71 lines
1.9 KiB
71 lines
1.9 KiB
import os, re
IDPATTERN = re.compile(r'\$\Id[^$]*\$')
JSPATTERN = re.compile(r'(?:string:\$\{portal_url\}/([^."]+.js)")|(?:\<link href="([^."]*.css)")')
KWS = 'kupu_wysiwyg_support'
ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
def matchFiles(extension, root, paths):
for dirname in paths:
dirname = os.path.join(root, dirname)
files = os.listdir(dirname)
for f in files:
if f.endswith(extension):
yield f, os.path.join(dirname, f)
def getFileData(path):
fh = open(path, 'rU')
return fh.read()
def getKWS(root):
return os.path.join(root, 'plone', 'kupu_plone_layer', KWS+'.html')
def scanFile(path):
'''Scan a single file returning all the Id strings it contains'''
ids = IDPATTERN.findall(getFileData(path))
return ids
def scanKWS(root=ROOT):
wysiwyg = scanFile(getKWS(root))
return KWS, "cannot open template: run make"
wysiwyg = dict.fromkeys(wysiwyg)
for fname, path in matchFiles('.kupu', root, ('default', 'plone')):
for id in scanFile(path):
if id in wysiwyg:
del wysiwyg[id]
if wysiwyg:
return KWS, "template appears to be out of date: run make"
return KWS, ''
def scanIds(root=ROOT):
status = {}
wanted = {}
for groups in JSPATTERN.findall(getFileData(getKWS(root))):
for group in groups:
if group:
wanted[group] = None
wanted = dict([ (name, None)
for groups in JSPATTERN.findall(getFileData(getKWS(root)))
for name in groups if name])
for fname, path in matchFiles('.js', root, ('common', os.path.join('plone', 'kupu_plone_layer'))):
if fname in wanted:
for id in scanFile(path):
status[fname] = id
res = status.items()
return res
if __name__=='__main__':
print scanKWS('..')
print scanIds('..')