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%META:TOPICINFO{author="RicardoPereira" date="1170088460" format="1.1" version="1.7"}%
---++ TDWG Standards LSID Resolver
*Coordinator(s):* Ricardo Pereira
*Participants:* Roger Hyam
---+++ Description
We have set up an LSID authority to resolve LSIDs for TDWG standards cover pages. We are still twicking it...
Why did we come up with such a strange resolver?
* We wanted TDWG to set the example, i.e., use LSIDs for EVERYTHING ;)
* The hard bit of coming up with an RDF profile for TDWG standard cover pages had already been done by Roger (for other purposes)
* We wanted to play with LSID server stack
* Why not?
---+++ Technical Information
* *URL for prototype user interface:* http://www.tdwg.gbif.org/ (click on Standards)
* *LSID authority(ies):* lsid.tdwg.gbif.org
* *LSID namespace(s):* standards
* *Hardware platform:* IBM P4 3.20GHz, 2GB RAM, single IDE disk
* *Server platform:* RedHat Enterprise Linux 4, Apache 2.0.52, MySQL 4.1, Perl 5.8.5
* *LSID Software stack used:* Perl 1.1.3
* *RDF/OWL ontology used for metadata:* Most properties come from Dublin Core. Others are still undefined.
* *Approximate number of LSIDs stored:* Very few (half-a-dozen?)
* *Benchmarchs:* LSIDResolverTdwgStandardsBenchmarks
* *Other resources:*
* http://biodiv.hyam.net/standards/tdwg_admin_cover_page/standard.xml (Specification of TDWG Standard Cover Page)
* http://biodiv.hyam.net/standards/tdwg_admin_cover_page/cover.xml (Static example of TDWG
* [[http://linnaeus.zoology.gla.ac.uk/~rpage/lsid/tester/?q=urn%3Alsid%3Alsid.tdwg.gbif.org%3Astandards%3A64&submit=Go][LSIDs tested under Rod's conformance test tool]]
*Sample LSID:*
* lsidres:urn:lsid:lsid.tdwg.gbif.org:standards:60
* lsidres:urn:lsid:lsid.tdwg.gbif.org:standards:61
* lsidres:urn:lsid:lsid.tdwg.gbif.org:standards:62
* lsidres:urn:lsid:lsid.tdwg.gbif.org:standards:63
* lsidres:urn:lsid:lsid.tdwg.gbif.org:standards:64
---+++ Roadmap, Milestones, Timeline
* Apr/06 (Done) - Set up preview of new TDWG website
* Apr/06 (Done) - Install LSID server stack and map standards table
---+++ Discussion, Implementation Issues
---+++ Lessons Learned, Conclusions, Recommendations
---+++++ Categories