
221 lines
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2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
#ifndef _NSVENCODE_H_
#define _NSVENCODE_H_
#include "../jnetlib/jnetlib.h"
#include "nsvlib.h"
#include "enc_if.h"
#include <stdio.h>
class nsv_Encoder
static void freeCoders(); // call this before quitting if you used any nsvencoders
static void loadCoders();
static HWND configAudio(unsigned int audfmt, HWND hwndParent, char *configfile);
static HWND configVideo(unsigned int vidfmt, HWND hwndParent, char *configfile);
static int enumAudio(int *state, char *name, unsigned int *fmt);
static int enumVideo(int *state, char *name, unsigned int *fmt);
char *getError() { return m_err; } // NULL on no error
// compressor configuration (do not call these after calling openOutput())
void setVideo(unsigned int vfmt, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, double frt,
unsigned int srcfmt=NSV_MAKETYPE('R','G','B','A'),
char *configfile=NULL);
void setAudio(unsigned int afmt, int srate, int nch, int bps,
unsigned int srcfmt=NSV_MAKETYPE('P','C','M',' '),
char *configfile=NULL);
// stream configuration (do not call these after calling openOutput())
void setMaxAudioSendAhead(int offs) { m_audio_ahead_of_video=offs; }
void setSyncFrameInterval(int minimum=0, int maximum=120) { m_max_syncframe_dist=maximum; m_min_syncframe_dist=minimum; }
// setting one of these will enable file header writing on files
// do NOT call these after calling openOutput(),
int addHdrMetaData(char *name, char *data, int data_len); // returns nonzero on error
int setHdrMetaData(char *data, int data_len); // nonzero on error
void setHdrTOCSize(int tocsize);
void forceHdrWrite() { m_usefilehdr=1; } // use if you dont want meta or toc, but want a basic header
// output (call only once, do not close and reopen (yet))
void openOutput(char *url); // call getError to check for error
void closeOutput();
// encode (call only after openoutput())
void addAudioData(void *data, int data_len);
int needAudioData(); // returns 1 if more audio data would be nice for sync, 2 if there is no audio data in buffer
// for audio only, use compressor type NONE and call this with NULL
void addVideoFrame(void *frame);
// calling this will put the aux data in the same frame as the NEXT addVideoFrame()
void addAuxData(unsigned int fmt, void *data, int data_len);
// setting audio eof will let the audio compressor know that it is the end of stream
// so that it can flush (via passing an empty frame to it)
void set_audioEof(int eof) { m_audio_eof=!!eof; }
int get_audioEof() { return m_audio_eof; }
// stats
unsigned int getCurrentBitrate()
if (m_video_position_frames)
return (unsigned int) ((double) m_bitstreambytesout / ((double) m_video_position_frames / m_framerate) * 8.0);
return 0;
char *m_err;
int m_usefilehdr;
unsigned int m_tocsize;
int m_audio_channels;
int m_audio_samplerate;
int m_audio_bits;
unsigned int m_audio_srcfmt;
unsigned int m_audio_coder;
char *m_audio_configfile;
double m_framerate;
unsigned int m_w, m_h;
unsigned int m_video_coder;
unsigned int m_video_srcfmt;
char *m_video_configfile;
int m_audio_ahead_of_video;
int m_max_syncframe_dist,m_min_syncframe_dist;
nsv_fileHeader m_filehdr;
FILE *m_outfile;
JNL_Connection *m_outcon;
int m_is_uvox; // for m_outco
char *m_outcon_host,*m_outcon_headers;
int m_outcon_port;
unsigned int m_outcon_last_connect_time;
nsv_Packeter m_packeter;
nsv_InBS m_outconbs;
__int64 m_bitstreambytesout;
AudioCoder *m_audcoder;
VideoCoder *m_vidcoder;
__int64 m_audio_position_bytes;
__int64 m_video_position_frames;
char m_vidobuf[NSV_MAX_VIDEO_LEN];
char m_audobuf[NSV_MAX_AUDIO_LEN];
nsv_InBS m_audibuf;
unsigned int m_total_frames;
nsv_GrowBuf m_tocEntries;
int m_frames_since_last_sync_frame;
int m_audio_eof;
void send_uvoxmessage(int msgclass, int msgtype, void *msg, int msglen);
static VideoCoder *init_video(int w, int h, double frt, unsigned int pixt, unsigned int *outt, char *configfile);
static AudioCoder *init_audio(int nch, int srate, int bps, unsigned int srct, unsigned int *outt, char *configfile);
static int Coders_loaded;
static HINSTANCE g_Coders[256];
static int g_numCoders;
static char g_dll_dir[MAX_PATH];
static BOOL CALLBACK PcmProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
class nsv_EncoderConfigFile
nsv_EncoderConfigFile(char *filename=NULL)
m_crop_l=0; // ##
m_crop_r=0; // ##
m_crop_t=0; // ##
m_crop_b=0; // ##
~nsv_EncoderConfigFile(); //ak 7-23-03 moved so breakpoint can be set
unsigned int getVidFmt() { return m_vidfmt; }
unsigned int getAudFmt() { return m_audfmt; }
void setVidFmt(unsigned int fmt) { m_vidfmt=fmt; }
void setAudFmt(unsigned int fmt) { m_audfmt=fmt; }
char *getFilename() { return m_filename; }
void setFilename(char *filename)
if (filename)
else m_filename=0;
int getMinSyncFrameInt() { return m_minsync; }
void setMinSyncFrameInt(int minint) { m_minsync=minint; }
int getMaxSyncFrameInt() { return m_maxsync; }
void setMaxSyncFrameInt(int maxint) { m_maxsync=maxint; }
int getAudioSendAhead() { return m_audiosendahead; }
void setAudioSendAhead(int sa) { m_audiosendahead=sa; }
char *hdrGetMetadata() { return m_metadata; }
int hdrGetDoWrite() { return m_hdrwrite; }
int hdrSetDoWrite(int dw) { m_hdrwrite=!!dw; }
int hdrGetTOCSize() { return m_hdrtoc; }
int hdrSetTOCSize(int ts) { m_hdrtoc=ts; }
int ConfigUI(HINSTANCE hInstance, HWND hwndParent);
void FlushOut();
void ReadIn();
static BOOL CALLBACK _dialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
BOOL dialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
HWND audio_hwnd, video_hwnd;
void initConfigChildWindows(HWND hwndDlg, int flags);
char *m_filename;
unsigned int m_audfmt,m_vidfmt;
int m_minsync, m_maxsync;
int m_audiosendahead;
int m_hdrwrite;
int m_hdrtoc;
char *m_metadata;
int m_crop_l; // ##
int m_crop_r; // ##
int m_crop_t; // ##
int m_crop_b; // ##