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This is a web-based collaboration area for discussions of the Image Interest Group interest group of the <a href="http://www.tdwg.org">Taxonomic Data Working Group</a>, particularly about standards for image content metadata ("image annotation"), including the nature of image LSIDs.
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---+++TDWGImage Topics
* %RED%<b><big>[[ImageOrImageFile]]</big></b>%ENDCOLOR% That is the Question (to settle first).
* [[ImageLsidResolver]] This seems to be the topic du jour -- Main.BobMorris - 13 Apr 2007
* CharterProposal
*[[http://circa.gbif.net/Public/irc/enbi/comm/library?l=/enbi_reports/biological_specimens&vm=detailed&sb=Title][Specimen Imaging Best Practices]] report from ENBI project
* ImageTopicsFromBratislava
* ImageTopicsFromStPetersburg
* ImageCollaborationsBesidesThis other sites known to have similar concerns to tdwg-image
* TDWGImageProperName What should we really be called, e.g. TDWGIIG, TDWG/IIG ...
* [[JPEG2000]]
* ImageAnnotationForTheSemanticWeb
* ImageSharing
* [[ENBI_BestPracticesManual]]
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