
<Text>Skipjack Tuna</Text>
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="7" xidremain="N">
<Representation language="en" xidsource="local">
<Text>Blackfin Tuna</Text>
<ClassName xidimage="I" key="8" xidremain="N">
<Representation language="en" xidsource="local">
<Text>Little Tunny</Text>
<Agent key="1">
<Representation language="en">
<Text>Patrick Leary</Text>
<Audience audience="en"/>
<CustomExtension name="X:ID">
<Audience audiencekey="en">
<Description>English vocabulary (undefined expertise level of audience)</Description>
<Character key="1" xidisopen="F" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Gill rakers on first gill arch</Text>
<StateDefinition key="1" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="M">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Number of rakers</Text>
<Character key="2" xidisopen="O" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Markings on lower body</Text>
<StateDefinition key="2" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Gray spots and bands, sometimes resembling tree bark</Text>
<StateDefinition key="3" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Chains (20+) of white streaks and spots</Text>
<StateDefinition key="4" xidisopen="O" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>No markings</Text>
<StateDefinition key="5" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>4-6 dark longitudinal stripes on belly</Text>
<StateDefinition key="6" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Alternating bars and spots, light in color</Text>
<StateDefinition key="7" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Chest spots</Text>
<Character key="3" xidisopen="O" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Markings on upper body</Text>
<StateDefinition key="8" xidisopen="O" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>No markings</Text>
<StateDefinition key="9" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Yellow gold band on sides, fading at death</Text>
<StateDefinition key="10" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Oblique dark stripes, seven or more, straight, not wavy</Text>
<StateDefinition key="11" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Wavy lines on back, not straight</Text>
<Character key="4" xidisopen="F" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Trailing edge of caudal fin</Text>
<StateDefinition key="12" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<StateDefinition key="13" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>not white</Text>
<Character key="5" xidisopen="O" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Bottom surface of liver</Text>
<StateDefinition key="14" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<StateDefinition key="15" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>No striations</Text>
<StateDefinition key="16" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Striated margin</Text>
<Character key="6" xidisopen="O" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Pectoral fin length</Text>
<StateDefinition key="17" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Very short, does not reach origin of second dorsal fin</Text>
<StateDefinition key="18" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Extends beyond second dorsal</Text>
<StateDefinition key="19" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Reaches origin of second dorsal</Text>
<StateDefinition key="20" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Very short and broad</Text>
<Character key="7" xidisopen="F" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
<Representation audience="en5">
<StateDefinition key="21" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Yellow with a narrow black margin</Text>
<StateDefinition key="22" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Dorsal: yellow; Ventral: silver or dusky</Text>
<StateDefinition key="23" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<StateDefinition key="24" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Dusky with white margins</Text>
<Character key="8" xidisopen="O" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Maximum fork length</Text>
<StateDefinition key="25" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Under 40 inches</Text>
<StateDefinition key="26" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>40-90 inches</Text>
<StateDefinition key="27" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Over 90 inches</Text>
<Character key="9" xidisopen="F" xidimage="F" xiddepends="F">
<Representation audience="en5">
<Text>Maximum weight</Text>
<StateDefinition key="28" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Over 20 pounds</Text>
<StateDefinition key="29" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Over 40 pounds</Text>
<StateDefinition key="30" xidisopen="F" xidlast="F" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Over 400 pounds</Text>
<StateDefinition key="31" xidisopen="F" xidlast="L" xidimage="F" xidmetric="F">
<Representation audience="en">
<Text>Over 500 pounds</Text>
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