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%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1165388345" format="1.1" version="1.1"}%
---++December Issues from the TIP
These are a list of issues that the Team is waiting on feedback on. If we don't hear back, in a number of cases we will need to assume general agreement, move ahead, and deal with any subsequent issues. The list is in roughly decreasing order of priority.
1. New charter template (urgent). The original template was more complex than required and had some overlap between sections. Are all happy with the new template?
1. Name and logo (urgent decision). We have just let the contract for extending the TDWG web site designs to the Wiki and OJS so I need a response to my e-mail about "Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG)" vs. TDWG (Biodiversity Information Standards). This will also relate to Stan's (501)(c) work.
1. Charters needed urgently (Exec work). Enough said on this.
1. Exec minutes from St Louis to web site & announce (Adrian). As I've said before, it is important that the Executive Committee engages the membership.
1. Incorporation of TDWG - legal advice? (Stan). Stan mentioned that legal advice may be helpful and I would agree. We need the situation clarified for many issues, e.g., how can we handle donations?
1. TDWG publications and Anna's role (Adrian). We need to Skype on this one Adrian to discuss likely options. I'm open, and happy to work with Anna and the other volunteers but don't want to be operating at cross purposes.
1. Glossary and FAQs have been drafted and loaded to the web site (as hidden). We could either expose them, announce it to members and ask for feedback (a quick way of finding problems), or get feedback from the Exec first. Your call.
1. Fees for institutional members. We need a decision on the institutional membership fee. If there is to be a change, we either have to wait till the 2007 annual meeting or change the constitution - "The Executive Committee ... proposes the amount of dues (subject to ratification at the annual meeting) (Article 5e). I can't believe this one slipped by me as I thought I'd removed all references to decisions at the annual meeting. I don't like either option, but believe that we should amend the constitution at some point as the decision on fees should not depend on the annual meeting. If the Executive get it badly wrong, they can be voted out.
1. Realistic TDWG budget (Stan)? I need a few opinions on this as it is fundamental to the ongoing funding.
1. Location for TDWG 2007 (Adrian)? We have Secretariat volunteers to engage before they loose momentum.
1. OGC reps (decision). I Skyped with Reed yesterday and he said that Yale has paid his OGC membership so we could use the position for another. I suggest we ask Reed for recommendations.
1. Announce supported round-2 projects (Adrian). We have a few refinements to some of the approved round-2 projects. These amendments should hopefully be done in the next few weeks. At that point, I'd like to put the list of supported projects and amounts on the TDWG web site. Is this OK?
1. Announce support for Interest Group workshops. I have withheld funds so as to support IG workshops that deliver practical advances (are not just talkfests). I'm happy to announce this now as it may encourage the Conveners to get their charters developed and approved.
1. Donation page draft. We need something that states our position on donations. This will relate to Stan's incorporation of TDWG as (501)(c). New territory for me.
1. Convener's responsibilities. This type of document is needed for the Conveners of the new IGs.
1. Consensus (feedback). This is a more important issue than it was under the old constitution.
1. Group meting report template
1. Convener conference opening report template
1. Convener conference closing report template
1. Meeting with at least some Exec members on TDWG brochure. This is one of the Project milestones. I need to get an idea what would suite Walter and Adrian. My aim would be to try and have an Outreach Plan (v2) for this meeting. If I can link this meeting to another, all the better.
1. 2006 member update of spreadsheet (Stan).
1. TDWG and ZooBank-Thomson? You will have seen from my email to Andrew Polaszek. This is a situation where TDWG could play a significant role?
* [[%ATTACHURL%/TDWG_Template_Conveners_Opening_Report.ppt][TDWG_Template_Conveners_Opening_Report.ppt]]: Group Convener's opening presentation PPT template
* [[%ATTACHURL%/TDWG_Template_Conveners_Closing_Report.ppt][TDWG_Template_Conveners_Closing_Report.ppt]]: Group Convener's closing presentation PPT template
* [[%ATTACHURL%/][]]: Interest Group charter template
* [[%ATTACHURL%/][]]: Group Meeting report template
---+++Policy Documents
* [[%ATTACHURL%/TDWG_Conveners_Responsibilities_06.doc][TDWG_Conveners_Responsibilities_06.doc]]: Convener Responsibilities
* [[%ATTACHURL%/TDWG_Consensus_03.doc][TDWG_Consensus_03.doc]]: Guidelines on Consensus
* [[%ATTACHURL%/TDWG_Donations.doc][TDWG_Donations.doc]]: Donations to TDWG
---+++Other Web documents
* [[%ATTACHURL%/FAQs_05.doc][FAQs_05.doc]]: Latest FAQ document from Ashley Green
* [[%ATTACHURL%/Glossary_05.doc][Glossary_05.doc]]: Glossary from Ashley Green
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 06 Dec 2006
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="TDWG_Conveners_Responsibilities_06.doc" attr="" autoattached="1" comment="Convener Responsibilities" date="1165386524" path="TDWG_Conveners_Responsibilities_06.doc" size="50688" user="Main.LeeBelbin" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="TDWG_Template_Conveners_Closing_Report.ppt" attr="" autoattached="1" comment="Closing report template" date="1165386644" path="TDWG_Template_Conveners_Closing_Report.ppt" size="57856" user="Main.LeeBelbin" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="FAQs_05.doc" attr="" autoattached="1" comment="Latest FAQ document from Ashley Green" date="1165386411" path="FAQs_05.doc" size="69632" user="Main.LeeBelbin" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="TDWG_Consensus_03.doc" attr="" autoattached="1" comment="Guidelines on Consensus" date="1165386756" path="TDWG_Consensus_03.doc" size="49664" user="Main.LeeBelbin" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="" attr="" autoattached="1" comment="Interest Group Charter Template" date="1165386694" path="" size="62976" user="Main.LeeBelbin" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="" attr="" autoattached="1" comment="TDWG Group Meeting report Template" date="1165386848" path="" size="77824" user="Main.LeeBelbin" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="TDWG_Donations.doc" attr="" autoattached="1" comment="Ideas on donations and web text" date="1165386802" path="TDWG_Donations.doc" size="52736" user="Main.LeeBelbin" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="TDWG_Template_Conveners_Opening_Report.ppt" attr="" autoattached="1" comment="Opening Presentation Template" date="1165386595" path="TDWG_Template_Conveners_Opening_Report.ppt" size="51200" user="Main.LeeBelbin" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Glossary_05.doc" attr="" autoattached="1" comment="Glossary from Ashley Green" date="1165386451" path="Glossary_05.doc" size="61440" user="Main.LeeBelbin" version="1"}%