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%META:TOPICINFO{author="JohnWieczorek" date="1269534259" format="1.1" version="1.22"}%
---+!! Historical <noautolink>%WEB%</noautolink> wiki site. Deprecated.
*Note*: These Wiki pages are for historical purposes, they *do not* reflect the content of the current standard, which can be found at
This page is a reference to versions of Darwin Core schemas. A dynamic status report of Darwin Core DiGIR providers can be found at the [[][Big Dig web site]].
---++Darwin Core Versions
The following versions of the Darwin Core are of historical significance:
* [[][DwC 1.2 schema]] -- first deployed version (used in [[][GBIF]], also known as DarwinCoreV2)
* [[][DwC 1.21 schema]] -- revised version (used in [[][GBIF]], [[][MaNIS]], [[][HerpNet]], [[][OrNIS]], and [[][FishNet2]])
* [[][DwC 1.3 schema]] -- draft standard of the Darwin Core accepted at TDWG Meeting 2004, Christchurch, New Zealand. (unused)
* [[][DwC 1.4 schema]] -- draft standard under discussion (not for use)(but used in [[][GBIF]], and recommended to use in GBIF see: [[][]])
* [[][OBIS]] -- based on !DwC 1.2 used in [[][GBIF]], [[][Ocean Biogeographic Information System]])
* [[][PaleoPortal]] -- based on !DwC 1.2 (used in [[][The Paleontology Portal]])
The normative form of any Darwin Core version is its XML schema document (*.xsd).
---++Schema Element Comparison Table
| *DwC 1.2* | *DwC 1.21* | *OBIS* | *DwC 1.4 (and extensions)* |
| | | |GlobalUniqueIdentifier|
| |!CatalogNumberNumeric| |CatalogNumberNumeric (curatorial)|
| | |!RecordURL| |
| | |!Source| |
| | |!Citation| |
| | | |InformationWithheld|
| |!HigherTaxon| |HigherTaxon|
| | |!SubGenus| |
|!Subspecies|!Subspecies|!Subspecies|InfraSpecificEpithet |
| | | |InfraspecificRank|
| | | |NomenclaturalCode|
| |!IdentificationModifier| |[[][IdentificationQualifier]]|
|!IdentifiedBy|!IdentifiedBy|!IdentifiedBy|IdentifiedBy (curatorial)|
|!YearIdentified|!YearIdentified|!YearIdentified|DateIdentified (curatorial)|
|!MonthIdentified|!MonthIdentified|!MonthIdentified|DateIdentified (curatorial)|
|!DayIdentified|!DayIdentified|!DayIdentified|DateIdentified (curatorial)|
|!TypeStatus|!TypeStatus|!TypeStatus|TypeStatus (curatorial)|
| | | |CollectingMethod|
| | | |ValidDistributionFlag|
|!CollectorNumber|!CollectorNumber|!CollectorNumber|CollectorNumber (curatorial)|
|!FieldNumber|!FieldNumber|!FieldNumber|FieldNumber (curatorial)|
|!YearCollected|!YearCollected|!YearCollected|EarliestDateCollected, LatestDateCollected|
| | |!StartYearCollected|EarliestDateCollected|
| | |!EndYearCollected|LatestDateCollected|
|!MonthCollected|!MonthCollected|!MonthCollected|EarliestDateCollected, LatestDateCollected|
| | |!StartMonthCollected|EarliestDateCollected|
| | |!EndMonthCollected|LatestDateCollected |
|!DayCollected|!DayCollected|!DayCollected|EarliestDateCollected, LatestDateCollected|
| | |!StartDayCollected|EarliestDateCollected|
| | |!EndDayCollected|LatestDateCollected|
| |!VerbatimCollectingDate| |VerbatimCollectingDate (curatorial)|
| | |!StartJulianDay| |
| | |!EndJulianDay| |
|!TimeOfDay|!TimeCollected|TimeOfDay| |
| | |!StartTimeOfDay| |
| | |!EndTimeOfDay| |
| | |!TimeZone| |
| |!FieldNotes| |FieldNotes (curatorial)|
| |!HigherGeography| |HigherGeography|
| | | |WaterBody|
| |!IslandGroup| |IslandGroup|
| |!Island| |[[][Island]]|
|!Longitude|!DecimalLongitude|!Longitude|DecimalLongitude (geospatial)|
| |!VerbatimLongitude| |VerbatimLongitude (geospatial)|
| | |!StartLongitude| |
| | |!EndLongitude| |
|!Latitude|!DecimalLatitude|!Latitude|DecimalLatitude (geospatial)|
| |!VerbatimLatitude| |VerbatimLatitude (geospatial)|
| | |!StartLatitude| |
| | |!EndLatitude| |
| |!HorizontalDatum| |GeodeticDatum (geospatial)|
| |!OriginalCoordinateSystem| |VerbatimCoordinateSystem (geospatial)|
| |!GeorefMethod| |GeoreferenceProtocol (geospatial)|
|!CoordinatePrecision|!CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters|!CoordinatePrecision|CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters (geospatial)|
| | |!Start_EndCoordinatePrecision| |
| |!LatLongComments| |GeoreferenceRemarks (geospatial)|
|!BoundingBox|!BoundingBox|!BoundingBox|FootprintWKT (geospatial)|
| |!VerbatimElevation| |VerbatimElevation (curatorial)|
| |!VerbatimDepth| |VerbatimDepth (curatorial)|
| | |!DepthRange| |
| | |!Temperature| |
| |!AgeClass|!LifeStage|LifeStage|
|!PreparationType|!Preparations|!PreparationType|Preparations (curatorial)|
| |!Tissues| |Preparations (curatorial)|
|!IndividualCount|!IndividualCount|!IndividualCount|IndividualCount (curatorial)|
| | |!ObservedIndividualCount| |
| | |!SampleSize| |
| | |!ObservedWeight| |
| |!GenBankNum| |GenBankNum (curatorial)|
|!PreviousCatalogNumber|!OtherCatalogNumbers |!PreviousCatalogNumber|OtherCatalogNumbers (curatorial)|
|!RelationshipType| |RelationshipType| |
|!RelatedCatalogItem|!RelatedCatalogItems|!RelatedCatalogItem|RelatedCatalogItems (curatorial)|
| | |!GMLFeature| |
| | | |Attributes|
| | | |ImageURL|
| | | |RelatedInformation|
| | | |Disposition (curatorial)|
| | | |PointRadiusSpatialFit (geospatial)|
| | | |FootprintWKT|
| | | |FootprintSpatialFit|
| | | |VerbatimCoordinates|
| | | |GeoreferenceSources|
| | | |GeoreferenceVerificationStatus|
---++ Comments
Use the space below to make comments about this page. -- Main.JohnWieczorek - 24 Aug 2006
%ICON{bubble}% *Why Darwin Core 2?*
Posted by: mole Date: 17 December 2004, 12:17
Shouldn't this be Darwin Core 3? There is already a Darwin Core V2 in use (from which the OBIS schema is extended ).
Comment above references an earlier version of this page where !DwC 1.3 was referred to as Darwin Core 2, a nomenclatural issue that has since been fixed by adoption of the 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 naming convention.