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| Aug 2006 | 1270 | 1 | 4 | 146 [[WebHome]]<br />124 [[WebRss]]<br />&nbsp;43 [[Version1dot1]]<br />&nbsp;31 [[WebPreferences]]<br />&nbsp;30 [[PrimerHome]]<br />&nbsp;25 [[SDD2006BerlinSummary]]<br />&nbsp;25 [[ToolsForSDD]]<br />&nbsp;24 [[DiscussionFor1dot1RC1]]<br />&nbsp;24 [[WebNotify]]<br />&nbsp;23 [[DELTAandSDD]]<br />&nbsp;22 [[SubversionReleaseProcedures]] | &nbsp;&nbsp;5 Main.BobMorris |
| Jul 2006 | 1291 | 0 | 0 | 144 [[WebHome]]<br />&nbsp;53 [[WebRss]]<br />&nbsp;28 [[PrimerHome]]<br />&nbsp;27 [[DiscussionFor1dot1RC1]]<br />&nbsp;27 [[Version1dot1]]<br />&nbsp;25 [[WebNotify]]<br />&nbsp;24 [[WebChanges]]<br />&nbsp;23 [[SDD2006BerlinSummary]]<br />&nbsp;23 [[DELTAandSDD]]<br />&nbsp;23 [[Charter]]<br />&nbsp;21 [[ToolsForSDD]] | |
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| May 2006 | 1729 | 33 | 11 | 264 [[WebHome]]<br />&nbsp;76 [[WebNotify]]<br />&nbsp;69 [[WebChanges]]<br />&nbsp;66 [[WebRss]]<br />&nbsp;59 [[DiscussionFor1dot1RC1]]<br />&nbsp;58 [[SubversionReleaseProcedures]]<br />&nbsp;50 [[DiscussionFor1dot1beta11]]<br />&nbsp;45 [[SubversionRepository]]<br />&nbsp;36 [[ToolsForSDD]]<br />&nbsp;34 [[PrimerHome]]<br />&nbsp;34 [[WebAtom]] | &nbsp;17 Main.BobMorris<br />&nbsp;16 Main.GregorHagedorn<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;4 Main.RicardoPereira<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;3 Main.JacobAsiedu<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;1 Main.SteveShattuck<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;1 Main.KehanHarman<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;1 Main.KevinThiele<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;1 Main.AlexChapman |
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