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2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
* ModInstrument.h
* ---------------
* Purpose: Module Instrument header class and helpers
* Notes : (currently none)
* Authors: OpenMPT Devs
* The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.
#pragma once
#include "openmpt/all/BuildSettings.hpp"
#include "modcommand.h"
#include "tuningbase.h"
#include "Snd_defs.h"
#include "openmpt/base/FlagSet.hpp"
#include "../common/misc_util.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
struct ModChannel;
// Instrument Nodes
struct EnvelopeNode
using tick_t = uint16;
using value_t = uint8;
tick_t tick = 0; // Envelope node position (x axis)
value_t value = 0; // Envelope node value (y axis)
EnvelopeNode() { }
EnvelopeNode(tick_t tick, value_t value) : tick(tick), value(value) { }
bool operator== (const EnvelopeNode &other) const { return tick == other.tick && value == other.value; }
// Instrument Envelopes
struct InstrumentEnvelope : public std::vector<EnvelopeNode>
FlagSet<EnvelopeFlags> dwFlags; // Envelope flags
uint8 nLoopStart = 0; // Loop start node
uint8 nLoopEnd = 0; // Loop end node
uint8 nSustainStart = 0; // Sustain start node
uint8 nSustainEnd = 0; // Sustain end node
uint8 nReleaseNode = ENV_RELEASE_NODE_UNSET; // Release node
// Convert envelope data between various formats.
void Convert(MODTYPE fromType, MODTYPE toType);
// Get envelope value at a given tick. Assumes that the envelope data is in rage [0, rangeIn],
// returns value in range [0, rangeOut].
int32 GetValueFromPosition(int position, int32 rangeOut, int32 rangeIn = ENVELOPE_MAX) const;
// Ensure that ticks are ordered in increasing order and values are within the allowed range.
void Sanitize(uint8 maxValue = ENVELOPE_MAX);
uint32 size() const { return static_cast<uint32>(std::vector<EnvelopeNode>::size()); }
using std::vector<EnvelopeNode>::push_back;
void push_back(EnvelopeNode::tick_t tick, EnvelopeNode::value_t value) { emplace_back(tick, value); }
// Instrument Struct
struct ModInstrument
uint32 nFadeOut = 256; // Instrument fadeout speed
uint32 nGlobalVol = 64; // Global volume (0...64, all sample volumes are multiplied with this - TODO: This is 0...128 in Impulse Tracker)
uint32 nPan = 32 * 4; // Default pan (0...256), if the appropriate flag is set. Sample panning overrides instrument panning.
uint16 nVolRampUp = 0; // Default sample ramping up, 0 = use global default
ResamplingMode resampling = SRCMODE_DEFAULT; // Resampling mode
FlagSet<InstrumentFlags> dwFlags; // Instrument flags
NewNoteAction nNNA = NewNoteAction::NoteCut; // New note action
DuplicateCheckType nDCT = DuplicateCheckType::None; // Duplicate check type (i.e. which condition will trigger the duplicate note action)
DuplicateNoteAction nDNA = DuplicateNoteAction::NoteCut; // Duplicate note action
uint8 nPanSwing = 0; // Random panning factor (0...64)
uint8 nVolSwing = 0; // Random volume factor (0...100)
uint8 nIFC = 0; // Default filter cutoff (0...127). Used if the high bit is set
uint8 nIFR = 0; // Default filter resonance (0...127). Used if the high bit is set
uint8 nCutSwing = 0; // Random cutoff factor (0...64)
uint8 nResSwing = 0; // Random resonance factor (0...64)
FilterMode filterMode = FilterMode::Unchanged; // Default filter mode
int8 nPPS = 0; // Pitch/Pan separation (i.e. how wide the panning spreads, -32...32)
uint8 nPPC = NOTE_MIDDLEC - NOTE_MIN; // Pitch/Pan centre (zero-based)
uint16 wMidiBank = 0; // MIDI Bank (1...16384). 0 = Don't send.
uint8 nMidiProgram = 0; // MIDI Program (1...128). 0 = Don't send.
uint8 nMidiChannel = 0; // MIDI Channel (1...16). 0 = Don't send. 17 = Mapped (Send to tracker channel modulo 16).
uint8 nMidiDrumKey = 0; // Drum set note mapping (currently only used by the .MID loader)
int8 midiPWD = 2; // MIDI Pitch Wheel Depth and CMD_FINETUNE depth in semitones
PLUGINDEX nMixPlug = 0; // Plugin assigned to this instrument (0 = no plugin, 1 = first plugin)
PlugVelocityHandling pluginVelocityHandling = PLUGIN_VELOCITYHANDLING_CHANNEL; // How to deal with plugin velocity
PlugVolumeHandling pluginVolumeHandling = PLUGIN_VOLUMEHANDLING_IGNORE; // How to deal with plugin volume
TEMPO pitchToTempoLock; // BPM at which the samples assigned to this instrument loop correctly (0 = unset)
CTuning *pTuning = nullptr; // sample tuning assigned to this instrument
InstrumentEnvelope VolEnv; // Volume envelope data
InstrumentEnvelope PanEnv; // Panning envelope data
InstrumentEnvelope PitchEnv; // Pitch / filter envelope data
std::array<uint8, 128> NoteMap; // Note mapping, e.g. C-5 => D-5
std::array<SAMPLEINDEX, 128> Keyboard; // Sample mapping, e.g. C-5 => Sample 1
mpt::charbuf<MAX_INSTRUMENTNAME> name;
mpt::charbuf<MAX_INSTRUMENTFILENAME> filename;
std::string GetName() const { return name; }
std::string GetFilename() const { return filename; }
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// WHEN adding new members here, ALSO update InstrumentExtensions.cpp
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ModInstrument(SAMPLEINDEX sample = 0);
// Assign all notes to a given sample.
void AssignSample(SAMPLEINDEX sample)
// Reset note mapping (i.e. every note is mapped to itself)
void ResetNoteMap()
std::iota(NoteMap.begin(), NoteMap.end(), static_cast<uint8>(NOTE_MIN));
// If the instrument has a non-default note mapping and can be simplified to use the default note mapping by transposing samples,
// the list of samples that would need to be transposed and the corresponding transpose values are returned - otherwise an empty map.
std::map<SAMPLEINDEX, int8> CanConvertToDefaultNoteMap() const;
// Transpose entire note mapping by given number of semitones
void Transpose(int8 amount);
bool IsCutoffEnabled() const { return (nIFC & 0x80) != 0; }
bool IsResonanceEnabled() const { return (nIFR & 0x80) != 0; }
uint8 GetCutoff() const { return (nIFC & 0x7F); }
uint8 GetResonance() const { return (nIFR & 0x7F); }
void SetCutoff(uint8 cutoff, bool enable) { nIFC = std::min(cutoff, uint8(0x7F)) | (enable ? 0x80 : 0x00); }
void SetResonance(uint8 resonance, bool enable) { nIFR = std::min(resonance, uint8(0x7F)) | (enable ? 0x80 : 0x00); }
bool HasValidMIDIChannel() const { return (nMidiChannel >= 1 && nMidiChannel <= 17); }
uint8 GetMIDIChannel(const ModChannel &channel, CHANNELINDEX chn) const;
void SetTuning(CTuning *pT)
pTuning = pT;
// Get a reference to a specific envelope of this instrument
const InstrumentEnvelope &GetEnvelope(EnvelopeType envType) const
return VolEnv;
return PanEnv;
return PitchEnv;
InstrumentEnvelope &GetEnvelope(EnvelopeType envType)
return const_cast<InstrumentEnvelope &>(static_cast<const ModInstrument &>(*this).GetEnvelope(envType));
// Get a set of all samples referenced by this instrument
std::set<SAMPLEINDEX> GetSamples() const;
// Write sample references into a bool vector. If a sample is referenced by this instrument, true is written.
// The caller has to initialize the vector.
void GetSamples(std::vector<bool> &referencedSamples) const;
// Translate instrument properties between two given formats.
void Convert(MODTYPE fromType, MODTYPE toType);
// Sanitize all instrument data.
void Sanitize(MODTYPE modType);