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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This is an instance document that tests as many different
applications of the schema as possible within a single document.
It is not meant to a 'realistic' example of a real data set
but a illustration of all the different types of data that can
be passed. -->
<!-- to be completed -->
<Simple>This document is a mostly literal translation from
http://www.dcs.napier.ac.uk/~osg/TCS_0.95.2/examplev0952.xml so that it validates against
the v101.xsd TCS schema.
Issues encountered:
* In the original document SpecificEpithet contained a ref attribute, which is not allowed in the
current version of the schema.
* scientific is a reqired attribute of TaxonConcept/Name and was added where necessary
(TaxonConcept#7, TaxonConcept#8).
<Specimen id="2">
<Simple />
<Institution identifier="" />
<Collection identifier="LE"/>
<SpecimenItem identifier=""/>
<Publication id="1">
<Simple>Fl. SSR</Simple>
<Publication id="2">
<Simple>Copeland, H.F. (1943). A study, anatomical and taxonomic, of the
genera of Rhododendroideae. Am. Midl.Nat. 30:533-625</Simple>
<Publication id="3">
<Simple>Wilson, E.H. & Rehder, A. (1921). A monograph of the azaleas.
Publication of the Arnold Arboretum No. 9 Harvard University, Cambridge
<Publication id="4">
<Simple>Judd, W.S. & Kron, K.A. (1995) A Revision of Rhododendron VI
Edinb. J. Bot. 52(1): 1-54</Simple>
<Publication id="5">
<Simple>Maximoxicz, C.J. (1870) Rhododendron schlippenbachii. Mem. Acad. Sci.
St Petersbourg. ser.3 15.</Simple>
<TaxonName id="0" nomenclaturalCode="Botanical">
<TaxonName nomenclaturalCode="Botanical" id="1">
<Simple>Rhododendron subgenus Pentanthera (G. Don) Poyarkova</Simple>
<Simple>Rhododedron subgenus Pentanthera</Simple>
<Simple>(G.Don) Poyarkova</Simple>
<Simple>G. Don</Simple>
<AgentName>G. Don</AgentName>
<PublishedIn ref="1">Fl. SSR Vol 18 (1952)</PublishedIn>
<MicroReference>Page 57</MicroReference>
<Simple>Rhododendron flavum G.Don</Simple>
N.B. This could be linked to a full name entry if
required but no details are in the current monograph so
it isn't
<TypeName />
<TaxonName id="2" nomenclaturalCode="Botanical">
<Simple>Rhododendron sect. Sciadorhodion Rehder & Wilson</Simple>
<Simple>Rhododendron sect. Sciadorhodion</Simple>
<Simple>Rehder & Wilson</Simple>
<Simple>Rehder & Wilson</Simple>
<PublishedIn linkType="local" ref="3">Wislon & Rehder Monogr. Azaleas 79 (1921)</PublishedIn>
<MicroReference>Page 79</MicroReference>
<Simple />
<NameReference linkType="local" ref="3">Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset
& Moore</NameReference>
<LectotypePublication ref="2">Copeland, H.F.(1943)</LectotypePublication>
<RelatedName ref="4">Azalea subgen. Sciadorhodion (Rhehder & Wilson)
<TaxonName id="3" nomenclaturalCode="Botanical">
<Simple>Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & Moore</Simple>
<TaxonName id="4" nomenclaturalCode="Botanical">
<!-- for brevity this NameObject isn't fully expanded -->
<Simple>Azalea subgen. Sciadorhodion (Rhehder & Wilson) Copeland </Simple>
<RelatedName ref="2">Rhododendron sect. Sciadorhodion Rehder &
<TaxonName id="5" nomenclaturalCode="Botanical">
<Simple>Rhododendron schlippenbachii Maxim.</Simple>
<Rank code="sp">Species</Rank>
<Simple>Rhododendron schlippenbachii</Simple>
<AgentName>Maximoxicz, C.J.</AgentName>
<PublishedIn ref="5">Bull. Acad. Sci. St Petersbourg, ser. 3 15 (1870)</PublishedIn>
<MicroReference>Page 226</MicroReference>
<Simple />
<TypeVoucher typeOfType="lecto">
<VoucherReference linkType="local" ref="1"/>
<LectotypePublication ref="4"/>
<LectotypeMicroReference>Page 15</LectotypeMicroReference>
<TypeVoucher typeOfType="isolecto">
<VoucherReference linkType="local" ref="2"/>
<LectotypePublication ref="4"/>
<LectotypeMicroReference>Page 15</LectotypeMicroReference>
<TaxonName id="6" nomenclaturalCode="Botanical">
<Simple>Azalea schlippenbachii (Maxim.) Kuntze</Simple>
<Simple>Azalea schlippenbachii</Simple>
<Simple>(Maxim.) Kuntze</Simple>
<PublishedIn>Revis. Gen.Pl. 2:387 (1891)</PublishedIn>
<Simple />
<TypeVoucher typeOfType="lecto">
<VoucherReference ref="2">[Russia] Manchuria, shores of Possiet Bay, [SW of
Vladivostok], 1860, C. Maximowicz LE</VoucherReference>
<LectotypePublication ref="4"/>
<LectotypeMicroReference>Page 15</LectotypeMicroReference>
<TaxonName id="7" nomenclaturalCode="Botanical">
<Simple>Rhododendron pentaphyllum Maxim.</Simple>
<Simple>Rhododendron pentaphyllum</Simple>
<PublishedIn>Bull. Acad. Sci. St Petersbourg, ser. 3, 31:65 (1887)</PublishedIn>
<Simple />
<TypeVoucher typeOfType="holo">
<VoucherReference>Japan, Kyushiu, prov. Osumi, summit, Mt Taka-kuma, Tashiro
<TaxonName id="8" nomenclaturalCode="Botanical">
<Simple>Azalea pentaphylla (Maxim.) Copeland</Simple>
<Simple>Azalea pentaphylla</Simple>
<Simple>(Maxim.) Copeland</Simple>
<PublishedIn>Am.Midl.Nat. 30:595 (1943)</PublishedIn>
<Simple />
<TypeVoucher typeOfType="holo">
<VoucherReference>Japan, Kyushiu, prov. Osumi, summit, Mt Taka-kuma, Tashiro
<TaxonName id="9" nomenclaturalCode="Botanical">
<Simple>Rhododendron pentaphyllum var. nikoense Komatsu</Simple>
<Rank code="var">variety</Rank>
<Simple>Rhododendron pentaphyllum var. nikoense</Simple>
<Genus ref="0">Rhododendron</Genus>
<PublishedIn>Icon. Pl. Koisikav. 3: 45, t 168 (1916)</PublishedIn>
<TaxonName id="10" nomenclaturalCode="Botanical">
<Simple>Rhododendron nikoense (Komatsu) Nakai</Simple>
<Rank code="sp">Species</Rank>
<Simple>Rhododendron nikoense</Simple>
<Genus ref="0">Rhododendron</Genus>
<Simple>(Komatsu) Nakai</Simple>
<PublishedIn>Nakai & Koidz. Trees and Shrubs Japan 1: 68 (1922)</PublishedIn>
<RelatedName ref="9">Rhododendron pentaphyllum var. nikoense</RelatedName>
<TaxonName id="11" nomenclaturalCode="Botanical">
<Simple>Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S. Moore var. roseum Rehder</Simple>
<Rank code="var">variety</Rank>
<Simple>Rhododendron quinquefolium</Simple>
<Genus ref="0">Rhododendron</Genus>
<PublishedIn>Bailey, Stand. Cycl. Hort. 5: 2947 (1916)</PublishedIn>
<TaxonName id="12" nomenclaturalCode="Botanical">
<Simple>Rhododendron pentaphyllum Maxim. var. shikokianum T. Yamazaki</Simple>
<Rank code="sp">species</Rank>
<Simple>Rhododendron pentaphyllum var. shikokianum</Simple>
<Genus ref="0">Rhododendron</Genus>
<Simple>T. Yamazaki</Simple>
<PublishedIn>Jap. Bot. 63: 312 (1988)</PublishedIn>
<TaxonConcept id="1">
<Name scientific="true" linkType="local" ref="2">Rhododendron sect. Sciadorhodion Rehder
& Wilson</Name>
<Rank code="sect">Section</Rank>
<Simple>Judd & Kron (1995)</Simple>
<PublishedIn linkType="local" ref="4">Judd & Kron (1995) A Revision of
Rhododendron VI </PublishedIn>
<MicroReference>Page 13-14</MicroReference>
<TaxonRelationship type="is parent taxon of">
<ToTaxonConcept linkType="local" ref="2"/>
<TaxonConcept id="2">
<Name scientific="true" linkType="local" ref="5">Rhododendron schlippenbachii Maxim.</Name>
<Simple>Judd & Kron (1995)</Simple>
<PublishedIn linkType="local" ref="4"/>
<MicroReference>Page 15</MicroReference>
<TaxonRelationship type="is child taxon of">
<ToTaxonConcept ref="1">Rhododendron sect. Sciadorhodion Rehder &
<TaxonConcept id="3">
<Name scientific="true" ref="6">Azalea schlippenbachii (Maxim.) Kuntze</Name>
<Simple>Kuntze (1891)</Simple>
<TaxonRelationship type="is congruent to">
<ToTaxonConcept ref="2"/>
<TaxonConcept id="4">
<Name scientific="true" ref="7">Rhododendron pentaphyllum Maxim.</Name>
<Simple>Judd & Kron (1995)</Simple>
<!-- relationships linking to taxonconcept without any descriptive string -->
<TaxonRelationship type="has synonym">
<ToTaxonConcept ref="6"/>
<TaxonRelationship type="has synonym">
<ToTaxonConcept ref="7"/>
<!-- relationship with linking reference to another taxon concept and string description of concept -->
<TaxonRelationship type="has synonym">
<ToTaxonConcept ref="8">Rhododendron pentaphyllum var. nikoense
<!-- relationships without linking -->
<TaxonRelationship type="has synonym">
<ToTaxonConcept>Rhododendron pentaphyllum Maxim. var. shikokianum T.
<TaxonRelationship type="has synonym">
<ToTaxonConcept>Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S. Moore var. roseum
<TaxonConcept id="6">
<Name scientific="true">Rhododendron nikoense (Komatsu) Nakai</Name>
<TaxonConcept id="7">
<Name scientific="true" ref="10">Rhododendron nikoense (Komatsu) Nakai</Name>
<TaxonConcept id="8">
<Name scientific="true" ref="9">Rhododendron pentaphyllum var. nikoense Komatsu</Name>