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%META:TOPICINFO{author="CynthiaParr" date="1257255842" format="1.1" version="1.16"}%
---+!! Welcome to the Species Profile Model (SPM) wiki web
This web-based collaboration area (wiki) is used for the development of a standardised species profile model to complement those already available for specimens and observations ([[DarwinCore.WebHome][Darwin Core]] and [[ABCD.WebHome][ABCD]] Schema). The species profile model is intended to be a specification of data concepts and structure intended to support the retrieval and integration of data that documents species, e.g., facts about biology, ecology, evolution, behaviour, etc.
The actual RDF vocabularies can be found at [[http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/SpeciesProfileModel.rdf]] and [[http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/SPMInfoItems.rdf]]
---++ %MAKETEXT{"Available Information"}%
* GBIFSpeciesModelWorkshop
* SpeciesModelWorkshopReport
* SpeciesModelWorkshopPresentations
* SpeciesProfileModel
* SpeciesProfileModelUseCases
* InstanceExamples
* OpenIssues
* PlaziEOLProject
* AgendaForTDWG09WorkingSession
* ...
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