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*Note:* Some of the more expensive options below may be good value if you arrange to arrive on the same flight as others and can share costs.
---+ General Orientation
---++ Where on earth is CRIA?
CRIA is located in the suburb of Barão Geraldo in the town of Campinas, in São Paolo State, Brazil. More exactly its located at:
*latitude:* 22S 49' 54"
*longitude:* 47W 04' 34"
For your convenience, [[%ATTACHURLPATH%/BaraoGeraldo.jpg][here is an image showing]] showing the general local area with some places of interest marked on it. If you have Google Earth you can explore the area interatively using this [[%ATTACHURL%/CRIA.kmz][Google Earth File]]. Click on the various marked points to obtain more information.
---+ Visa Information
Visitors travelling from the United States need to obtain an invitation letter from CRIA prior to applying for a visa. Please visit the [[http://www.brasilemb.org/][Brazilian Embassy Website]] for more information. Visitors from other countries may not need a visa if visiting for a short stay. Be sure to contact your local embassy / visit their website to find out what the visa requirements are for your country.
---+ Health and Safety
---++ Vaccinations
Depending on your country of origin you may be required to have a Yellow Fever vaccination. Please check again with your local Brazilian emabassy and *be sure to bring the vaccination certificate with you*. Some sources also mention Hepatitus A and Malaria vaccinations. Although Campinas and surrounds are not know to be malaria areas, you should find you own counsel on these matters - [[http://www.mdtravelhealth.com/destinations/samerica/brazil.html][this website] may help you decide what you need. Just be sure to have at the very least any vaccinations that your local Brazilian embassy declares mandatory or else you may be refused entry into the country.
---++ Crime Awareness
Brazilian people are in general incredibly friendly and helpful. However there are a great many very poor people in this country and there are problems with street crime. In my experience I have never felt uncomfortable in anyway walking around in Barão Geraldo, but you should be vigilent and avoid putting yourself at risk to crime. In particular avoid flashing large wads of cash around, wearing expensive jewellery / diamonds / $50 000 watches etc. In short use common sense and be sympathetic to the fact that poor people may find any luxury items you flash around too tempting to resist.
---+ Getting to Campinas
---++ Travelling to Campinas from the Guarulhos Airport
The journey to Campinas from the airport will take approximately 2 hours, traffic dependent. To get to Campinas from Cumbica Airport (Guarulhos) there are a few options
---+++ By Bus
The cheapest option is to take the bus to Campinas town center and then a taxi from there to Barão Geraldo. The bus departs from in front of Terminal 2 Wing C (which is most likely a three minute walk from from where you exit customs). Prior to embarking on the bus you should purchase a ticket at the *Caprioli* booth which is also at Wing C Terminal 2. The ticket will cost *R$30* (R$ = Brazilian Reais). The lady at the ticket booth most likely won't speak english but simply stating *"Campinas por favor"* should do the trick. Busses depart periodically at the times listed below:
* 07:30, 09:30, 10:30, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 17:30, 19:00, 20:30, 22:00, 23:30, 01:15 *
You can find more information about the bus service at the [[http://www.caprioli.com.br/usuario/GerenciaNavegacao.php?caderno_id=083][Caprioli Web Site]]. When you embark on the bus there should be the word *Campinas* clearly displayed in the front window. When you arrive in Campinas town center (its the last stop the bus will make), just walk across the road to the taxi rank and use one of the official taxi company taxi's. Show the driver the hotel address and expect to pay around R$40 for the taxi ride.
---+++ By arranged taxi
CRIA can arrange for a scheduled taxi collection from Cumbica Airport (Guarulhos). You will need to furnish us (cria_adm@cria.org.br) with your flight details etc. Price is $R190. The taxi will take you door to door from the airport to your hotel. However if your flight is delayed or you miss your flight etc, you will still be responsible for payment.
---+++ By unarranged taxi
At the airport you can arrange a taxi from the company *Guarucoop* to bring you to Campinas when you disembark from the aeroplane. Price is expected to be around R$288.
---++ Travelling to the hotel from Viracopos Airport, Campinas
---+++ By unarranged taxi
From the Airport to Sol Inn Hotel will take around 30 minutes. Price around R$70 or R$80 depending on the time.
---+++ By bus
You also have the option of taking a bus (cost R$7) to Campinas town center (see this page on the [[http://www.caprioli.com.br/usuario/GerenciaNavegacao.php?caderno_id=081][Caprioli Web Site]] , Viracopos -> Campinas section). If you do this you will also need to get a taxi from the bus stop to the hotel which will cost around R$40
---+ Hotel Information
The hotel [[http://www.hotelariabrasil.com.br/hb/hoteis_solinn_baraogeraldo.html][Sol Inn, Barão Geraldo]] is situated about 20 minutes walk from the CRIA office. The local Brazil number for the hotel is (19) 3749-8500. The hotel has a swimming pool and internet. If you want to use the internet there is a cheaper option of using the internet cafe in the second floor of the Tilly Center which is the big building / shopping complex next to the hotel. The internet cafe has a few laptop points you can use too.
*Address:* Av. Albino José Barbosa de Oliveira, 1700 - Barão Geraldo, Campinas, SP
*Phone:* +55 19 3749-8500
*Price:* single or double room: ~R$125,00 (~ US$60), including fees
*Breakfast (optional):* R$10,00 (~US$5)
-- Main.TimSutton - 28 Feb 2007
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="BaraoGeraldo.jpg" attachment="BaraoGeraldo.jpg" attr="" comment="Locality Map of Barão Geraldo, Campinas, Brasil" date="1172684713" path="BarãoGeraldo.jpg" size="168355" stream="BarãoGeraldo.jpg" user="Main.TimSutton" version="1"}%
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