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Lee to start the documentation as to how these components talk to each other:
* [[TDWG OJS Documentation]] - Documentation about OJS at TDWG
* [[TDWG Other Systems Documentation]] - detailing the TDWG specific software and implementations at TDWG
* [[TDWG Server Documentation]] - Information about the TDWG Servers and the processes that run on them
* [[TDWG Systems Integration]] - The glue that holds the systems together - including the *registration system* (colloquially, "Ricardo's Special Stuff")
* [[TDWG Typo3 Documentation]] - Information about TYPO3, the web back end platform
* [[TDWG Wiki Documentation]] - Information about the TWiki implementation at TDWG
* [[TDWG mailman Documentation]] - Information about mailman application on TDWG
* [[TDWG mySQL Documentation]] - Information about the back-end mySQL database implementation at TDWG
-- Main.PiersHiggs - 17 Sep 2009