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%META:TOPICINFO{author="PiersHiggs" date="1220577560" format="1.1" version="1.15"}%
---++What we are currently waiting on-
1. Minimum numbers for excursions and cut-off date to notify of cancelations (to runner and attendees)
1. Venues for group meetings Sunday 19th (waiting on Conveners for time slots) and Wednesday 22nd (3 parallel sessions).
1. Entertaining keynote speaker who could tell tall tales about weird WA wildlife and botanists and ecologists and zoologists and....?
---++Planning for the Conference
* [[TDWG_2008_Planning]] - this page is a tentative listing of the work that has to be done before and after each session in order to ensure the smooth running of the conference.
---++Registration Ready Information
The organising committee has organised the following pages that are ready for Registration information.
* [[TDWG_2008_Accommodation]]
* [[TDWG_2008_Excursions]]
As we finalise the dinner and the like we will put this on as another page.
---++What the Organising Committee is working on
Organising Committee meeting held 28th April, 2008.
*Most of the information in this section is still in draft form and should not be included in any sort of program as yet.*
*1. Cost of Conference banquet*
Cost $52 for a sit-down smorgasbord dinner with a good range of choices.
Esplanade Hotel Thursday 23rd October. Only venue in town to realistically cater for c. 150 people.
Having the conference dinner here allows us a substantial daily saving for guest rooms. Contact - Alex Chapman.
*2. Cheaper accommodation options*
Fiona Smith has documented the accommodation options as below:
*Serviced apartments*
_Harbour Village Quest - [[http://www.harbourvillage.property.questwa.com.au/ Web site]]_
Serviced Apartments
2 bedroom apartment $235.00 per night
3 bedroom apartment $305.00 per night
Special Booking Page for TDWG Conference attendees:
Client User Name: QDEC
Password: hiabke
_Fremantle Colonial Accommodation - [[http://www.fremantlecolonialaccommodation.com.au/ Web site]]_
Choice of rooms, apartments & cottages in central Fremantle & within the historic Fremantle Prison Grounds
Prices start from: $150 a night for a single room
$170 a night for a 2 bedroom apartment
$200 a night for a 2 bedroom cottage
_Esplanade Hotel - [[http://www.esplanadehotelfremantle.com.au/ Web site]]_
4.5 Star Hotel. Mention the Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) conference for the discounted nightly rate of $195.00.
_Port Mill B&B - [[http://www.babs.com.au/portmill/ Web site]]_
Bed & Breakfast
Between $170 - $190 per night including full breakfast
Stay 6 nights get 1 night free offer
_Rosie O'Gradys - [[http://www.accommodation.rosieogradys.com.au/ Web site]]_
Irish Pub Hotel
Rooms start at $100 per night
_Additional web sites for more options:_
* [[http://www.freofocus.com/dbtext/html/accommodation.asp FreoFocus]] - Web site maintained by City of Freo
* [[http://www.fremantlewa.com.au/ Fremantle WA]] - Web site for Fremantle
* [[http://www.wotif.com.au/ Wotif]] - Last minute style booking service (useful for testing prices!)
* [[http://www.ratestogo.com.au Ratestogo]] - Last minute style booking service (useful for testing prices!)
* [[http://www.fremantle.com/westerley/ Westerley]] - This looks good so I've already booked one place. It seems great value for people wanting to share (Lee)
*3. Details of excursions including dates and costs and maybe what to bring*
Current thoughts on the excursions:
Social Functions during conference time:
* Icebreaker event - Moores building near the Maritime Museum, drinks and nibbles, from 6pm Sunday night.
* Evening social event - spotlighting and biodiversity talks - Karrakamia. Entry and bus costs to get there. Wednesday? night. Kevin Thiele following up.
* Evening social event - wine tasting on the balcony of the Maritime Museum. From 6pm Tuesday? evening. Alex Chapman following up.
* Dinner - Thursday 23rd night - banquet - Esplanade Hotel (see first point in this page).
Excursions after the conference:
* Swan River/Valley Wine tour (Day trip, Sunday after TDWG). Details on separate page - [[TDWG_Excursion_Swan]]
* Margaret River tour - 3 days in the week after TDWG (Mon 27 - Wed 29). Details on separate page - [[TDWG_Excursion_MargaretRiver]]
* South West Wildflower Tour - 5 days the week after TDWG (Mon - Fri). Kevin Thiele following up
* Rottnest Island - will negotiate some form of discount on tickets but leave that open to people to go whenever they like. Details on separate page - [[TDWG_Excursion_Rotto]]
Other options briefly discussed:
* Fremantle Historic Prison tour?
_I think it would be wise to limit the number of options so that organization isn't overwhelming and numbers make it cost-effective. For example, I'd suggest one wine tour option (Lee)._
_There are three planned excursions post the conference only (1, 3 and 5 days). I cleared up the "normal" social functions versus the excursions in the bit above. Is this still too many? (Piers)_
*4. Venues for group meetings Sunday 19th (waiting on Conveners for time slots) and Wednesday 22nd (3 parallel sessions)*
Not sure if we adequately discussed this but it looks like breakout sessions will be held in Notre Dame university. Various rooms.
_These are largely done - see program (Lee)_
*5. Entertaining keynote speaker who could tell tall tales about weird WA wildlife and botanists and ecologists and zoologists and....?*
Decision to invite Prof. Lyn Beazley as the Chief Scientist of Western Australia to open the conference. Kevin Thiele to follow up with Lyn and then ask what sort of briefing material she would need.
_I also suggest it would be good to have a local invited speaker to talk about local endemicity/biodiversity with some local humour. I know of Norm McKenzie but Kevin had someone in mind as well (Lee)._
_I think it was decided to try to run that sort of thing along with the Karrakamia trip in the evening (Piers)_
*6. Organising Committee*
Current Members
* Kevin Thiele, Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC), Western Australian Herbarium (WAH)
* Alex Chapman DEC WAH
* Fiona Smith, DEC WAH
* Piers Higgs, Gaia Resources
Invitations will be sent out to expand the committee to include
* Diana Jones or a representative from the Western Australian Museum
* Kristina Lemson from Edith Cowan University
* Possibly Ken Atkins, DEC
Previously asked Fremantle Council, no takers. Willing to help out, as is Notre Dame University. Extent of this is likely to just be advice.
*7. Poster Sessions and Demo Sessions*
Posters and demos will likely be held in an upstairs area of the Maritime Museum. Some sort of arrangement will need to be made to help with the demos for power, projectors, etc. To be discussed firther down the track.
*8. Internet Access and Internet Presence*
Moved to here... [[TDWG_2008_Internet]]
*9. Sponsorship/exhibitors*
No sponsorship seems to be forthcoming. Piers Higgs indicated he may wish to exhibit or to at least put some material in satchels, he will put a proposal to TDWG separately. Sponsorship for "must come" members seems to be a possibility through various individual organisations.
_I'm writing a 1-page sponsorship doc that maybe handy in conjunction with a the new TDWG video (which I hope will be done soon): Lee_
*10. Food and catering*
Fiona Smith following up. No lunches to be provided, instead vouchers for people to go into Freo for lunch will be offered in the satchels, and also for dinner. Afternoon tea and morning tea provided in the venue but will be mainly coffee/tea/hot chocolate and some biscuits/etc to keep costs down and sugar levels up.
*11. Conference Satchels*
Some quotes obtained - will need to finalise sponsors before production. |