; The text to prompt the user to enter a directory
DirText "Please select your Winamp path below (you will be able to proceed when Winamp is detected):"
# currently doesn't work - DirShow hide
; Request application privileges for Windows Vista+
RequestExecutionLevel admin
; Set the compressor (get installer as small as possible)
SetCompressor /SOLID lzma
; Set the install types available
InstType "Full Install"
InstType "Base Install"
; global variables
Var GetInstalledSize.total
;Interface Settings
!define MUI_ICON "modern-install.ico"
!define MUI_UNICON "modern-install.ico"
!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "This wizard will guide you through the installation of the ${NAME}.$\n$\nIt is recommended that you close all instances of Winamp before starting Setup. This will make it possible to install relevant files within your Winamp installation without issues.$\n$\nClick Next to continue."
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_TEXT "${NAME} has been installed.$\n$\nTo enable the plug-in if it is not your current DSP plug-in, goto Winamp Preferences -> Plug-ins -> DSP/Effect and select the '${NAME}' entry.$\n$\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
!define MUI_UNWELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "This wizard will guide you through the uninstallation of the ${NAME}.$\n$\nBefore starting the uninstalltion, make sure Winamp and the ${NAME} are not running.$\n$\nClick Next to continue."
!define MUI_UNFINISHPAGE_TEXT "${NAME} has been uninstalled from your Winamp install.$\n$\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" ;first language is the default language
;Reserve Files
;If you are using solid compression, files that are required before
;the actual installation should be stored first in the data block,
;because this will make your installer start faster.
Section "Shoutcast Source DSP" Core
SectionIn 1 2 RO
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Plugins"
File "dsp_sc.dll"
; look for lamedll.dll and remove as we now use lame_enc.dll
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Core} "The ${NAME} file.$\n$\n(This is always required)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Docs} "This will be put in 'Plugins\Shoutcast Source DSP' in the selected destination.$\n$\nThese will show you the features available in the plug-in as well as how to make it connect with the Shoutcast 2 tools."
; Delete "$INSTDIR\Microsoft.VC142.CRT\*.dll" ; not wise, because then Winamp won't run on Win7-Win8.1 - - - why did this line exist for the VC90 Runtime?
Function .onInit
;Detect running Winamp instances and close them
!define WINAMP_FILE_EXIT 40001
FindWindow $R0 "Winamp v1.x"
IntCmp $R0 0 ok
MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Please close all instances of Winamp before installing$\n${NAME}.$\n$\nAttempt to close Winamp now?" IDYES checkagain IDNO no
; only issue is that the strings won't be localised as i see the installer in the zip supports it
Function CheckWinampVersion
${GetFileVersion} "$INSTDIR\winamp.exe" $R0 ; Get Winamp.exe version information, $R0 = Actual Version
${if} $R0 != "" ; check if Version info is not empty
${VersionCompare} $R0 ${MINIMAL_VERSION} $R1 ; $R1 = Result $R1=0 Versions are equal, $R1=1 Version1 is newer, $R1=2 Version2 is newer
${if} $R1 == "2"
MessageBox MB_OK "Warning: This plug-in requires at least Winamp v${MINIMAL_VERSION} or higher.$\nThe detected version of your Winamp install is: $R0$\n$\nThe Shoutcast Source plug-in may not function correctly with the$\n version of winamp detected.Please update your Winamp client!!$\n"
MessageBox MB_OK "Warning: A valid Winamp install was not detected in the specified path.$\n$\nPlease check the Winamp directory and either install the latest version$\nfrom Winamp.com or choose another directory with a valid Winamp install$\nbefore you can install the Shoutcast Source on your machine."
; Return on top of stack the total size of the selected (installed) sections, formated as DWORD