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%META:TOPICINFO{author="JimCroft" date="1223527247" format="1.1" version="1.9"}%
---+ Species Profile Model
---++ Definition
The Species Profile Model is designed to enable an entity to express information about a taxon to a range of different client applications.
This definition implies (to RogerHyam at least):
1. The data model does not define the entity - the entity already exists and is referenced in some way...
2. The data model does not define a taxon - the taxon already exists and is referenced in some way...
3. The information is typed so as to be useful.
4. The model must either:
1. restrict the information to a set of defined information types.
2. be extensible/modular to allow for a range of information types.
5. Not all client applications are known to the entity.
---++ Elements Charts
Summary chart of the main elements from Fish BASE, Plinian Core, IASPS and Nature Serve:
* http://wiki.gbif.org/dadiwiki/images/speciesmodel/species-models.pdf
Top elements selected by workshop attendees:
* http://wiki.gbif.org/dadiwiki/images/speciesmodel/aggregated-top-elements.pdf
A chart with element names and definitions developed during the species model workshop:
* http://wiki.gbif.org/dadiwiki/images/speciesmodel/speciesModelElements.xls
Schemas for various Australasian electronic flora projects
* [[AustralasianFloraProjects][A discussion and reporting area for Australasian online Flora projects]]
---++ Sample Species Instance Documents
These two examples (fish and nematode) are pre-workshop examples made available to get the discussion going and thus differ somewhat from the actual model developed in the workshop (not actually RDF expressed in the ontology)
* Fish record: http://wiki.gbif.org/dadiwiki/images/speciesmodel/fish-record.xml
* Nematode record: http://wiki.gbif.org/dadiwiki/images/speciesmodel/nematode-record.xml
See also InstanceExamples for further discussions.
These kinds of species descriptions begin to overlap with SDD (http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/SDD/WebHome).
---++ Resources
Plinian Core: http://www.inbio.ac.cr/pliniancore or http://www.pliniancore.org
Nature Serve species schema: http://services.natureserve.org/technical/speciesSchema.htm
GISIN IASPS (Invasive Alien Species Profile Schema): http://wiki.cs.umb.edu/twiki/bin/view/IASPS/WebHome
Fish Base species page for _Salmo salar_. Note the "more information" box with further species tags at bottom of page:
The definition of SPM can be found here:
%META:TOPICMOVED{by="RicardoPereira" date="1181676909" from="SPM.TaxonDataModel" to="SPM.SpeciesProfileModel"}%