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2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
* MidiInOut.h
* -----------
* Purpose: A plugin for sending and receiving MIDI data.
* Notes : (currently none)
* Authors: Johannes Schultz (OpenMPT Devs)
* The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.
#pragma once
#include "openmpt/all/BuildSettings.hpp"
#include "mpt/mutex/mutex.hpp"
#include "../../common/mptTime.h"
#include "../../soundlib/plugins/PlugInterface.h"
#include <rtmidi/RtMidi.h>
#include <array>
#include <deque>
class MidiDevice
using ID = decltype(RtMidiIn().getPortCount());
static constexpr ID NO_MIDI_DEVICE = ID(-1);
RtMidi &stream;
std::string name; // Charset::UTF8
MidiDevice(RtMidi &stream)
: stream(stream)
, name("<none>")
{ }
std::string GetPortName(ID port); // Charset::UTF8
class MidiInOut final : public IMidiPlugin
friend class MidiInOutEditor;
kInputParameter = 0,
kOutputParameter = 1,
kNumPrograms = 1,
kNumParams = 2,
kNoDevice = MidiDevice::NO_MIDI_DEVICE,
kMaxDevices = 65536, // Should be a power of 2 to avoid rounding errors.
// MIDI queue entry with small storage optimiziation.
// This optimiziation is going to be used for all messages that OpenMPT can send internally,
// but SysEx messages received from other plugins may be longer.
class Message
double m_time;
size_t m_size;
unsigned char *m_message = nullptr;
std::array<unsigned char, 32> m_msgSmall;
Message(double time, const void *data, size_t size)
: m_time(time)
, m_size(size)
if(size > m_msgSmall.size())
m_message = new unsigned char[size];
m_message =;
std::memcpy(m_message, data, size);
Message(const Message &) = delete;
Message & operator=(const Message &) = delete;
Message(double time, unsigned char msg) noexcept : Message(time, &msg, 1) { }
Message(Message &&other) noexcept
: m_time(other.m_time)
, m_size(other.m_size)
, m_message(other.m_message)
, m_msgSmall(other.m_msgSmall)
other.m_message = nullptr;
if(m_size <= m_msgSmall.size())
m_message =;
if(m_size > m_msgSmall.size())
delete[] m_message;
Message& operator= (Message &&other) noexcept
m_time = other.m_time;
m_size = other.m_size;
m_message = (m_size <= m_msgSmall.size()) ? : other.m_message;
m_msgSmall = other.m_msgSmall;
other.m_message = nullptr;
return *this;
std::string m_chunkData; // Storage for GetChunk
std::deque<Message> m_outQueue; // Latency-compensated output
std::vector<unsigned char> m_bufferedInput; // For receiving long SysEx messages
mpt::mutex m_mutex;
double m_nextClock = 0.0; // Remaining samples until next MIDI clock tick should be sent
double m_latency = 0.0; // User-adjusted latency in seconds
// I/O device settings
Util::MultimediaClock m_clock;
RtMidiIn m_midiIn;
RtMidiOut m_midiOut;
MidiDevice m_inputDevice;
MidiDevice m_outputDevice;
bool m_sendTimingInfo = true;
CString m_programName;
static IMixPlugin* Create(VSTPluginLib &factory, CSoundFile &sndFile, SNDMIXPLUGIN *mixStruct);
MidiInOut(VSTPluginLib &factory, CSoundFile &sndFile, SNDMIXPLUGIN *mixStruct);
// Translate a VST parameter to an RtMidi device ID
static MidiDevice::ID ParameterToDeviceID(float value)
return static_cast<MidiDevice::ID>(value * static_cast<float>(kMaxDevices)) - 1;
// Translate a RtMidi device ID to a VST parameter
static float DeviceIDToParameter(MidiDevice::ID index)
return static_cast<float>(index + 1) / static_cast<float>(kMaxDevices);
// Destroy the plugin
void Release() final { delete this; }
int32 GetUID() const final { return 'MMID'; }
int32 GetVersion() const final { return 2; }
void Idle() final { }
uint32 GetLatency() const final;
int32 GetNumPrograms() const final { return kNumPrograms; }
int32 GetCurrentProgram() final { return 0; }
void SetCurrentProgram(int32) final { }
PlugParamIndex GetNumParameters() const final { return kNumParams; }
void SetParameter(PlugParamIndex paramindex, PlugParamValue paramvalue) final;
PlugParamValue GetParameter(PlugParamIndex nIndex) final;
// Save parameters for storing them in a module file
void SaveAllParameters() final;
// Restore parameters from module file
void RestoreAllParameters(int32 program) final;
void Process(float *pOutL, float *pOutR, uint32 numFrames) final;
// Render silence and return the highest resulting output level
float RenderSilence(uint32) final{ return 0; }
bool MidiSend(uint32 midiCode) final;
bool MidiSysexSend(mpt::const_byte_span sysex) final;
void HardAllNotesOff() final;
// Modify parameter by given amount. Only needs to be re-implemented if plugin architecture allows this to be performed atomically.
void Resume() final;
void Suspend() final;
// Tell the plugin that there is a discontinuity between the previous and next render call (e.g. aftert jumping around in the module)
void PositionChanged() final;
void Bypass(bool bypass = true) final;
bool IsInstrument() const final { return true; }
bool CanRecieveMidiEvents() final { return true; }
// If false is returned, mixing this plugin can be skipped if its input are currently completely silent.
bool ShouldProcessSilence() final { return true; }
CString GetDefaultEffectName() final { return _T("MIDI Input / Output"); }
CString GetParamName(PlugParamIndex param) final;
CString GetParamLabel(PlugParamIndex) final{ return CString(); }
CString GetParamDisplay(PlugParamIndex param) final;
CString GetCurrentProgramName() final { return m_programName; }
void SetCurrentProgramName(const CString &name) final { m_programName = name; }
CString GetProgramName(int32) final { return m_programName; }
virtual CString GetPluginVendor() { return _T("OpenMPT Project"); }
bool HasEditor() const final { return true; }
CAbstractVstEditor *OpenEditor() final;
int GetNumInputChannels() const final { return 0; }
int GetNumOutputChannels() const final { return 0; }
bool ProgramsAreChunks() const final { return true; }
ChunkData GetChunk(bool isBank) final;
void SetChunk(const ChunkData &chunk, bool isBank) final;
// Open a device for input or output.
void OpenDevice(MidiDevice::ID newDevice, bool asInputDevice);
// Close an active device.
void CloseDevice(MidiDevice &device);
static void InputCallback(double deltatime, std::vector<unsigned char> *message, void *userData) { static_cast<MidiInOut *>(userData)->InputCallback(deltatime, *message); }
void InputCallback(double deltatime, std::vector<unsigned char> &message);
// Calculate the current output timestamp
double GetOutputTimestamp() const;