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Welcome to the home of <b>%WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB%</b>.This is a web-based collaboration area for discussions of the Taxonomic Literature Standards group of the <a href="http://www.tdwg.org">Taxonomic Data Working Group</a>. Click on TWiki.WebHome if you're new to Wikis. Click on TWiki.TWikiRegistration to register if you want to contribute (see Main.TWikiUsers for a list of subscribers). Want automatic email notifications when an topic is modified? Simply edit the topic WebNotify to add the wiki name you registered.
---++ Comparisons of existing solutions
Go to ComparisonOfExistingSolutions to literature markup for discussion based on the TDWG2006 presentation by AnnaWeitzmann
* Some additional literature standards efforts
* http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/bib/openbib.html
---++ Principal Divisions
* TaxLitStdLevel1:
* Single string
* LSID or GUID + human readable string with elements of a microreference (citation)
* * TaxLitStdLevel2: *
* Gutenberg Core
* elements to describe reference (MODS based)
* elements to describe microreference (citation)
* elements to describe full bibliographic citation
* format/elements/functions necessary to build a taxonomic literature
* database (central or distributed?; based on existing resources) for use
* * TaxLitSdLevel3: *
* complete taxonomic literature content schema using taXMLit and other existing efforts as a starting point
* standard to work with existing literature recommendations (within standard?) for future literature (interest already expressed from publishing community)
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