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2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
// pldir.mi
// standard handles for PlEdit manipulation
extern class @{345BEEBC-0229-4921-90BE-6CB6A49A79D9}@ Object _predecl &PlEdit; // Our Winamp Playlist Editor
extern class @{61A7ABAD-7D79-41f6-B1D0-E1808603A4F4}@ Object _predecl PlDir; // <PlEditDirectory/>
// PlEdit CLASS
PlEdit Class.
@short Our main PlEdit Editor.
@author Nullsoft Inc.
@ver 1.0
// General PlEdit Information
extern int PlEdit.getNumTracks (); // Returns total number of tracks
extern int PlEdit.getCurrentIndex (); // Index of the currently Playing Item
extern int PlEdit.getNumSelectedTracks ();
extern int PlEdit.getNextSelectedTrack (int i);
// Manipulate PlEdit View
extern PlEdit.showCurrentlyPlayingTrack (); // Scrolls the PL to the currently playling item (mostly used with onKeyDown: space)
extern PlEdit.showTrack (int item);
// Manipulate PlEdit Entries
extern PlEdit.enqueueFile (string file); // Enqueues a file at the end of the PL
extern PlEdit.clear ();
extern PlEdit.removeTrack (int item); // Removes a specific Track from PL
extern PlEdit.swapTracks (int item1, int item2); // Changes the position of item1 and item2
extern PlEdit.moveUp (int item); // Moves item one position up
extern PlEdit.moveDown (int item); // Moves item one position down
extern PlEdit.moveTo (int item, int pos); // Moves an item to a new position in our PlEdit (this one is faster as calling multiple swaps in maki)
extern PlEdit.playTrack (int item);
// Metadata Stuff
extern int PlEdit.getRating (int item);
extern PlEdit.setRating (int item, int rating); // Sets Rating of track #item to a value from 0-5
extern String PlEdit.getTitle (int item);
extern String PlEdit.getLength (int item);
extern String PlEdit.getMetaData (int item, String metadatastring); // You know the metadata strings, don't you?
extern String PlEdit.getFileName (int item);
You need to instanciate a PlEdit object first. so basically it goes like this:
Global PlEdit PeListener;
System.onScriptLoaded ()
PeListener = new PlEdit;
PeListener.onPleditModified ()
// Do some crazy stuff
extern PlEdit.onPleditModified ();
// PlDir CLASS
PlDir Class.
@short Handles for the <PlEditDirectory/> XML object and ML PlEdits view.
@author Nullsoft Inc.
@ver 1.0
// General PlEdits Information
extern int PlDir.getNumItems (); // Returns total number of stored PlEdits in your ml
extern String PlDir.getItemName (int item);
// Manipulate PlDir View
extern PlDir.showCurrentlyPlayingEntry (); // Backwards Compatibility (wa3 relict), does the same as PlEdit.showCurrentlyPlayingTrack ()
extern PlDir.refresh(); // Not working 100% on ml lists
// Manipulate PlDir Entries
extern PlDir.renameItem (int item, String name);
// Playback funtions
extern PlDir.enqueueItem (int item);
extern PlDir.playItem (int item);